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  Idols part 1

Last Sunday, at our fellowship, Bro. Madison brought forth the teaching. He had titled it, Images, Idols and Interruptions. We didn't go in depth about the idols and images, and I'd like to delve a little deeper on the subject.

We've always thought of "idols" as something we like that maybe we shouldn't or mayber we liked them too much. But, What Father is shaking our heavens about now, is the idols that are within us. This first part may be a little rambling, but we'll get into it all eventually, in this study.

We've always been told that when Jesus was crucified, and then was in the tomb for 3 days, that those 3 days are the number of days that He was in the pit of hell, taking the keys from Satan. Now, there's no doubt that Jesus DID take the keys from Satan. But, I think that this is another incorrect teaching that we've been given. Why? Because of what Mt 27:51-53 tells us.

Mt. 27:51-53, "And, behold the veil of the temple was rent in twain form the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many."

One thing we need to realize about this scripture is that NOT ALL AROSE AND WENT INTO THE HOLY CITY! It says, "MANY bodies of the saints who slept arose" and went into the holy city". Slept, this means that these saints had died. They had been overpowered by death, because at that time death had not been defeated .

Another thing we need to realize is that there's something deeper, here, that we are being told. We know, today, that we are the Holy City, Jerusalem. And we are told in Hebrews about those who have passed on.

Hebrews 11:40, " God having provided, or foreseen some better thing for us, that THEY WITHOUT US SHOULD NOT BE MADE PERFECT."

We, who ARE Holy Jerusalem, have to complete Father's Plan, laid down before the foundation of the world, before those who have passed on can be made complete!

THEN, they walk into the Holy City. They are in Father's Kingdom, but, they haven't walked into His Holy City. But, they will. Hallelujah!!

Now, another thing we have to look at is the "timing" of Jesus taking those keys. It could not have taken Him 3 whole days to take the keys.

Mt 27:50-51, "Jesus, when He had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And BEHOLD, THE VEIL OF THE TEMPLE WAS RENT IN TWAIN....."

At the moment that the veil of the temple was rent, is the time that Jesus got the keys!! It didn't take Him 3 whole days. There is something else here that we are to see, a hidden truth. And Father has told us that the Comforter will teach of ALL THINGS. Death and hell had been defeated at the very moment that Jesus gave up the ghost and the veil was rent! The problem is, we weren't taught this in our young Christian days. So, everyone just kept on dieing. To this very day, the problem of not knowing or not accepting this truth is still high among Father's people.

We have seen Jesus, as some meek, demure, easy going man. But, look at that scripture again. "he cried out WITH A LOUD VOICE..." You know, I believe that Jesus went storming into hell with a ROAR!! I can picture Him, screaming, shouting, "Wake up! Wake up". Just as Father is doing with us today!! He's been shouting, trying to arouse us to His truth, "WAKE UP, YOU have the keys to the Kingdom, NOW!"

But, as it was back then, so is it today!!! "Many arose and walked into the Holy City". BUT NOT ALL!! There are those STILL laying in the dirt of the carnal, waiting for Father to do something that He's already done. Are they Father's? They sure are. But, like those in Hebrews 11, they will go on into death, and cross over and wait some more, because "they without us cannot be made complete.". ( I will say this again, so that no one says I'm going by MAN'S power, the US, are those who KNOW who they are and know what they are, ONE with Father, His VERY substance and being.) No, no, it is MAN who stayed in the graves, it was those who caught a glimse of who they were, that arose from the dust of death. It's the same today. People love Father, but, they just HAVE TO SEE something in the natural to believe what is really happening. It's those who say, "how dare you say that you are equal with God?". Another Re-happening, if you think about it!

The Kingdom is within us, because Father is the life in this body. The KEY to that Kingdom manifesting, on earth, is BELIEVING what He says. And listen folks, people THINK, that the Kingdom is going to be SEEN, as a glorious city. It's not, it's a state of being. I can see it, even if someone else can't. Do you understand what I'm saying? The Kingdom IS come, through those who are walking in it. Even if you don't SEE a physical thing, you can see and feel the Kingdom of God when you get around certain people. I know that at some time, you've said, "Oh the anointing is so strong on that person that when he walks into a room, you're just DRAWN to him." Folks, that's the Kingdom of God coming forth from within that person, it's Father manifesting through that person. Don't let false pride and false doctrine stop you from walking into that Kingdom, and from that Kingdom coming forth through you, that when folks see you, they've seen Father.

Father seems to be speaking , a lot today, about IDOLS, IMAGES etc. We've made images of what we believe , they have become idols. Let me tell you something. We were ordained to go through the old doctrines. But, we were not ordained to stay in them. Read Hebrews 2:1-3. We are ordained to get the foundation, but, we are to keep right on walking, UNTIL we have walked into His Kingdom, and the foundational doctrine will not get us there!! Don't ask for proof, when He tells you something. BELIEVE HIM!! Don't tempt Him to raise the dead, through you, because you're not SEEING it happen. You don't know how many have been raised from the dead, because Father spoke a word through you, and you didn't even know it!! You MUST KNOW AND BELIEVE who you are!! That is a MUST!! Number one, it's not up to "you or man" to raise the dead, it's up to Father, HE did through Jesus, and He must do it through us, but, we've got to know we're One with Him, for Him to do and do it to and when HE WANTS IT DONE. It's not a matter of PROVING anything. This is a hard one, but, if you're ashamed to say, "Yes, I am One with God, yes I AM His VERY being and substance, then YOU ARE ASHAMED OF HIM !! And you've made an idol out of your belief!! Sorry, folks but that's the Truth. He tells us, "As I AM, so are you" and you can all the if's ands or buts, that you want to, it does not change the truth of what He is saying. He doesn,t say, "You WILL BE as I am", He says you ARE!! I'll tell you, Father is bringing out images and idols out in the open to be dealt with, and either we deal with them or we don't. "Work out your OWN salvation.!"

Another thing about Matthew 27. Did the scripture say that the earth quaked? Well, that's what's happening now. The quaking is all the idols that are toppling! One thing that I've been noticing, is that folks can ONLY WALK where they SEE (undrstand) . If we see in the natural then that's where we are going to walk. If we SEE in the Spirit of Truth, then, that's where we're going to walk. When one doesn't see in the Spirit, and someone tells them a truth, that is Spiritual, they ask "Where in the world does she get this stuff?" Well, I'll tell you, it isn't gotten from the world. And once Father shows you a Spiritual Truth, no one can bring you down, from that truth. But, until Father gives you revelation of what He has shown me, then what I tell you is second hand knowledge to you.

I've heard a lot of people say, "well, you can't receive a truth, until Father gives it to you. And that is true. BUT, I know of many that Father has given a truth to, but they reject it, because their teacher or cronies don't agree with it. So, Father DID and HAS and IS giving truths that are being rejected for reasons of the person that He's given it too. Well, we have a part to play in the Plan that Father laid. Yes, WE do. And if we don't play our part, then He moves on to someone who will accept the responsibily that He has laid on us.

Just as Moses, and the PROMISED land. He got the revelation, but, instead of just believing and following directions from Father, he stubbornly did what HE THOUGHT was the way to do things,. He didn't enter into the promised land. And what did God do? He moved right on to Joshua. That "hitting" the rock more than once , was Moses' idol. And it cost him dearly. Moses was loved by God and loved God. But, when he did not follow directions, he was left behind. It's the same today. We've been taught that we're sinners; we're worthless; we can do nothing. Even Jesus said, "I can do nothing of my own". "Man can do nothing". But, if you hunt up these words that He spoke, you'll find that those words were spoken BEFORE HIS DEATH! Afther His sacrifice, EVERYTHING CHANGED. We received all that God is!! We became one and the same with Him. He laid His Head on His Body, and they cannot be separated!! Hallelujah!!

Idols can kill. And Father is revealing the idols that each of us have, and either they will be gotten rid of, or they will cause death.

to be continued.


It is understandable for a child to be afraid of the dark; but, why would and adult be afraid of the LIGHT?


It is understandable for a child to be afraid of the dark; but, why would and adult be afraid of the LIGHT?