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WOW!!!  DVD   Because ”I AM“ I CAN

by Paul Esch


Powerful 35 Min.


Paul’s DVD will transform your life and cause you to move forward and upward into your greater health, wealth and greater good.


Now available


True permanent healing comes to the one who has a change in attitude, in outlook, who has peace in mind and an inner joy.


 Thoughts and feelings always come before the event. You create your own outer circumstances or conditions. So when thoughts blend with feelings then thoughts become a living vibration, which attract the event. Whatever thoughts and feelings that you charge your emotions with, is what you are drawing into your life. Everything in the outer activity has a certain vibration or a musical tone, e.g. your home, your job, your friends or even your car, and is a reflection of what is going on in your own  emotions. If you can tune into that musical tone or into the joy that corresponds to your desire and maintain that musical tone, it will have to appear in your  environment. That is the law of the universe.


The thing to do is to choose the kind of life that you would like to live, no matter how glorious it  might be, you can have  it by constantly singing that musical tone or to maintain the feelings of joy. You will experience that, and the stronger your joy is, the faster your desires will be manifested. According to what Jesus said: "When you ask for something, believe  that you already have it, than you will have it." In other words, put on the emotional feeling as if it is already in your space,  in your environment. Another phrase says: "Saying things that are not as if they were" The new age statement is: "Fake it, until you make it." An example would be: "Oh, thank you God, for the brand new red Car, that is already in my garage. Thank you God for the feelings, that it is already here."


DVD and Guided meditation and Music CD available for Love Gift