Paul Esch



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    Paul Esch was born in Lebanon, Pennsylvania and raised in a town called Ephrata. His parents were Mennonites. At the age of eight, His Family changed from the Mennonite Church to a Charismatic type Pentecostal church. At that church they did laying on of hands and healing. 

    When Paul was nine years old, he had an experience during church service when he felt the Presence of the light energy flowing from the heart of Jesus Christ into his own body. He cannot describe it human words, the power, the glory and the love is an experience within himself. In fact, the people who have never met Jesus cannot comprehend this. If anyone could feel the peace of His Presence they would forever be in awe.

    When Paul was eighteen, a healing evangelist came to his church and prayed for healing of people’s teeth. He would line people up, touch them on their mouth and cheeks and say, “In the name of Jesus, be made whole.” He went through the line quickly and after he prayed for everyone, he would get out his flashlight and check their teeth. Some people had cavities filled with a white substance, crooked teeth straightened, or fillings turned to gold. His name was Willard Fuller. During this Paul had another spiritual experience of feeling the presence of Christ at that time. 

 Paul had traveled with Willard Fuller for several months. After this he went out and conducted his own dental healing meetings and other healing also, by laying on of hands and prayer. 

    After conducting his own meetings and so forth, he got involved with prevention of illness. He  realized that prevention was better than cures because, if people would only take care of themselves, they would not need healing later. Paul got into homeopathic, herbal medicine, German acupuncture, nutrients, and machines that help to maintain health in the body. We know that using microcurrent in the body will even take care of any imbalance and certain essential oils will bring mankind back into perfect health. You’ve heard the statement, “there are no such things as incurable diseases, just only incurable people.”

    Paul had realize the human body is the mirror of the mind and the emotions. Anything going on inside oneself is the reflection of the environment outside oneself. When things are out of balance you have to go within to see what is upside down and correct it. When the inner feelings and emotions are in balance, the outer environment will balance. 

    Great men of the past, like Enoch, Moses, Elisha, Buddha, Krishna, they all had their days. One thing that has not been clear to mankind is what Jesus has done for humanity. He took on their illnesses, diseases, distress and burdens. He said “Come unto me or call upon me and I will give you peace. Not as the world gives it, but my peace I give unto you”.  Jesus already has paid the supreme price, paid the karmic debt for mankind. Paid for our illnesses and diseases. To really walk in it and have it a part of your life, you have to claim it. If you do not know what is in your contract with Jesus you could still be dealing with your sickness and illness. Once you realize that has all been taken care of, you can walk in the light of perfection. 

    Paul has an experimental shop and is doing a lot of research in microcurrent therapy, multiwave oscillators, frequency generators, static field devices, and biofeedback devices for measuring soul energies. He has worked with a lot of therapists in this country and other countries.

    Since 1968 in the dental healing field he never had any documentation on the healings. He went to Virginia Beach and conducted a sing-a-long dental healing meeting. A lady walked up to him and said, “I saw you in Texas ten years ago and I got this Gold tooth. He again looked at it and said, “What about this other gold crown over here? She said, “I only had this one gold.” Now she had two of them. So that night she received another one in Virginia. She received a gold crown in Texas and another in Virginia. But Paul never had anyone go to the dentist and have them documented. Jesus never documented his healing work so Paul didn’t either. Now in other countries they are wanting proof of documentation before and after miracles. Paul have seen thousands of people who had silver amalgams turn into what looks like gold. It has a bright shiny inlay that was not there before. There again, he never asked them to go to a dentist and get documentation. He did have dentists come into the meeting and check people’s teeth before he had the sing-a-long. Even some of the dentists got some gold fillings, but they would not put it down on paper because they feared losing their practice. So far, Paul has gotten some letters of testimony but no actual documentation.

    That may be in the future, God willing, but Paul don’t think we should have to prove God.  God knows what happens. Other people have had it happen to them and they know. 

    Paul’s greatest joy is doing presentations on the updated equipment, the advanced electronics for healing. But after doing a presentation with hands on experience and so forth, then Paul like to share with people how to go beyond the equipment.  

    People can do everything inside themselves, like the micro current generators, the multiwave oscillators and the frequency generators and the violet ray tube. People can even get into absentee evaluation and absentee healing. So everything can be accomplished, even more so without the equipment. Now, if you have an office and a clinical atmosphere, then it might be best to have the equipment. But, for home use, Paul has charts and diagrams and information which will be included in he book on how you can do color therapy, sound therapy, vitamins, nutrients, homeopathic, without the instruments and how you can do absentee healing with the herbs and vitamins and nutrients. So that is Paul’s greatest joy is hands on experience with the equipment and then going beyond the equipment. You can do everything inside of yourself. All instruments are a reflection of what you can do inside yourself. Even a telephone is a reflection of what you can do telepathically with each other.

    Multiwave oscillators and frequency generators are within you. You can generate those frequencies for maintaining health within the body. Paul’s book will give you the charts and diagrams for going beyond the equipment. 

    Paul is a musician, a minister, an inventor and teaches people how to heal themselves physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. He like to share with and teach people to energize into motion for themselves. It is way of life for him. When Paul was sixteen the inner voice said that it was imperative to clothe yourself in light and weave a cocoon of light around yourself. Not only for himself but for everyone. The light energy is getting more intense on the planet and those hidden, negative and deep-seated emotions will have to come to the surface, face the light and be transformed. That is a daily process and has to be worked with constantly, demanding the soul to come forth and help deal with this and face those emotions. That the God-power within (The Great I AM) should have mastery over the thoughts, feelings and actions. What came to Paul when he was sixteen was something like this, the inspiration that flowed through him. 

    “By and through the magnetic power of the Sacred Fire, now flowing through your own heart chalice and the Immortal Light that never fails to produce perfection within the world of form. Why do I say the world of form, because you know that there is the invisible realm, the formless realm from out of which the world of form was formed. You are not here upon this planet, in the world of form, this earth plane, by chance or by some happenstance, but you have chosen to be here at this time to usher in the greater light on this planet, for the ascension of this planet and the ascension of your own self. You are here to be the master over your own thoughts, feelings, spoken words and actions. You are here to be master over the elements of your surroundings. You are here to take dominion over the earth and every creeping thing upon it. Primarily you are here to immortalize the physical body so you may carry out the greater works of God upon the earth plane.”

    So this immortal light of God is expanding upon the earth, so that you can move into this realm and fulfill Jesus Christ’s prayer when he says, “Father, make them one even as we are one.” I am in you and you are in me and we are in them. This oneness of consciousness, oneness of mind, that we may be as Jesus is in heaven so are we here on this earth. So we are moving into the crystal consciousness of Christ, to be the manifestors on the earth plane. Jesus said, “The works the miracles that I perform, you can do and greater than these you can do, because I go to the Father. By and through the magnetic power of the Sacred Fire that is now ablaze within your own heart chalice and by and through the Immortal Light of God, you can achieve perfection here in this world of form. We are here to be the masters over our environment, over our own thoughts, words and actions. It is through the divine light within. Like Jesus said, “of myself I can do no thing, but it is the Father within (the light energy ”I AM”) that does the work.” So the light energy manifests the miracles. 

The following information is to clear out the negative emotions so we can be the Light of Christ in manifestation.


When you first wake up in the morning, claim your birthright, that divine health is the truth of your physical body. Claim your birthright, that you are the Christ of God in manifestation. Claim that you are a positive person, positive feelings. . As life responds to the universal energy of this whole creation, the substance of life corresponds to what you think, feel and say. That is why we are taught that if you want a certain manifestation in your life, the scripture says, “call things that are not as if they were, saying things that are not as if they were.” Capture the feelings of that thing as if it were already in existence and it will bring it into creation. Jesus said to ask for something as if you had already received it. This is manifestation in essence.

   I saw gold manifest in people’s teeth so many times. I told God I wanted to see it manifest in my hand. So I said, thank you God, that gold is already there. I began to capture the feeling as though the gold was in my hand and envisioned gold coins falling into my hands. I did this for thirty days and suddenly a man in Texas sent me several hundred dollars in gold coins because he felt inspired to do that. I called him on the telephone and asked why he did that. He said he really didn’t know, he just felt inspired to do it. I told him how I had been practicing feeling gold coins in my hands so God worked out the details. This is the law of creation, to capture the feeling of a thing and maintain those feelings and the details will be worked out. This will work on anything, material things, relationships, anything. Just capture the feeling, don’t doubt and it will have to appear in your life. That’s what this book is about, to clear out the emotions so you can ascend into your rightful place.