

"Thou, Lord, IN THE BEGINNING hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the WORK of thy hands. "Heb.1:10. "The Lord our God is righteous in ALL HIS WORKS which HE DOETH.’Dan.9:14. He alone, is "UPHOLDING [bringing forth, bearing, carrying out] ALL THINGS by THE WORD OF HIS POWER.."Heb.1:3.

All HIS WORKS of creation were FOREKNOWN, planned, determined, destined and decreed to come into being, both at the beginning and also during the course of the ages-Jb.28:24. "Known unto God are [and were] ALL HIS WORKS FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE WORLD [ages]"Ac.15:18. In God’s omniscient and prophetic mind, because of His divine omnipotent and providential sovereignty……"ALL HIS WORKS WERE FINISHED [even foreknown & ordained to attain completion] FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD [ages]"Heb.4:3. He who is the "ALPHA AND OMEGA’ (Rev.1:8,17) is well able to declare ‘THE END from THE BEGINNING and from ancient times THE THINGS THAT ARE NOT YET DONE, saying MY COUNSEL SHALL STAND, AND I WILL DO ALL MY PLEASURE..."Isa.46:10-11. ‘I WILL WORK AND WHO SHALL HINDER IT?" Isa.43:13. Herein is found the true basis for PREDESTINATION. It is "AS IT HATH PLEASED HIM."1Cor.12:18; Psa.115:3; Dan.4:34,35. GOD HAS SET the members in His body...whom He wants, where He wants, and when He wants. He alone, does bring forth the righteousness of salvation, and He alone has the POWER and the right to fashion His creation AS HE WILL-Isa.45:8,9. ALL that the will of His Soul desires, He is doing-Jb.23:13.

God has created a kingdom, ‘PREPARED...FROM THE FOUNDATION of the world" (Mat.25:34) for His unique creation of mankind, and He has set man over the WORKS OF HIS HANDS-Heb.2:7; Psa.8:6. In the Divine Mind, there also was from the beginning of the ages, a determined, unalterable decreed "PURPOSE OF GOD ACCORDING TO ELECTION (God’s choice, not man’s)...OF HIM [GOD] THAT CALLETH.’Rom.9:11. Him that calls His creation of children not yet born in the earth-Psa.139:13-16. The timing and election of man’s salvation, on a national as well as an individual basis-has been ‘PREDESTINED’ of God. Strong’s Concordance defines the word predestinate as meaning "to limit in advance, predetermine, determine before, ordain." Young’s says, "to mark off first or beforehand."

We, as a part of the first called out ones of the general assembly, the church, the "FIRSTFRUITS of His creatures" (Jas.1:18), "have obtained [by His choice in election only-1Ths.1:4] an inheritance [in His heavenly and earthly kingdom] BEING PREDESTINATED ACCORDING TO THE PURPOSE OF HIM WHO WORKETH ALL THINGS AFTER THE COUNSEL OF HIS OWN WILL."Eph.1:11; Jer.1:5. It is said in another way, that ‘HE HATH CHOSEN US IN HIM BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD....having PREDESTINATED US TO THE ADOPTION OF CHILDREN [sons] BY Jesus Christ to Himself, ACCORDING TO THE GOOD PLEASURE OF HIS WILL." Eph.1:4,5; Prv.8:22-31; Ac.10:41; 22:14.

It is abundantly clear that we were purposed and destined "to the praise of the glory of HIS GRACE, wherein HE HATH MADE US ACCEPTED in the Beloved" (Eph.1:6), even in Him whom the Father also loved "BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD." Jn.17:24. In Christ, "we had the hope of ETERNAL LIFE WHICH GOD PROMISED BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN."Tit.1:2. Even at that time, we were elected to be redeemed in the earth with the precious blood of Christ, given freely to us as Life giving Spirit by "the Lamb SLAIN FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD" (Rev.13:8) and is now made manifest in these last times for us (1Ptr.1:20; Tit.1:2; 2Tim.1:10) "whom HE HATH CALLED" AND "AFORE PREPARED."Rom.9:23, 24.

It is clearly evident that according to "hidden wisdom which GOD ORDAINED BEFORE THE WORLD UNTO OUR GLORY " (1Cor.2:7), "GOD HAS FROM THE BEGINNING CHOSEN US [individually and in His preordained order of time] TO SALVATION."2Ths.2:13. Even now as spiritual Israel, the Lord doth say, "Ye are my witnesses...and my servant WHOM I HAVE CHOSEN: that ye may know and believe me..."Isa.43:10; 44:1,2. Now, as "born from above" Christians, "we are HIS WORKMANSHIP [even in all aspects and manner of creation] created IN CHRIST unto good works WHICH GOD HATH [also] FOREORDAINED."Eph.2:10; Isa.49:1,5.

Believe it or not, God has graciously and marvelously, apart from our carnal will, "SAVED US AND CALLED US [in the earth] with A HOLY CALLING, NOT ACCORDING TO OUR WORKS BUT ACCORDING TO HIS OWN PURPOSE AND GRACE which was GIVEN US IN CHRIST JESUS BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN."2Tim.1:9; Gal.1:15,16. We have been freely given and allotted this merciful grace which is "made nigh by the blood of Christ" (Eph.2:13), first legally and latter experientially--for the major glorious purpose of being conformed to His image. "FOR WHOM HE DID FOREKNOW, HE ALSO DID PREDESTINATE to be conformed to the image of His Son."Rom.8:28,29. "Even so then AT THIS PRESENT TIME ALSO THERE IS A REMNANT [of believing Jews and Gentiles SAVED out of the unbelieving nations] ACCORDING TO THE ELECTION [GOD’S CHOICE, SELECTION] OF GRACE....THE ELECTION HATH OBTAINED IT, and the rest were blinded.....GOD HATH GIVEN THEM the spirit of slumber..."Rom.11:5-8. Yet it remains of a great truth that "GOD HATH [originally] CONCLUDED THEM ALL IN UNBELIEF, that He might have MERCY UPON ALL."Rom.11:32. As the "ELECT ACCORDING TO THE FOREKNOWLEDGE OF GOD the Father (1Ptr.1:2; Rom.8:33; Mat.24:22,31), God has made it evident through His quickened WORD that we "NOW have OBTAINED mercy."1Ptr.2:10. The CHOICE WAS entirely HIS-Jn.6:37,44; 15:16,19; Rom.1:24. "For He saith....I WILL HAVE MERCY ON WHOM I WILL HAVE MERCY AND I WILL HAVE COMPASSION ON WHOM I WILL HAVE COMPASSION."Rom.9:15.

We as Christians, have become "A CHOSEN GENERATION       CALLED OUT of darkness into His marvelous light (1Ptr.2:9)...just as Israel of old being also His chosen people which he FOREKNEW (Rom.11:2), were "to be a peculiar people unto Himself" above all nations and peoples which were at that time on the earth-Deut.14:2. So it is clear beloved ones, how "God hath FROM THE BEGINNING CHOSEN YOU TO SALVATION...HE CALLED YOU BY OUR GOSPEL TO THE OBTAINING [even the actual receiving] OF THE GLORY of our Lord Jesus Christ."2Ths.2:13,14. Ye are "CHOSEN OF GOD and precious."1Ptr.2:4; Mk.3:12;13. The Lord saith, "This people HAVE I FORMED FOR MYSELF, they shall shew forth my praise."Isa.43:21.

Now we can more fully understand how that the promise of the Holy Spirit both in salvation and in spiritual baptism, is only "unto THEM WHICH ARE CALLED" (1Cor.1:24-28), even unto "AS MANY AS THE LORD OUR GOD SHALL CALL." Ac.2:39; 1Sam.146b. There are, according to God’s FORORDAINED ELECTION, those "SUCH AS SHOULD BE SAVED (Ac.2:47) in the earth, whereby "AS MANY AS WERE ORDAINED TO ETERNAL LIFE BELIEVED."Ac.13:48. These are begotten with the word of truth, having been PREDESTINATED "OF HIS OWN WILL" (Jas.1:18), for they had been born again "not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, NOR OF THE WILL OF MAN, BUT OF GOD."Jn.1:13; 12:32; Rom.1:6,7; 9:16. No one can alter nor resist HIS WILL (Rom.9:19) in order that "THE PURPOSE OF GOD ACCORDING TO ELECTION"..."may be remaining as A CHOICE, NOT OUT OF ACTS, BUT OF HIM WHO IS CALLING" [Conc.Lit. N.T.] Rom.9:11. How wrong tradition is in teaching that personal election and ones eternal destiny is determined by human will and the choice one makes!

In contrast to the "ecclesia" [assembly-called out from the world], the Bible also speaks of those "whose names ARE NOT WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE OF THE LAMB slain from the FOUNDATION of the world."Rev.13:8. Just as the ELECT are of the "APPOINTED’ (Ac.22:10) seed unto life of the ages (Gen.4:25; Isa.44:7), there are also those "SUCH AS ARE APPOINTED TO DESTRUCTION" (Prv.31:8) and this is their "heritage APPOINTED...BY GOD."Jb.20:19; 1Ths.5:9; 2Ptr.2:3. In order that the absolute will and power of God’s providential acts might be made known throughout history, and that He might "make known the riches of HIS GLORY ON THE VESSELS OF MERCY WHICH HE HAD AFORE PREPARED UNTO GLORY" (Rom.9:23), God also mysteriously uses His "VESSELS OF WRATH FITTED TO DESTRUCTION"(Rom.9:22), "whereunto ALSO THEY WERE APPOINTED." 1Ptr.2:8. Evil men unknowingly are unobliging yet useful servants to fulfill Gods FOREORDAINED plans-Ac.1:16; 4:27,28; 2Tim.2:26; Jn.13:2; 6:70; Gal.4:23; Rev.17:17.

To Fulfill His Will

God’s secret ways and dealings are much higher in all aspects and realms of operation than man’s ways-Isa.55:9. Beloved, "HATH NOT THE POTTER POWER OVER THE CLAY OF THE SAME LUMP TO MAKE ONE VESSEL UNTO HONOUR, AND ANOTHER UNTO DISHONOUR?"Rom.9:21; Jer.18:2-6. Primarily, Almighty God is the source in blinding man’s eyes and hardening their hearts, employing "the god of this world" (2Cor.4:4) "that they should not know Him. "Lk.24:16,45; Jn.12:40; Jb.12:14; Psa.105:25; Josh.11:20; Ex.4:11; 14:4,17; Deut.2:30 etc. etc. Whether positively or negatively, the word emphatically confirms that none other than "GOD HATH PUT INTO THEIR HEARTS TO FULFILL HIS WILL" (Rev.17:17) until all His divine purposes be fulfilled....in and to His glory. The subsequent workings of God’s will in His "DETERMINATE COUNSEL AND FOREKNOWLEDGE" (Ac.2:23; 4:28) is an absolute assurance of its fulfillment-Eccl.3:11; Psa.135:6. He has assured us proclaiming, "MY COUNSEL SHALL STAND.."Isa.46:10. "THAT THAT IS DETERMINED SHALL BE DONE." Dan.11:36; Isa.55:11; Prv.19:21.

Those "NOT FOUND WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE" (Rev.20:15) were SET FORTH for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal [age abiding] fire."Jude 7. They "were BEFORE OF OLD ORDAINED [Grk. SET FORTH] TO THIS CONDEMNATION" (Jude 4) even as was Judas (Mat.26:2; 23-25; Mk.13:14; Lk.22:22; Jn.13:18), where as others are purposely "ORDAINED TO ETERNAL LIFE." Ac.13:48. Some, such as the disciples, were specially "ORDAINED’ (Mk.3:14; Ac.1:22) when He CALLED "UNTO HIM WHOM HE WOULD." Mk.3:13. God has SET FORTH AND APPOINTED some to be a spectacle unto the world and to angels-1Cor.4:9.

Only the Lord knoweth how to righteously reserve THE UNJUST unto the day of judgment to be justly punished and divinely corrected (2Ptr.2:9), for "these as natural brute beasts, MADE TO BE TAKEN AND DESTROYED, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and they shall utterly perish [continue in ruin] in their own corruption."2Ptr.2:12. Nevertheless, "THE LORD HATH MADE ALL THINGS FOR HIMSELF: Yea, EVEN THE WICKED FOR THE DAY OF EVIL."Prv.16:4. These are "ALL SUCH AS ARE APPOINTED TO DESTRUCTION."Prv.31:8; 1Kgs.20:42; Psa.102:20. Is it not written, "Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated [repudiated, detested]."Rom.9:13.

Is God unfair or unjust in His divine election and judgment?Gen.18:25; Mat.20:15; Rom.9:19,20. It may appear to be so to the carnal mind at present. But howbeit that "the Lord shall execute righteousness and judgment for ALL THAT ARE OPPRESSED?" Psa.103:6. Though we presently may not understand all His higher ways, let us not believe in our carnal minds that "the way of the Lord is not equal (Ezk.33:17-20) when it is actually man’s own ways that are not equal nor just. Rather, let us believe all the word, trusting in God that He knows what He is doing for we can be "sure that the judgment of God is according to truth" (Rom.2:2) and to righteousness-Ac.17:31. "Just and true"are His ways-Rev.15:3; Jb. chptr.34.

"Tho HE CAUSE grief, yet will He have compassion."Lam.3:22. "THOU TURNEST MAN TO DESTRUCTION, and sayest, RETURN YE CHILDREN OF MEN."Psa.90:3; 1Sam.2:6; Jb.5:18; Habk.1:12; Deut.32:39. All the weights and balances in the Lord’s justice are His righteous works-Prv.16:11. "He is the Rock, His work is perfect; for all His ways are judgment: a God of truth [with equity] and without iniquity, just and right is He" (Deut.32:4) in executing all His works from the beginning unto the end. Ultimately, all "Judgment shall return unto righteousness" (Psa.94:5) and shall bring forth total victory and truth (Isa.42:3), where in "shall EVERY MAN have praise OF GOD." 1Cor.4:5. Sehlah!

The basic truths and principles of PREDESTINATION ARE A STRONG AND VISIBLE FOUNDATION supporting the elementary doctrine of "repentance from dead works, and of faith towards God."Heb.6:1. All in HIS ORDER! 1Cor.15:22; Eccl.3:11. In the next chapter, we are going to look closely at the grace which saved us with His faith as its instrument; how that it IN NO WAY came from ourselves--"NOT from ANY ACTION OF OURS or there would be room for pride" [Knox transl.] Eph.2:8,9. ELECTION through the mercy and grace of salvation is as ultimately sure as God’s word itself. The source of MAN’S ELECTION IS GOD’S GRACE ALONE, NOT HUMAN WILL! In the unregenerate state we were entirely incapable of righteous acts-Rom.7:18.

God does more than simply WISH for our salvation. He literally provides it. He ordains it. He ensures it. The working of THE HOLY SPIRIT PROVIDES THE WILL! This is the will and "THE WORK OF GOD" (Jn.6:29), which beginnings, both originated and commenced with Him, before the foundation of the earth. This WORK OF HIS WILL is divinely and sovereignly fused into ones life in the progression of the ages and is sustained by God alone, until the work is completed. He does much more than OFFER man salvation! He ORDERS IT AND APPLIES IT!

God chooses, inspires, and motivates the true church to preach the message of the evangel, and it is God only who exclusively implements through His Spirit, the divine work which CAUSES people to express faith, repentance and conversion. We will look at how initial ELECTION BY GRACE is shown wholly as God’s loving gift WITHOUT ANY FORM OF EARTHY HUMAN WORKS INVOLVED. Contrary to popular belief, election unto salvation is not really unmerited and undeserved {that is a topic for another time] but it is also UNCONDITIONAL! In the grand scheme of things, God’s saving grace in love and forgiveness, is boundless and limitless and far surpasses all our human understanding-Eph.3:19,20. Believe it or not, no one is beyond love’s infinite reach. All of "this is THE LORD’S DOING, and it is marvelous in our eyes." Mat.21:42; Psa.57:2; Prv.20:2; Ac.15:17; I sa.65:1.

"I have manifested thy name unto THE MEN WHICH THOU GAVEST ME


Jn.17:6. "That He should give eternal life to AS MANY AS THOU [FATHER]

HAST GIVEN HIM." Jn.17:2,6;11,12,24; 6:37,44,45.


Jn.14:6; Heb.7:25; Matt.11:27

"..to sit on my right hand, and on my left is not mine to give, but it shall be



    "God at the first did visit the gentiles, TO TAKE OUT OF THEM

    A PEOPLE FOR HIS NAME...that the residue of men might seek after the

    Lord, and all the gentiles upon whom My name is called, saith


    Ac.15:14-17; 28:28


    Dan.4:17, 25, 32


  • Many Christians have been correctly taught to believe that personal salvation is offered to all people, but are erroneously taught that it is entirely up to an individual CHOICE out of one’s own so called FREE WILL whether one will respond to, and actually accept this call of God or not--in order that they might be "saved". I use the term "saved" in the primary and initial sense of its biblical meaning. But does this doctrine of ABSOLUTE FREE WILL encompass the whole truth of salvation and repentance from dead works? On the surface it might seem to suffice but it leaves many problems with regards to the divine immutable decrees of God Almighty. Thank God, that he Himself does not have to in any way depend on man’s limited knowledge of His divine workings in the important life or death matter of human salvation! 1Sam.14:6.

    Because belief in absolute free will is widely popular in Christendom, it in no way makes it correct. We wish here to examine the subject of divine salvation in closer scrutiny, where we will discover under the powerful microscope of God’s rhema word that the human element of SELFWILL AND FREEDOM OF CHOICE has been preached in the past, with an improper perspective to the providence and omnipotence of GOD’S OWN WILL---HIS OWN ABSOLUTE POWER OF CHOICE--Eph.1:11; Jb.23:13; Rom.9:23-26; Isa.59:1; 2Ths.2:13. There is after all, only one will that can be absolute or sovereign in anything or in all things...and that will belongs to God alone.

    If we have an unaided decision to make in order to receive an INITIAL personal salvation---or not to receive it---then the process of our salvation actually becomes wholly relegated to OUR OWN ABILITY, to will, to believe, to choose, to receive, to co-operate, to confess, to respond etc. It first becomes dependent on WHAT WE DO, not what God does. This is not scriptural. Personal salvation has often been depicted as being ever present within our sight and reach, much like a loaf of bread just waiting for us to reach out, grasp, cut, chew and swallow it. We are commonly led to believe that salvation is entirely or partially conditional upon some personal action, some human action which can be made effectual at any time by the will of the natural mind; that we must generate the initiative and make a responsible CHOICE ON OUR OWN---even though the bible states that the hostile mind and heart of man’s fallen nature abides entirely in spiritual death and is in this state, in complete enmity and opposition to God. "It is NOT SUBJECT to the law [of the Spirit of life] of God, NEITHER INDEED CAN BE."Rom.8:6,7. It is said to be captivated by the spirit of the world and by the will of the devil-2Tim.2:26. The biblical fact is, natural man loves the darkness and hates the light-Jn.3:19. The natural man, devoid of light and life, lying in his state of spiritual death (Rom.8:6) cannot of his own receive anything of the Spirit of God-1Cor.2:14.

    We ask, how could any man in this lost state "of the congregation of the dead" (Prv.21:16), suddenly decide IN HIS OWN VOLITION to reconcile himself to God? Not only how could He, but why would he? How could we who were enemies (Rom.5:10) still be able to well co-operate with God of OUR OWN FREE WILL when we were by nature the children of wrath, the children of disobedience, born dead, alienated and separated from God’s holy Spirit WITHOUT HOPE [in ourselves], being blind and without any holiness in this world? Eph.2:12; 2Cor.4:4. What’s more, the Bible says NONE SEEK AFTER HIM-Rom.3:11; Psa.14:1-3.

    Though well meaning Christians will tell you that God does not intervene in human will, especially with regards to initial salvation, this kind of thinking is totally unscriptural and far from the real truth. The biblical fact is---God has constantly throughout history , in countless and diverse ways, influenced and intervened in both the national and personal affairs of all mankind-Gen.12:1-3; Dan.4:34,35; Ac.22:14. For much greater detail on this see our writing entitled..."For Who Hath Resisted His Will?" Scores of scriptures reveal the basic fact that the lord does WHATSOEVER HE PLEASES--Psa.115:3; 135:6; Gen.20:6; Isa.13:12; 24:1; Mat.20:15; Rev.17:17 etc. God has created the darkness. He alone also brings personally to man, the light and peace of His righteous salvation-Isa.45:7,8. When the Lord says, "let there be light.." (Gen.1:3), only then there is light. Not when man says it! His omnipotent Spirit moves [even in the light of salvation] WHERE AND WHEN IT PLEASES--Isa.46:10-13; Jn.3:8. The principle of the fact is--that He initiates creation and then completes it. He is the Potter. We are but clay in His very skillful and capable hands.

    Beloved, this well established falsehood and traditional teaching of the church which advocates free will to its ultimate extent, actually stems from that same carnal mind of man which does continually assert...."I WILL [because I myself CHOOSE TO] BE like the Most High."Isa.14:14. It is nothing more than pride and iniquity of the independent self-willed man that consciously or subconsciously believes that HE HAS CONTROL or responsibility, in and over, his own destiny-2Cor.3:5. In the past, too much emphasis has been placed on THE POWER OF MAN’S OWN WILL, thereby demeaning the ABSOLUTE WILL AND POWER OF OUR ALMIGHTY GOD AND SAVIOUR. Let us give honour and credit to Him whom it is due. Granted, we do have a form of free will to assert our iniquity [although the bible shows even this is limited], but the whole over all biblical revelation reveals we do not have use of this same will power to initiate and ensure our true salvation, WHENEVER, WHEREVER, OR HOWEVER WE PLEASE. "And it shall come to pass...EVERYTHING shall live WHITHER THE RIVER COMETH.."Ezk.47:9.

    Were we given to choose the time, place or way in which we would come forth from our mother’s womb? Isa.46:3. Was Isaac? Gen.17:21; 21:2. Of course not! There is a time appointed for us to be born-Eccl.3:1,2; Jb.7:1. Just as we did not have any power or choice concerning life in our natural birth nor in our natural death (Jb.14:5; Eccl.8:8; Psa.89:48), so it is in our individual spiritual regeneration-Jn.3:6-8; Rom.9:11. Man is born both naturally and spiritually, "NOT of blood, nor of the WILL OF THE FLESH, NOR OF THE WILL OF MAN, BUT OF GOD."Jn.1:13; Jas.1:18. The Spirit asks, "Who hath resisted HIS WILL?" Rom.9:19. Has not the Potter retained forever "power over the clay" to do as He will in all aspects of His own creation? Rom.9:11-28; Eph.1:11.

    According to His word, has not God absolute control to do as He please in both natural and spiritual birth? Isa.45:9; Rom.11:36; 2Cor.5:17,18. Just as Sarah’s womb was dead and barren (Rom.4:19) of any ability to produce new life, so is the mind and soul of man void of ability apart from a divine intervention of God--in bringing forth righteous seed in His appointed time of life-Gen.18:14. Just as the virgin Mary did not actually have any personal choice in the receiving of the holy seed, and in the conception and birthing of this Seed from within her, neither do we! Carnal human will is miraculously "overshadowed", nullified, and made void in the birth process (Lk.1:35; 2:25-30) wherein man’s spirit is divinely infused by the Holy Spirit of God.

    The truth of this whole matter is---that before salvation came upon us personally and consciously in the form of the Spirit of Christ to deliver us from our past sins---our WHOLE MAN was in the eye’s of God, said to be dead as a result of imputed Adamic sin-Rom.5:12. As in likeness to physical death, it was dead---entirely helpless and totally void and apart from the possibility of any personal will power, strength or human ability to bring even the least semblance of the Christ life into itself-Rom.5:5. We were born spiritually "dead in trespass and sin." Eph.2:1. Can a dead man grasp a life line? At this point, we were "yet enemies God", "appointed to wrath", NOT OF OUR OWN WILL OR CHOICE but according to our creative makeup in God’s divine plan of the ages-Rom.8:20; Eccl.1:13; 3:10,11. An unpassable "gulf" separates man and God-Lk.16:26. Only when the Lord by His spirit says, "Drop down, ye heavens from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness; let the earth [even our earthly souls] open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together" (Isa.45:18) will it actually come to pass. In like manner, the veil of death that surrounds the temple of our earthly body must be "rent in twain from the top to the bottom." Mat.27:51. His Spirit comes through into the realm of the flesh at the will of His command, not ours! There is absolutely nothing in ourselves that QUALIFIES for His FAVOR.

    Man, who is "lost" like "sheep gone astray" (Isa.53:6), cannot Of HIMSELF

    find the Shepherd, nor does he find life in His pasture. He cannot even CHOOSE ON HIS OWN to do so. He is locked in the prison house of self and spiritual death-Psa.102:20. Jesus alone has the key of life and He alone can unlock the door of men’s hearts-Rev.1:18; 3:7; Jn.14:6. He now "ever liveth to make intercession" for mankind in every age that they may be enabled to come to the Father "BY HIM." Heb.7:25; Jn.10:9. The unregenerate human heart and mind cannot set in motion, nor in any way procure the necessary working of righteousness and life to effect initial salvation for itself. The Holy Spirit must begin to intercede for us personally to help us in our human infirmities (Rom.8:27), to make known the saving will of God that justifies and redeems us-Rom.8:32-34. This must be imputed on the merits and works of Christ and from Christ alone so as not to be tainted-Heb.chptrs.9 and 10. Grace is in no way CONDITIONAL UPON any acts or works of spiritual dead men.

    It is truly a gracious supernatural work, act, allotment, and inspired expression of God’s Spirit alone, apart from any action or humanly inspired expression of man’s own lifeless spirit, which has the power to save us. No self generated human expression of belief, faith, or repentance from the unregenerate human spirit is worthy, or imputable, without the life-giving quickening Spirit of our faithful Creator and Saviour being the originating active source within it. "It is the [life producing] Spirit [of God only] that quickeneth; the flesh [carnal mind and its fallen nature] profiteth nothing" (Jn.6:63) in the procuring of one’s salvation or subsequent sanctification. It is impossible for the natural man to know the things of God except BY the Spirit of God--and that primarily includes our initial salvation, which supernaturally gives us to hear (Jn.5:25), understand, and accept with joy and thanksgiving the wonderful gift so freely bestowed upon us by God-1Cor.2:10-14. Hence, any personal desire to be saved and o know Christ, really stems not at all from any personal power of ourselves but in fact from the influence of GOD’S sovereign powerful WILL AND GRACE IN ACTION-Ex.19:4; 33:12-19; Eph.2:13; 1Cor.15:22,23. Think no longer beloved, that we at OUR OWN CHOOSING can bring God to us-Rom.10:6.

    The Lord said, "I WILL take you from among the heathen...A new heart also will I give you, and a new Spirit will I put within you; and I will take away the stony hearts out of your flesh...and I will put my Spirit within you, AND CAUSE YOU to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments and do them. "Ezk.36:24-27; 37:5-14; Jer.31:1-4.Deut.30:6. Does this sound conditional upon man? Is this man in control of his own destiny? Men exercise true faith only out of the heart that God has given them to believe-Ac.16:14. The bible declares, only "THE INSPIRATION OF THE ALMIGHTY" (Jb.32:8) does give one an actual desire and knowledge as well as an understanding of personal salvation and it’s all "ACCORDING TO THE ELECTION OF GRACE." Rom.11:6. It’s His election and His grace. He individually "girds" us before we are GIVEN OF HIM to really know him as our Saviour-Isa.45:5. Jesus said, "No man can come unto me, EXCEPT IT WERE GIVEN TO HIM OF MY FATHER." Jn.6:65,37,44; 17:2,6,9,11. To the true ELECT, it is GIVEN unto them to know, hear, understand and receive the kingdom word of salvation, but to others it is not given at the time because God had for His own reasons, not yet prepared their ground to receive-Mat.13:11-23; mk.4; Ac.28:28. Men cannot receive the life of His words "save THEY TO WHOM IT IS GIVEN (Mat.19:11) and likewise, "a man can receive nothing [especially salvation] EXCEPT IT BE [first] GIVEN HIM FROM HEAVEN." Jn.3:27; Jn.17; Psa.18:16,17. In reality, "the heavens do rule." (Dan.4:26), not man! Because of inherent darkness, a man cannot even SEE the kingdom except he first be "born" from above-Jn.3:3; Isa.42:16.

    No Power But Of God

    Truly, "there is NO POWER BUT OF GOD" (Rom.13:1) which can effectively produce, prepare, and accomplish the works necessary for one’s individual salvation-Jn.6:29,63. One receives "the POWER OF GOD UNTO salvation" (Rom.1:16) only "AFTER that the Holy Ghost IS COME upon" him-Ac.1:8. Since salvation is a progressive process, this scripture is true of initial salvation (Rom.8:9; 1Cor.12:13) as well as of the subsequent baptism of the Holy Ghost-Ac.chptrs.2,8,9,10,19. Only God has the power to open spiritually deaf ears to hear, blind eyes to see, and stony hearts to understand, believe and receive salvation, or for that matter, any other workings of His Spirit-Jn.12:40; Ac.22:14; Jer.24:27. The gospel comes to the elect of God, not in word only, "but ALSO IN POWER AND IN THE HOLY GHOST."1Ths.1:8. The power of saving faith and belief only takes effect AFTER hearing and divinely receiving the Spirit of God’s word which is of His life-Rom.10:17; Jn.1:12; Eph.1:13. Paul’s conversion was an outstanding example-(1Tim.1:16) in principle of the workings of the Spirit in all initial conversions. Saul, [the old nature] initiated nothing. WHEN IT PLEASED GOD [not Saul] , HE CALLED him by His grace to reveal the Son in Him-Gal.1:14-16; Ac.22:14. The Lord said he was "a chosen vessel", a vessel of choice unto Himself-Ac.9:15. God chooses that time-Rom.9:9; Gen.18:4.

    God alone makes the CHOICE WHEN we should seek the Lord (Ac.15:17) and when we hear the gospel and believe it-Ac.15:7; 2:47; 1Sam.3:4-10. Jesus told certain ones that they could not possibly understand because they could not hear the truth of His words-Jn.8:43. These simply at that time were not destined to hear and believe His voice-Jn.10:16. Only He that is [manifestly chosen and born of God] hears His words-Jn.8:43; 6:45. They could not, because it was not granted them of God’s saving grace at that time-Jn.8:47; 6:65; 17:6-8; 18:37; Mat.13:23; Eph.1:11-13; Gal.3:2 etc. Only when He willed it, ‘THEN OPENED HE THEIR UNDERSTANDING.." Lk.24:31,45; 1Jn.5:20; Lk.10:21. Jesus had said, "I am [my Spirit is] the door [way to the Father--door to all in the Spirit, in the ark]".Jn.10:9. Unto Christ, the porter [Father, gate keeper] openeth the hearing of the sheep to the voice of their Shepherd (Jn.10:2,3), and He leads them out of darkness into the marvelous light of the knowledge of His salvation-Jn.10:4; Rev.3:20.

    God, in His mysterious timing of grace, hath chose us and "hath MADE US ACCEPTED [not we ourselves] in the beloved." (Eph.1:4,5); not because we were worthy, nor in anyway asked or chose OF OURSELVES, but simply because He from the beginning had sovereignly predestined and chosen us (2Ths.2:13; Jn.15:16,19) to begin to serve in the capacity of His love-Deut.7:7. Herein, IN HIS DUE TIME, NOT OURS, we are called "unto fellowship of...Christ." 1Cor.1:9,24. We became manifest in the earth as "THE ELECT OF GOD." Col.3:12; 1Ptr.1:2. He calls us into receiving His salvation according to what He has purposed (Rom.8:28) and not at all according to that which we ourselves might have done or purposed-2Tim.1:9; Isa.40:13; 43:21. Any HUMAN REQUIREMENTS ARE INVALID.

    Even though God may be ever present around us, we are totally incapable of realizing, accepting and understanding what Christ did for us through His shed blood, until God draws us to acceptance through manifesting and illuminating His predestined purpose in our conscience, divinely giving us revelation and desire of His atoning and saving power-Rom.1:16. His Spirit sovereignly and secretly impregnates and envelopes our spirit, enabling our estranged earthy SELF-WILL to come into voluntary co-operation, conformity and oneness with HIS WILL. He apart from any human help and without coercion, divinely merges our spirit into the beginnings of a co-external unity and consecration with His omnipotent Spirit. Unaided, He sovereignly CAUSES the breath of His life giving Spirit to enter in (Ezk.37:5; Gen.2:7) even as we are graciously given to hear His call saying, "Return ye children of men." Psa.90:3. We willingly assent and surrender, NOT AT ALL BECAUSE WE WILLED IT, but really only because HE WILLED IT AND PREDESTINED IT to bring His salvation to light in the midst of the spiritual void of our alienated minds. It is then that "the Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God." Rom.8:16. Beloved, it was solely the power of God actively working in you to bring unto you the realization of His salvation that is now freely yours also. Unwillingly in a sense, and powerless like a new born infant, we become born into the eternal family of Almighty God-1Cor.12:18; Isa.44:24; Ezk.16:3-6.

    All Things Of God

    It remains of a basic scriptural truth that "ALL THINGS ARE OF GOD" (1Cor.8:6; 2Cor.5:18) in the most primary sense, for "OUT OF [FROM] HIM and THROUGH HIM and TO HIM ARE ALL THINGS." Rom.11:36; Heb.2:10. Specifically, and most assuredly and importantly, this truth concerning all things, applies to, describes, and accompanies, ALL ASPECTS OF OUR PERSONAL SALVATION and every work of our new creation being in Christ. The only necessary and effectual requirements for this are in the form of gracious GIFTS---which God in His divine providence freely places within us. All His saving works, including even the desire and ability to believe on Him, are gratuitously and unconditionally given us by God (Rom.8:32); not to appease Himself, but rather to soothe and conciliate man from his most miserable and helpless condition. Christ became the propitiation [covering, appeasement] for the sins of the WHOLE world (1Jn.2:2), not only for those already called (1Ptr.2:24) but for ALL the unjust also, "that He might bring us [and eventually them also] to God." 1Ptr.3:13; Rom.11:32; Heb.9:15. Christ has a perpetrated commitment to all men! Just as condemnation COMES UPON ALL for no personal reason, so also does justification-Rom.5:18.

    As you study these principles and truths, you may be surprised to find just how high God’s name [His nature, character, image, person] is lifted up in supreme sovereign power and glory, and how insignificant and without profitable consequence is man’s will and choice with respect to obtaining His predestined, ordained time of salvation. As we have seen, the darkened, alienated spiritually death-oriented will of man, apart from the life giving personal will of God having being divinely made manifest in man, is void of true life-bearing or life-giving power. Man is utterly powerless in his own abilities to contact God or know God in any way concerning the matter of personal salvation-Jb.12:14. It is most unscriptural that the confined will of unregenerate man can in any way activate or limit God’s absolute and omnipotent will, but it is everywhere evident that the Lord’s progressive, supreme and unlimited will can certainly activate, dictate, control, override, limit, hinder, change and render ineffective the comparatively impotent will of man in countless ways-Eph.1:11; Prv.16:9; 21:1; Rom.chptr.9; Lk.1:20 etc. God’s will is ultimately infallible and irresistible-Psa.110:3. See our writing "For Who Hath Resisted His Will?" for hundreds of confirming scriptures on this subject.

    God alone, must actively draw, gird, energize, implement, supply and impregnate the spiritually dead human mind and spirit with a seed substance of His own Holy Spirit life, in order for one to truly consciously accept, and be accepted of Christ their Lord- Heb.10:16; 1Ptr.1:23. Only "OF HIM" as His will is supernaturally and personally unfold for us and in us, can we be in Christ. All the preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, IS FROM THE LORD-Prv.16:1. Only God can create in man "a heart to know Him." Jer.24:7. He alone, sovereignly creates and inspires the necessary change in human will to enable man to perform the acts of confession unto salvation-Ac.9:1-9; Phil.2:13. The main point to understand here is that this whole action is actually a transaction which is entirely determined, initiated, implemented, dispensed and sustained BY GOD’S POWER ALONE. We OF OURSELVES, do not, and cannot at any particular time WE SO CHOOSE, decide ON OUR OWN to accept Christ as saviour. The carnal mind might believe we can, but this type of teaching is in part, and lacking for want of reality and further revelation-Isa.65:1; Rom.9:26.

    When we are actively called and chosen, He gives us an initial firstfruit revelation of His true power of love. In His perfect timing, He imparts a portion of His wisdom and knowledge and power to us...to know and believe it-Ex.31:1-6. HE MUST FIRST GIVE of His love to us and CAUSE US to believe in order for us to respond-1Jn.4:10,13,19. OUR BELIEF is really only the working of HIS POWER CAUSING US TO BELIEVE UNTO SALVATION-Eph.1:19; 3:7. Saving FAITH is strictly A POWER OF GOD’S OPERATION-Col.2:12. He is the primary CAUSE, our belief is the EFFECT! Human salvation is wholly THE EFFECT of a divine CAUSE within. The truth could be better stated by saying that---men are saved WHEN they believe, but that when, is not WHEN THEY CHOOSE OF THEMSELVES TO BELIEVE, but rather when He chooses to cause them to believe.

    The procedure which involves initial salvation is in actuality, entirely apart from any form of human choice or works. As a matter of fact, our individual salvation was determined in the divine counsels of God and written in the Lamb’s book of life before the foundation of the ages-2Tim.1:9; Rev.17:8. It was officially awarded every human before they were born, but actually is only legally and experientially granted to each individual in God’s own foreknown, selected and appointed order of time throughout the ages-Ac.15:18; Heb.4:3; Ac.17:26; Isa.46:9,10. This is the spiritual mechanics of the true good news gospel. Although Christ most certainly is the Saviour of ALL MEN, this personal salvation is "specially" manifest in those few "firstfruits" (Jas.1:18) in the earth that have NOW graciously been given to believe (1Tim.4:10), "even us whom He....CALLED." Rom.9:26. The church is merely the firstruits of all men that shall come to believe.

    In order to try and reconcile predestination with free will, some have suggested the idea that God looked ahead into the future and saw those who would choose Him to be their Saviour ...and those who did not. Apparently, the ones who made the right choice were those whom He predestined to be saved. The problem with this is that the bottom line to all this leads once again to only one final conclusion---that is that man’s will dictates the will of Almighty God. God forbid! Salvation’s power is wholly DETERMINED OF GOD AND NOT OF US-2Cor.4:7; Isa.chptrs.41 and 42. The things that are determined of God, He does-Dan.11:36. Our salvation most certainly is not determined by anything we can do and that includes working up our own faith-Eph.2:8,9. The Son quickens the spirits and the bodies of "whom He will’ (Jn.5:21) and not of they whom will apart from timely impartation of His faith to them in order that they might be able to believe.

    Brethren, we were ORDAINED to eternal life before we were experientially given to desire it-Ac.3:48; Jn.15:16. This is true and simple grace containing unconditional, unsolicited gifts. Note this relevant truth in the following scriptures. Every element of our salvation is ALL OF HIM and not at all of us. He alone initiates it and He alone activates it lest we in any way can boast. "OF HIM are ye in Christ....He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.-1Cor.1:30,31. It’s all His doing.

    Firstly, according to HIS MERCY He saved us-Tit.3:5; Lam.3:22. HIS MERCY "IS NOT OF MAN THAT WILLETH....BUT OF GOD."Rom.9:15,16. It’s NOT MAN’S WILL that is counted for our salvation, it’s God’s. Neither were we born naturally nor spiritual of man’s fleshly will "BUT OF GOD."Jn.1:13. Not of yourself, but only "OF HIM are ye IN CHRIST JESUS."1Cor.1:30; 1Jn.2:27a.

    Again, we are told our salvation was in HIS ELECTION which was NOT the result of our will nor OUR CHOICE (Isa.49:7; 2Ths.2:13) but was clearly HIS CHOICE-1Ptr.2:4,9; Rom.9:11; Ac.9:15; Jas.1:5,18; 1Cor.1:25-30; Jn.15:16,19. "Blessed is the man You choose and CAUSE TO APPROACH unto you" Psa.65:4. Likewise, OUR CALLING was also the result of HIS CALLING (Jn.6:37,44,65; 17:2,6; Ac.2:39; Rom.1:6,7), not ours, and was freely given (Hos.11:1-4)only OF the Father-1Cor.2:12; 1:9; Jn.6:45. Our mercy, our will, or election, or choice, our calling are all OF HIM. They originate with Him, not with us. In God’s own eyes, THE POWER OF THE HUMAN WILL IS NEGLIGIBLE-Eph.1:19; 3:7; Psa.66:3. It is only "THE POWER OF GOD" (Rom.1:16) that brings us unto and into salvation. Therefore, our salvation is "afore prepared" (Rom.9:23) not because we at any time willed it nor chose it but because He willed it and chose us because of His grace.

    Let’s look at the other aspects of our salvation that are wholly OF HIM...meaning FROM HIM. Freely, before we actually asked, we were GIVEN THE POWER TO BELIEVE ON HIM-Phil.1:29; Jn.6:29; Jn.1:12,13; Ac.4:33; 16:14; Eph.115-19; 1Ptr.1:21. It didn’t come from us, it came from Him. We had previous to that point of intervention by the Spirit in our lives, no available power nor attributes to effectuate saving belief on our own, list we should glory in it. Hence it was impossible to believe in salvation or unto salvation. OUR FAITH to initially and effectual believe, was also really only ‘THE FAITH OF THE OPERATION OF GOD" Col.2:2; Rom.3:3’ 10:17. It was Him and His operation that gave us OF HIS OWN PERFECT FAITH to believe. He was "the author" of it-Heb.12:2. We believed and were justified [brought into right standing with God] by none other than "THE FAITH OF [FROM] JESUS CHRIST." Rom.3:23; Gal.2:16; Phil.3:9; Jas.2:1. HIS FAITH was then freely without obligation, imparted and accounted to us (Rom.12:3), giving us GOD’S GIFT of eternal [age enduring] life-Rom.6:23; 5:15,16. HIS FAITH counted for our spirits justification and righteousness in a divine act OF GOD. Our faith if it doesn’t originate as a gift from him, could not. Our own human faith is OF SELF. It is nothing more than SELF WILL. It is of the carnal nature and "the carnal mind is enmity AGAINST GOD: IT IS NOT SUBJECT TO THE LAW OF GOD NEITHER INDEED CAN BE." Rom. 8:7. It has no inherent power of itself to save. So again, we see it needs be an act of God, not of man that saves us. "Our faith" is really "the faith which is BY HIM." Ac.3:15.

    It was also the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD by FAITH OF [from] Jesus Christ which saved us-Gal.3:22. It was HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, not ours-Rom;1:17; 3:10,21; Isa.56:1. Our own faith can not make us righteous. All the faith and self righteousness found in the thoughts of our carnal minds are as filthy rags-Isa.64:6. So we see in spiritual reality, even THE ACT OF FAITH that saves us is THE WORK OF GOD. Jesus clearly said, ‘THIS IS THE WORK OF GOD, THAT YE BELIEVE ON HIM WHOM HE HATH SENT."Jn.6:29. "For Thou also hast wrought ALL OUR WORKS in us." Isa.26:12,13; 2Cor.3:4,5.

    Also, we find HIS GRACE (Tit.3:7; Eph.2:7; Rom.5:15-21), the same ‘GREAT GRACE" (Ac.4:33) that was in Christ (2Tim.2:1; Rom.3:24; 5:15) as well as HIS FAITH....combine as saving GIFTS (Eph.3:7; 4:7; 2:8,9) whereby we are justified freely by THE REDEMPTION THAT IS IN CHRIST -Rom.3:24. The Bible stresses that absolutely nothing residing in us is worthy of or could effectual our redemption. Paul explained, "BY THE GRACE OF GOD I am what I am: and HIS GRACE WHICH WAS BESTOWED UPON ME was not in vain."1Cor.15:10. No one can believe on their own unto salvation except they have "BELIEVED THROUGH GRACE."Ac.18:27. It is "HIS GRACE WHEREIN HE HAS MADE US ACCEPTED in the beloved." Eph.1:6,7. We contribute nothing to our salvation which He has not already given to us by grace. Like unto God’s other attributes in salvation, the grace of God is also sovereign. God has the absolute right in when grace is given and to whom it is given. He has the right to withhold it or release it. If we accuse Him of giving it to one and not to another, His answer is, "Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil because I am good? Math.20:15.

    Further to all this, we also find that even REPENTANCE IS GIVEN US FROM GOD-Ac.11:18; 2Tim.2:25. We could not turn from our sins because we CHOSE OF OURSELVES to repent. We had to be convicted and convinced of our sin by Him-Jn.3:19-21. What’s more, it is only of HIS KINDNESS (Eph.2:7) and HIS GOODNESS (Rom.2:4) that we have freely received OF HIS SALVATION (Isa.25:9)...whereby he has also become OUR SALVATION-Isa.12:2. "I the Lord have created it." Isa.45:8. Even our true initial confession (Rom.10:9,10) could never ORIGINATE from the CHOICE of our unregenerate heart and mind, but only from the graceful power of the Holy Ghost divinely planted to conceive birth of a new life within us. Until the Spirit of truth secretly conceives and begins to come forth from within us, no man can truthfully say "that Jesus is the Lord."1Cor.12:3.

    This entire operation of salvation is only the result of HIS ATTRIBUTES, HIS GIFTS, AND HIS WORKS (Jn.6:29; Eph.2:10; Phil.2:13; Isa.45:8; 62:11; Psa.104:31), NOT OURS and is "according to the good pleasure of HIS WILL" (Eph.1:4,5,11; 2:10; Jas.1:18; Math.16:17; Jn.1:13), and not determined of ourselves that we believe on Him-Jn.6:29. We "THROUGH HIM BELIEVE in God."1Ptr.1:21; Ro.5:11. The power of God unto our salvation is "the EFFECTUAL WORKING OF HIS POWER."Eph.3:7. This effectual work--because it is all OF HIM--cannot fail to completely fulfill all of its ultimate purposes! We "believe ACCORDING TO THE WORKING OF HIS MIGHTY POWER" (Jn.6:63-65; Eph.6:10) "that the excellency of the power may be OF GOD and NOT OF US." 2Cor.4:7.

    What then you may ask, is our part in all this? The fact is men are called upon to repent and believe in Christ to be saved. Men are save by faith. All those who come to Him, who call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved-Jn.6:37; Rom.10:13. But this response which men are required to express, is the RESULT of God’s sovereign saving work and not the CAUSE of it. From the point of initial conversion, it is simply a matter to work out in a responsible manner, the salvation which God had made know to us by allowing the Holy Spirit to work in us and through us (Phil.2:12,13; 2Cor.3:18) that we may grow to be mature sons in our own calling. Initial salvation of the spirit is an unsolicited gift, but rewards and blessing either follow or do not follow according to our works.-1Cor.3:12-15; Rev.2:23. There is actually a fullness of reward (2Jn.8) which we are exhorted of the Spirit to press towards, namely, "the PRIZE of the HIGH CALLING OF GOD in Christ Jesus."Phil.3:14. But the initial GIFT of grace and faith is entirely unconditional. Man is justified UNTO works, not BY works! Any CHOICE originating of man and then acted upon, is his works and cannot initiate salvation. Works do not bring faith. True faith brings works! It is not our works or even our choices that influence God, but rather God’s choice and God’s work that influence us. Man’s faith apart from it’s originating as a working gift of the living Spirit of God is dead---powerless, non existent-Jas.2:14-26; Eph.2:1.

    So we have seen now, how it cannot be true that our OWN WILL and natural attributes contained in FREEDOM OF CHOICE can actually CAUSE God in any way of self, to cooperate with us. When it can be realized that we do have a LIMITED, RESTRICTED WILL to further or to hinder the working out of our salvation to the uttermost, but NOT TO INITIATE THE BEGINNINGS of our personal salvation then the scriptures concerning predestination, redemption, judgment and restitution become much simpler to reconcile. The Lord no longer needs be depicted as an unjust nor powerless God unable to carry out to the finale, all which He alone purposed, decreed and paid the price for from the beginning.. Still the gospel of His work must continually be preached, or how shall they hear? Rom.10:14;Tit.1:3; 1Cor.1:21. The preaching of the cross is a major method of informing mankind that God saves. It is "the power of God" activated in His Holy Spirit which saves each individual, according to the timing of God’s will and not man’s. It is because of the goodness of God and the desire that He gives us to speak of His marvelous grace...that should be our motivation to evangelize. It should not be out of fear that time is short nor false idea that God cannot save people without our help!

    We are to remain as open channels of communication performing and proclaiming God’s words of reconciliation to our fellow man-2Cor.5:19,20. This is all part of the Lord’s progressively unfolding revelation of His will and He shall continue to fulfill His word and His will to the uttermost, regardless of man’s natural desires-Lk.1:37. His salvation cannot be hindered in life nor in death, in earth or in heaven till all He has set out to do be accomplished and fulfilled. It is entirely His work in bringing salvation to man . "I will work , and who can hinder it?" Isa.43:13.(ASV). It is His work alone that gives one the will and desire to inform others of His saving work of grace just as it is also His work to make them alive unto Him. Truly, in every sense, the Lord Almighty "quickeneth whom He will"Jn.5:21. Without the moving of His Spirit we can produce nothing-Jn.6:63; 15:5; Math.6:27.

    The plain biblical revelation which declares that mankind can in no wise OF HIMSELF reconcile himself back to God, stands sure to all generations. Man was, and still, is, totally lost and helpless apart from the ever active life imparting grace of the Saviour. God has graciously begun to reconcile His creation unto Himself, commencing with the supreme free gifts of His salvation initially and progressively being manifestly declared, by and through His church, in this the age of firsfruit harvest-Eph.3:10,11; Jas.1:18.

    As it is part of God’s original plan and purpose to allow all men to be buffeted of evil travail (Eccl.3:10,11,18; Psa.90:3; Rom.8:20; 11:32) in order to bring about their own good, would not it be also part of God’s plan to recompense and make up with all men? Tradition teaches its man’s responsibility to make up with God but God’s own word teaches it is He who is responsible to restore His own creation. Does not the Lord Himself have the capacity to repent?Ex.32:14; Jon.3:9,10; Jer.32:42; Psa.106:45 etc. Except He repent from judgment and condemnation, none would have salvation. Is not God sovereignly and mercifully doing this, commencing with a new phase of His work at Calvary whereby He is activating a mutual love between Himself and His creation? The only way for mankind to be set free of that original yet purposeful condemnation is in receiving life and truth from God alone-2Cor.5:5. Personal salvation has to be solely GOD’S WORK. Truly, "OF HIM" only, we have received our beginnings of new creation life being "saved by HIS LIFE" (Rom.5:10) wherein is operating "the same SPIRIT OF FAITH" 2Cor.4:13. Being formerly dead in our sins, we had neither life giving faith nor power of choice! We were NONE OF HIS-Rom.8:9.

    There are of course, a few scriptures which seem to indicate that man has a choice which is left entirely up to the decision made by his free will in regards to personal salvation. This is where the big stumbling block rests, blocking the way from believing that God will complete to the uttermost all that he has purposed, promised and willed to do, regardless of man.. Oh ye of little faith, the Lord shall continue to work out His purposes and who shall hinder? Isa.43:13; Jb.9:12; 23:13; Psa.135:6; Rom.9:19 etc. Our God can do anything He pleases "and no purpose of thine can be restrained."Jb.42:3 (ASV). There are many scriptures, too numerous to mention here, which ascertain and confirm that GOD IS WORKING ALL THINGS AFTER THE COUNSEL OF HIS OWN WILL-Eph.1:11; Dan.4:35; Isa.46:10,11. etc. If your doctrine prevents you from believing this, then there is definitely something wrong in that doctrine. Our former in-part teaching on conditional salvation and the absolute free will of man has been a major stumbling stone to many.

    Either God is omnipotent in all things concerning His decreed will for His creation, or He is not. If not, then man can control God. There can only be one Sovereign. There is only one Sovereign and it most certainly is not man! Hypothetically, not one person in this world may have been saved or could ever be saved if it was left up to the will of man. On the other hand, if God’s will is omnipotent, sovereign and supreme, our negative opinions and choices cannot ultimately prevail. It is simply a matter of due time [His time], till it be testified and made manifest and evident that all men come into the saving knowledge of the truth-1Tim:2:4-6. See our writing entitled "For Who Hath Resisted His Will?", for a further revelation concerning the will of man in relation to the will of Almighty God. How can you who believe in the divine inspiration of the scriptures, ever believe that your Almighty God is a victim bound by the rebellious will of mankind? How can you who believe that God will bring to nought the opposing will and works of Satan, not also believe for the destruction of that same power of evil in the will and works of man? After all, he works his evil will power through man, does he not?

    We will now present some basic scriptures generally used to indicate and prove OUR ABSOLUTE FREE WILL OF CHOICE especially in regards to our initial reception of the salvation experience. Study them carefully and prayerfully in the light of what all the foregoing scripture has revealed and you will begin to see the supreme sovereignty, providence and omnipotence of God in its proper biblical perspective. You will begin to see THE SOVEREIGN GRACE OF GOD. The Bible can be reconciled in the light of true revelation. That is---that salvation really is, solely and wholly a sovereign act of God! Rom.8:29,30; Isa.65:1. "THE SON QUICKENETH WHOM HE WILL." (Jn.5:21; Lk.10:22) and not whom we will!


    ....All verses from the King James version....

    Jn.3:16, 17, 36..."That WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH in Him shall not perish." "Whosover believeth" and "he that believeth" etc. are according to popular Greek translations,...speaking of those who have already been given to believe. A clear English rendering would be.. "that everyone who IS BELIEVING ALREADY in Him." The aorist, or indefinite form here is also true in present tense-1Jn.5:1,10.

    Rev.22:17..."Him who hears" and "WHOSOEVER WILL" are simply the redeemed whom God has given to be willing by working in them both to will and to do OF HIS good pleasure in the continual drinking of His spiritual life.

    Rom.10:9-11,13...No man can confess on his own that Jesus is his Lord but by the Holy Ghost through God’s sovereign election. Therefore, the "WHOSOEVER WILL" and "WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH on Him" is of truth and of necessity, present tense in meaning. Everyone who IS BELIEVING on Him shall not be ashamed. There are two kinds of belief-Jas.2:19.

    Ac.16:31..."Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." Absolutely! Faith and belief and repentance are necessary ingredients for salvation. But again, God must first grant and impart the divine faith for one to truly believe and repent. If an individual refuses to believe, then it is only because God has not yet granted repentance, nor will to actively begin working His good pleasure in him. Mere mental assent won’t work in adding any spiritual stature.

    Mrk.16:16..."He that BELIEVETH and is baptized shall be saved." One Grk version says, "the one believing" indicating one who already believes. Another Grk. says even more clearly, "He having believed and having been baptized." This indicates present tense, not future.

    Jn.1:12..."AS MANY AS RECEIVED HIM...". Once again, according to the Greek and also the context, the present tense would be correct. In other words, these are those who have already been given to believing, having already received authority to become the children of God according to HIS WILL--not their will-vs.13. See Rom.5:11. He that received is he that hears the word and is given to understand it- Math.13:23. He can RECEIVE NOTHING except IT BE GIVEN HIM FROM HEAVEN-Jn.3:27; Jas.1:17;18; Math.16:17; Phil.1:29.

    2Ths.2:11..."They RECEIVED NOT...that they might be saved." Is absolute free will necessarily involved here? These had not received the love of the truth and were left to believe a lie and perish in condemnation (Jn.3:18; 19) simply because they were not yet chosen of the Spirit to receive God’s gift at that time. This is in contrast to those of the now present elect in verse 13.

    2Cor.6:2..."NOW IS THE DAY OF SALVATION." Yes, it is one day in the dispensations of time allotted for salvation. In a season acceptable and favorable to Him alone, he listens to us and in an ordained day of time He sovereignly begins a personal work in us. "Now" is in the Greek, merely "a day" of ongoing salvation, wherein He chooses out His elect in due order and time-Isa.49:7,8; 1Tim.2:6; 4:11; Ac. 15:7,8,14; 1Cor.15:23. This principle is typified and magnified in Paul’s salvation experience-Ac.chapter 9; 1Tim.1:16

    Rev.3:20..."IF ANY MAN HEAR MY VOICE AND OPEN THE DOOR...". This was directed to the church and concerns the repenting of Christians from lukewarm works, in order that they come into a more intimate relationship with their God-S.S.5:2.

    Josh.24:15 and Deut.30:19...."CHOOSE YOU THIS DAY..". Again, this speaks of, and to, those who are already God’s manifest chosen children. It is an exhortation to choose to either continue on in serving the Lord in sincerity and truth or to go back into the bondage’s of Egypt and the flesh.

    Math.23:37..."How often would I have gathered they children together..and YE WOULD NOT!" This is in context with God’s own stiffnecked, rebellious children-Ex.32:9. Not unbelievers! This scripture actually confirms the fallacy of absolute free will for all Israel shall yet receive Christ and be saved-Rom.11:26; Isa.66:13.

    All these scriptures have been used as basic "seed forms" to plant understanding of salvation, however immature this understanding may have bee--and God surely purposed it that way. ! But as we grow in the Spirit, so should these seed scriptures begin to grow and expand in our understanding of god and his ways, until eventually, the seeds become full grown trees, revealing many branches of healing truths which shall ultimately, in His time and His care, bear fully mature kingdom fruit in due season-Psa.1:3; Rev.22:2.

    "Whom say ye that I am...Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God....



    [hath reveled it]." Math.16:15-17.

    "BUT NOW hath God set the member every one of them in the body,


    1Cor.12:18; Heb.2:13.

    "OF HIS OWN WILL BEGAT HE US with the word of truth"


    "I WILL BUILD my church...and I WILL give unto thee

    the keys of the kingdom of heaven."


    "And THE LORD ADDED to the church daily



    "Thy people SHALL BE WILLING



    K. Ross McKay

    E-mail Light Of His Glory Ministries

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