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                                      THE BRAIN AND THE MIND



As I am seeing, right now, this will be the last part of this article. Below, I want to share a couple of thoughts that I received from others; plus just a little more of my seeing.




Oh yes, so true. I love what Ruiz says in the Four Agreements--we domesticated our thoughts. Doesn't that just say it all. We accomodated the fears and the results were the safe thinking processes of the brain. We are in a great shift of energy that will change our "reality" -- the thoughts will be coming from the Source but it will be uncomfortable, to say the least, for many. So thank you Linda for paving a way for some who haven't seen another way of looking at things, except through their old order thinking. You're the best!

Life is not what you see, but what you perceive and project.. Your perception is your reality.




As Lao-Tzu said in the sixth century, QUOTE

"It is wisdom to know others;
It is enlightenment to know one's self."  UNQUOTE



You’re an energy being that is existing within a physical body made of living organisms. Not one part of what you think physically is you... is you. It’s other living organisms that are symbiotically working with you.

You’re simply the energy. They are saying, okay, we’re going to work with you. We’re going to kind of do what you want. And, believe me, not everything you want is really from you. Half of what you want is the will of all of these millions of organisms, and this brain that has its own personalities in there too...................................

A person who is awakened is someone who acknowledges that this is not completely who they are. They look at their hands and they open them and close them and they realize that it’s a machine.

They realize that inside is bones like sticks, and on top of that is clay, that is muscle. It has electrical nerves that stimulate the muscles to expand and retract. The expansion and retraction is only machinery. It’s only a device to explore this dimension.

If we were to remove ourselves from this organism, all of this flesh and matter, what would we be? We would be energy.   UNQUOTE



So the more that you can conceive, the more that you realize what you are, the more that you reflect that there is more to life than what you see on the surface through your five senses that you begin to develop a sixth sense because it is a sense of knowing. That sense of knowing harnesses other ways of understanding life beyond this dimension.  QUOTE



your mind is reflecting more on what it is and what it’s not. And the more that you reflect of what you are, the more you become of that. And the more you become that, the more conscious you are of what you really are and thus reality around you begins to change.  UNQUOTE




We have the potential to do whatsoever we desire, but seldom do we have that belief in ourselves. Our power lies in our ability to create through sheer intent, but because we do not see instant results we have doubts. Often what we focus upon is way in the future, and is not necessarily part of the life we planned beforehand.

Nothing would be more pleasing, than if all had a turn of heart, and every soul made the transition. However, at present there are less than half of us that are consciously making changes in our lives to do so. Yet as the energy levels increase, more of us are awakening and seeking our own path to understanding. The truth is there to be found, but not until we are prepared to move beyond the mindset you already have. We cannot accommodate new ideas if our belief system is rigidly held in place. Unfortunately, generations upon generations of families or institutions have passed on their own misguided knowledge in all good faith, but their understanding has been tainted by false teachings. We have a way of believing that a majority opinion makes it correct, whereas in spiritual matters it is often quite the opposite.

Our best guide in matters affecting our life choices is ourself, and through our intuitive feelings. Trust in ourself, as we have a wealth of experience to call upon that has been acquired over many lifetimes. Remember that the choices that are ideal for one person are not necessarily the best for all. We have your own goals to achieve, and we will instinctively know what they are. Do not be scared of being the odd one out, because as long as it is giving us fulfillment and satisfying our quest for knowledge, it will be correct for us.

We have been living in a reality that has been created by us, and served its purpose by fulfilling our desires. It was not however meant to be permanent, and would in any event have changed in response to the higher energies. Duality such as we have experienced it is not to continue beyond the end of the cycle, and that will also include the astral dimensions. Therefore all souls will make a freewill choice as to where their journeys will take them next. Our subconscious memories of having come from the higher dimensions will draw you back to them. You will instinctively feel that it is where your real home lies, in the realms of Light. UNQUOTE



The brain is just that, a brain. An instrument used to control the body. It is flesh. It can be felt, seen, and touched by the natural eyes. It is programmed by whatever WE allow to be put in it. IF we look at all the different groups and their way of thinking; (hate for different skin color, discord with others with different thinking and beliefs, the size of a person, etc) we see that these things were ALLOWED to be put within the brain; because people DO BELIEVE these different thinkings. Another thing to consider is; IF AND WHEN THE BRAIN DIES, SO DOES THE ENTIRE BODY, THE VEHICLE THAT WE STEPPED INTO. When the brain dies, IF it was not more than it is, that would be the END of LIFE. A brain can kept "alive", by machines, but it does not function anymore, on its own. It IS THE BRAIN THAT IS IN NEED OF RENEWAL and that RENEWAL is to be done by US. And what we renew it with, is THE MIND.



The Mind is Life. It contains ALL KNOWING OF ALL THINGS. It is the contain of LOVE, PEACE, AND HOPE. The Mind is what is changing the THINKING of the brain, AS WE ALLOW IT TO. The Mind cannot be seen, touched, felt with the physical eyes. It is a Diminsion of God Knowing. The Mind knows ALL; the brain only THINKS what it is programmed with. We have many diminsions within us, and US IS THE MIND. The Mind is our way of going from one diminsion to the next one. As we allow the Mind to do its work of RE-programming the brain, the body begins its change.



As the person above said, WE expect immediate change in all things. And when we don't see those changes immediately, we lose our hope. But, we must remember, in the Plan that we agreed with, it was all to happen with just a moments thought. We must take time to allow what we learn from the Mind to be PROCESSED through the brain. God used His imagination, BEFORE He spoke something into Being. We THINK that IF we had all that I tell you that we DO HAVE WITHIN US, then we should be able to speak a thing , and there it is. Well think about this; we are here to LEARN to BE the Creator that we are. When we decided to change from God thinking to flesh thinking, we created this illusion that we have been exisiting in. But, NOW, we are RE-creating, as we awaken with the Mind, the ONLY MIND that we really have. The brain thinking is part of the illusion, but as we learn to USE the GOD MIND, the illusion is fading and REALITY is reclaiming its place.


Much love.


It is understandable for a child to be afraid of the dark; but, why would an adult be afraid of the LIGHT?
