BE IT!!!! BE IT!!!! BE IT!!!

                                                     part 5 conclusion


I was talking to a couple, Garry and Dianne today and was SO blessed to hear what I AM said through and as them. ( This is the couple who bought me a new computer, that I might continue to send out what I AM hearing deep within me.) What a MUCH NEEDED blessing!! Plus a brother and his wife, Charlie and Pam, bought me a very nice printer) I spoke with today, shared what is rising up from within them.

Both couples spoke the same thing; which is the same the same words that are rising up within many today. Garry does a lot of travelling, in his work, all over the US and in many other countries too. What he spoke to me went hand and hand with what this series is all about. BEING!!!! He said that he feels that, wherever he travels and at home, he and Dianne live a life of BEING. Not religion, but BEING. It is obvious that I AM IS manifesting and being seen AS Garry, Dianne, Charlie and Pam.

Walking into Fatherhood is not TRYING to do or TRYING to BE. IT IS JUST BEING!! After all IT IS HIS/HER LIFE, not ours. It is ours when we focus on Who and What we are. Have you ever been with someone and you could just feel the PRESENCE coming forth from that person? That is how it was like while I spoke to these folks today. It wasn't RELIGIOUS; we didn't speak RELIGIOUSLY, we were just joined as ONE BODY, while all four are different REFLECTIONS of I AM. This is walking in the heavenlies, while being on earth. Halelujah!!

As I spoke with these precious people, it was like a neon sign flashing: "This is why the losing of your trailer came to be." I knew that there was a reason, even though, at first it was a shock. But now I know, I will be personally meeting many Who are BEING!! I AM free to go wherever I well go and meet and EXPERIMENTALLY MEET this ONE Who is manifesting; EXPERIMENTALLY enjoy the ONENESS that we all are. The meeting that will come to be will NOT be like a regular meeting, no, it will KNOWING that HIS BODY, the BODY OF I AM, is together. I look forward to the sharing that will come from each one, making what we are all hearing from our inwardness, COMPLETE the picture. Glorious blessings!!!

Walking into Fatherhood IS NOT a person, yet, at the same time IT is One person, I AM. We are truely in a glorious day, as I said, WE ARE THE DAY!! Not only are we being taken out of religion, but we are having religion taken out of us.

Walking into Fatherhood is like two people dancing. One is going forward and the one they are dancing with is going backward. I AM in coming forward in/as us; and we are going backward into where we came out of, I AM!! As ONE, we are in perfect step!! Just speaking these words brings such JOY rise within me and I know it does others too.

In the last part of this series I said that we have to learn to speak completely differently!! It has always been "me, us, ours, yours" and now there is no "we, us, mine, yours", now knowing I AM'S true Identity AS Who and What we are, it is all I AM. I AM does the giving; I AM does the hearing; I AM is doing the experienting. It is all I AM.

Walking into Fatherhood is FOLLOWING the PATTERN that I AM left us. The Pattern of Being a Spirit Being: then manifesting in this natural realm, then RETURNING TO WHERE WE BEGAN, IN AND AS ONE IN HIM. Fatherhood is BEING in the natural world, as we are in the Spiritual. No TRYING, just BEING. It IS NOT wondering, "when will I begin to do miracles, as the flesh man, Jesus, did?" Well, the answer is simple. SEE THE WAY IAM SEES!! He/She doesn't see sicknes; loss; need; bad; good; right; and wrong. He/She sees ALL THINGS the way He/She brought things into being. "He looked at it and it was GOOD, it was VERY GOOD." (Genesis)

"His work is PERFECT" (Duet. 32:4)

"The Lord looks at the heart, not the OUTWARD APPEARANCE." (1Sam. 16:70

"He is our Pattern" 1Tim 1:16

Remember, John 1:16, "And of His fullness have we ALL receivED." Within us IS HIS FULLNESS. It has always been in us, because we have ALWAYS BEEN IN HIM!! The problem was, is that we STOPPED LOOKING AT THINGS THE WAY THEY WERE BROUGHT FORTH, we did not hold on to the way I AM STILL SEES THINGS!! Which has made it impossible to bring forth the MANIFESTATION OF THE WAY THINGS REALLY ARE, into this realm!!

(1) I AM made all things, perfect.

(2) I AM STILL sees things as they really are. (the way He made them)

(3) Even NOW I AM DOES NOT SEE the outward appearance of things.

(4) HE IS THE PATTERN (the truth hidden IN US) that we are to follow.

(5) HE GAVE US HIS FULLNESS to RENEW our thinking.

In order to renew our mind, we must be determined to keep OUR FOCUS ON WHAT I AM SEES!

Rom 11:36, "For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen."

For OF= For OUT FROM WITHIN HIM, and THROUGH=because of, denoting the channel of of an act, for reason of; and TO him are ALL things!! ALL things are for, to, and out from within Him. Soooooooooo.....that means ALL THINGS. The things that we have been seeing as "evil"; things that are "of the devil", all things that are "impure". Think about it, we have been calling HIM ALL THESE THINGS!!

Titus 1:15, "to the pure ALLTHINGS are pure..."

2Peter 3:1, "This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your minds BY WAY OF REMEMBRANCE."

1John 3:2-3, "Beloved, NOW are we the sons of God, AND IT DOES NOT YET APPEAR WHAT WE SHALL BE : bUT WE KNOW THAT, WHEN he SHALL APPEAR, WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM; FOR WE SHALL SEE HIM AS HE IS. And every man that hath this hope in him PURIFIETH HIMSELF, even as he is pure."

Can you see that we are NOW sons of God. BUT.....IT DOES NOT YET APPEAR WHAT WE SHALL BE!!!!! Now IF we ARE NOW sons of God (remember how long ago this was written), and have been all this time, and yet it goes on to say IT DOES NOT YET APPEAR WHAT WE SHALL BE....!!! Then there is another Rank and Order that we are to go on INTO..... FATHERHOOD....THE VERY FATHERHOOD THAT WE CAME FORTH FROM, WITHIN HIM!! Which we, like the flesh man Jesus, MUST THINK IT NOT ROBBERY TO BE EQUAL WITH GOD!!

The Spirit is making the DEAD LETTER ALIVE. The TRUTH is being understood by I AM'S FIRSTFRUITS!! The Fruit of His/Her loins. He is being REPRODUCED by Him/Herself. We are Eloheim, plural God. So WE must remember, that ALL THINGS ARE PURE. And when we see, experience, hear things that we THINK is impure, THEN IS WHEN WE MUST RAISE OUR FOCUS TO BE STAYED ON I AM.

How do we walk into Fatherhood? "by way of REMEMBRANCE!!" We MUST remember that all things that I AM brought forth is PURE, PERFECT, COMPLETED. We MUST see as I AM sees things. And when we something that we might think is not PURE, then is when we know that we have allowed our FOCUS to fall back to the natural way of thinking and seeing!!

Remember, what we focus on, we are MAGNIFYING. What happens when we magnify something? That thing just GETS BIGGER. Now IF are focus in on I AM, the thing that we were magnifying gets smaller and smaller and smaller, until it is not seen. Why? Because by focusing and magnifying I AM, all else loses power to BE and what we ARE focusing on is all that we see.

This new (to us) Order that we are now in, IS THE MANIFESTING OF I AM in, and AS US. Yes, we are babes in this higher realm of understanding. Like each rank and Order that we have walked through, so far, we began as babes. But, we did not STAY BABES. I AM rose in us, in each of the ranks and orders, then we became MATURE SONS. But we are NOT to stay there either, being a son. No, we are to enter the next order and walk our way up in the new ranks that we will/are rising up in, AS I AM

Oh, my dear ones. We must forget RELIGION!! We MUST stop TRYING TO BE SOMETHING THAT WE ALREADY ARE!! We ARE THE PATTERN!! And it is like my dear friend (the same ONENESS that we are) said, "Dianne and I just go wherever we go and just BE!!" What a way to live!! Where they see help needed, they give. Love is SHOWN. Not in order to receive, but because they ARE LOVE, the LOVE OF I AM. When people say, "oh I will give when I AM tells me to". Well, WHO ARE YOU??? It is when YOU know where, to who, and when to help others. GET THE RELIGION OUT OF IT, FOLKS!!! I won't water this down, IF you say, "well I haven't "been told" to give, then you are fooling yourself and are not following the Pattern. IT IS OTHERS THAT WE ARE TO THINK OF, NOT OURSELVES, because there IS NO MORE "ourselves", it is all I AM. It is not just giving. It is loving that I AM to give. It is the healing that I AM is giving. It is the particular REFLECTION that we are. Whether it be musical healing; teaching; being hospitalbe; sharing; ALL THINGS THAT I AM IS. We don't stop and think "is this what I AM to do?" Just do it, BE IT!!

I will say this, we are now at the day that our most precious thing, to us, ( posessionwise) that we might hear, let go of it. Right away the natural mind will say, "Oh that's not the Spirit saying that, it's my religious mind talking". Well, believe me, IT WILL COME TO YOU, and you will know, I AM to do this. Whether you follow that Voice or not is up to you. And if you do follow that Voice, you will see that there is a reason for it. You may not know that reason, right away, but you will come to understand the reason. HOW BEAUTIFUL IS I AM!!!

And we will endure the same things as the flesh man Jesus did. When you say I AM WHO I AM, you will be thought of as Jesus was. "He is posessed of by a demon", "you are into a cult" etc. etc. You will lose friends, because they will think you are losing it. But, ALL that we might be faced with; whatever is said about us, IS WORTH IT. No, we are not going to have an easy way of it, but that is when we must raise our FOCUS, and let the words slide right off our backs. We do not have to go around saying, " I AM". But, we won't deny our BEING, when asked.

So, I hope some answers have been answered in this series. I encurage you to just keep OPEN, let it come forth. Don't TRY to be more "Godly". YOU ALREADY ARE!! Don't make the same mistake that Adam and Eve did. JUST BE IT, I AM.

In His love.


It is understandable for a child to be afraid of the dark; but, why would an adult be afraid of the LIGHT?
