There were very few brows in Israel that night

But that hatred had cast in a frown.

And the King of all kings; even Israel's Light,

Wore thorns in the place of a crown.


All the heavens grew dark and the earth opened up

As the Light of all lights was put out.

But in three days and nights after drinking His cup,

He arose from that tomb with a shout!


Principalities and pow'rs were all put to shame

As Christ Jesus in triumph arose;

Taking you and me with Him in death to proclaim

The sure end of sin's terrors and woes.


Only God in His love could have thought to bequeath

His own Son, our souls to renew.

Never was a vessel so deserved of Love’s wreath

But so much of man's hatred ere drew.


I remember the days when I walked the dark path,

‘Til the Light of God sweetly broke through.

Never was a vessel so deserving of wrath

But so much of God's mercy ere knew.