Is He with you, truly with you?

Surely not with such as you!


But He promised He'd be with me!

...With me even when I'm blue.


He is gone! You are forsaken!

To think else would be absurd!


But He promised He'd be with me.

Even said it in His word.


But that was then and this is now!

All alone you are, and dead!


Not alone though I feel nothing.

...For I know what He has said.


Well, He said it, but for others!

Surely not for such as you!


No, He said it for the worst,

...Thus, for me He said it too.


Why the chill, then, and the darkness?

If His word holds true for you?


Why this comes, I cannot say.

...Yet, I know that He is true.


Why the doubtings, then, and questions?

If your faith you'll not desert?


Because they come not from my heart.

They are doubts you would insert!


And from within He says, "Begone!

"This is Mine and not your own."


    Child of God, have you never been in a place where you couldn't seem to find God; couldn't seem to hear Him or perceive Him in any way whatever? It is during such times as these that iron is forged in the soul and true faith is born; not the reverse.

    We seldom really walk in faith when all is well and the blessing of God is sensibly upon us. But let the clouds cover the sun and suddenly our day becomes inexplicably dismal and dreary. All the high hopes we had of ever being used of God seem to vanish. But in the beginning of our walk with Him we did not seem to realize that regardless of the clouds, our "Son" still shined.

    It was also during such times that the Questioner came with his insidious questionings of God, of Christ, of us - and if we have at all entertained these questioning accusations, we have suffered for it.

   There are times in the believer's experience that simply cannot be explained by reason or logic. To attempt to do so will lead inevitably to despair and loss. Have you not yet found that during such times as these you must simply believe what God has promised and this in the very face of seeming contradiction?

    We have found that when we have done this the Questioner, regardless whether it is Satan or our own mind, has found it quite necessary to leave, not able to live in such an atmosphere of faith. For the word of faith is near us - even in our mouth. Confess His faithfulness! He has never failed even one who has trusted in Him because He cannot!