The First was a circling cloud of light from whence incessant revelation would spring and open what was never known before concerning the invisible scenes of glory to which the mortal man hath been altogether a stranger, not having understood his original royalty. But where Christ, the central light, is entered into the soul's essence, there everlasting light doth break, which shows invisible things in their first pure ground where the eternal fire soul moves strong to come out of an impotent weak life that hath been shut up in this vile body of sin. The light of Revelation making it restless any longer to abide therein, and so it is ready to pursue another beginning from a new rising spring flowing from the Godhead that affords strength for a co-deified operation which may give a living testimony that a new spring is appearing out of an old tree whose sap is renewed to bring forth the Second Property of the Holy Ghost as another fruit-bearing branch. Which branch is put forth as from the all-encompassing element wherein the soul is baptized as in a cloud of fire.

    Whoever they be that come to know this need no greater witness as to their own particular, for they know their dwelling is in the very center heart of God. They are fed and cherished with the blood of life and oily lamp that makes all the body within to be as a burning cherub that at times and seasons can mount and fly into the very heavens. Though this be a mystical and dark speech and little experienced, yet know the time of Elijah(29) is nigh and a whirlwind is descending from the Alpha and Omega to take up the slain witnesses who have been so undervalued in the world. The ascension gate by this bright key is unlocked to go in after him who was translated from among men so as not to be yet hid in the mystery.

    And thus shall it be again, though in another form and model, for these Elijah prophets, though they shall be redeemed from everything which is of the degenerate nature, yet in this shall differ from Elijah. For whereas he was taken up and seen no more among men, these in their visible persons shall remain on the earth and everywhere carry along with them their encompassing chariots of fire which shall be discoverable to none but the ministering Elisha's that will not cease to follow fully where the life witness doth remain after this sort and kind.

    The Third Out-flowing Property of the Holy Ghost which ushers in Christ's reign is this -- That a simplified naked soul, coming forth from the baptizing cloud, puts on a clothing of impregnable defense and power, namely, a mere magical(30) body such as the Lord Christ had after his resurrection, consisting of the one pure element which can swallow up the visible gross substance of flesh that it may no longer be an impediment to the soul's running its race. Indeed such a body is very suitable for the great things that are to be wrought by the crested kings on earth, for if provision of such a body were not made by Christ it would be in vain for Him to go about to settle His kingdom where the beast and dragon have had their dominion so long and who will not now be dethroned upon a slight account -- they will hold their property in the outward husk of the body when they can find no place for themselves in the soul.(31)

    Therefore the Lord hath revealed that he will turn the very body into its Paradisiacal property again that the dark prince and his agents may not be able to overthrow the Lord's personal reign in His saints, who (dark prince and his agents) would desire no fairer mark to shoot their arrows at than a frail mortal body of flesh. Wherefore the Lord hath said that He would raise a firm tabernacle(32) which no earthly weapon shall be able to pierce, which will be a fit garment to last out the thousand years. (33) Let the just and holy believe this and see all this furnished first in the kingdom that is within the soul's essence and then such may conclude that they shall assume a visible power and right to reign with Christ over all kingdoms of this world in magical might.

    The Fourth Out-going Power of the Holy Ghost sets the soul free in the eternal liberty from all conflicts(34) which the dragon, in the starry region hath introduced. For the soul now is influenced by those superior planets(35) to which these outward planets are subject. The soul and Christ are in a mutual agreement to break away from the infectious rays of time and mortality, being encompassed with that sun that will set no more, nor withdraw. For it is the glory of seven days that runs its circle without the least diminishing of its light and fixeth the soul in its pure splendorous body. Then the soul shall find itself in another form of Him and seated as a high principality before Jehovah's throne, attending there to know the counsel and decrees of the Sovereign Majesty under whom is managed all inferior government which shall be committed to those who reign with Christ the Lord. Oh! This will be a wonderful time indeed! For while the Lord is opening these things to me, I am as one sunk into the abyssal ground where I am as nothing till He puts forth a piercing ray from His flaming eye to fetch my spirit up again, who thus spake unto me --

    "Stand thou up and hear and declare the new model of my reign and let it be published. For it is time to awaken those who are ordained for the first Resurrection that they may no longer sleep in the daybreak of my appearance. And do thou solemnly set thy heart to the great immunities that are revealed, not only for speculation, but for fulfilling where great earnestness shall be found."

    Thus the Holy One sent home His word and causes it to pass through a vessel that is nothing to be accounted of. Whereat myself stands amazed what should move the Lord thus to appear and hold such a free converse and leave such weighty things in trust with me? Oh! What can be said but that it is the goodwill and pleasure of my Christ and King who will change tin and dross into gold as it pleaseth Him!

    The Fifth Property of the Holy Ghost is that whereby the soul gets free from the striving elements and comes to rest and peace(36) -- all wars and combats ceasing. The soul having got up these four ascending steps towards the throne can now look down like a tower of strength, terrible to all the lower inhabitants round about. It is a palace compacted within itself, knowing nothing but a serene peace and concord. Neither dragon nor beast do so much as attempt to come here for love and peace is their hell and torment.(37) Christ's personal reign in His saints consists of peace, power, love and joy. The Holy Ghost moveth in the mild and meek property from the water of life that captivates the enmity and strife and shuts up the dark center with all its spirits. This carries a two-fold meaning. First it is to be understood of that love and peace which possesseth the whole hemisphere of the soul, and in the next place of the same love flowing forth and diffusing itself through all the subjects of that peaceful kingdom which Christ will establish in the high angelical harmony of love.

    The Sixth Out-flowing Property is the omnipotence of God exerted in the renewed part in an absolute and almighty dominion that admits of no control.(38) Here is no need of going out to borrow gifts or powers which are now fixed in the soul to manifest the wonders of the power which hath been shut up in Wisdom's principle, whose virgin's crown of power is sent down as a signal testimony of the kingly reign that must prevail over all the earth. The bright flaming standard of Christ's person will be of that magnificence as to draw home the dispersed and scattered flock which hath suffered violence in this Babylonish kingdom.

    A jubilee will be proclaimed by them to whom this dominion shall first come. They, the head kings and leaders, are appointed to shine forth as stars that shall bear such sway in God's omnipotence as shall make all the elect to haste and fly to this kingdom as doves to the windows.(39) Here all occasions of complaint about the necessities of life shall be cut off because Wisdom's storehouse shall from the inherent omnipotence abundantly supply whatsoever is needful of this kind. The Paradisiacal lost power shall be restored in a higher degree than ever, to the end that self-love and propriety may be taken away which cannot enter into Christ's kingdom. For the Lord hath averred that none who are thus spirited shall ever His kingdom inherit. The vast and inexhaustible treasure of these riches cannot be enjoyed as one's property but only by love's communion.

    The Seventh and last Property of the Holy Ghost that gives witness to Christ's reign doth consist in a life of praise and exaltation which goeth forth in the angelical tongues, praise and sounds of so many perfumed offerings, paying an everlasting love-tribute of joy to the Ancient of Days by and in whom they are come to reign over all kingdoms in this world in Christ's personal power. The new hallelujahs from the fire breath of the Holy Ghost shall be the holy sport and celestial play of the children of this kingdom. All their works shall speak forth the praises of the Most High. For Wisdom's spirit will act so high and in such a mysterious manner as hitherto hath not been known, all which miraculous powers have been reserved to make up the glory of Christ's second coming in His representatives here on earth.

    For if the Lord should not in this manner demonstrate His Godhead power in His saints, they would be set very light by and it would be a vain thing to assume the title and name of kings without anointing power suitable to it. No dominion, whether inward or outward, can be maintained without love's omnipotence. And truly my Lord hath assured me that he hath made large and full provision for this day, Who, upon some private objections of my own, said to me --

    "Be thou nothing doubtful concerning all the great things of my kingdom which have been opened to thee from the center of light. They have been revealed for a ground of faith. The head of the dial is moving towards the fixed hour which will manifest all these working powers of the Holy Ghost. Wherefore do not straighten thyself nor any to whom this word shall come, but run out in a spacious large belief answerable to love's power and the ability of the object to whom the eye of faith is directed. For wonderful things are upon the wheel by which you may know it is high time to put forth your hands to raise and awaken that which hath been so long asleep."

This was the concluding word of counsel from the Lord.

    The foregoing properties is that which makes way for the reign of Christ in personal power and glory, which is now the great thing to be waited for as the end and consummation of all that hath been revealed. In the bare discovery of which we are not to rest, but we are to press forward to enjoy the fruit or product of it in the inward center where Christ will be manifested in His personal glory and power. For the driving, seeking spirit will not be at rest till it can put on its resurrection body.(40) It knows that hitherto, notwithstanding all its refinings and dyings to sinful self and the world, it yet remains a naked spirit which must return into the virgin womb of eternity, there to be regenerated into an heavenly corporiety from the one holy element out of which Christ's holy personality is taken.

    This is the right garment with which the Zion kings are to be arrayed and thereby will be distinguished from those who stick fast in corrupted nature and are not regenerated into this bright image and from those also who, though they are regenerated according to the inward man, yet being entangled in the thicket of the many things, are fain to stay behind till those who by their hard pressing forward have overcome the world, beast and dragon. Therefore, be first instated in the Lord's personal power, for the Lord assured me that this would be the way He would take in this present age to instate some who are known to Him in His personal reign that they may enjoy here on earth their new heavens to the terror, grief and envy of such who have been hard and cruel in the beast's kingdom, restraining their good things from the lambs of Christ's fold.

    Here it will be as in the case of Dives and Lazarus. They shall see those who were most despicable in their eyes to be greatly beloved and honored as being entrusted with a kingdom in which they shall reign as the true born co-heirs with their head, Christ, bearing rule over all those who have been their oppressors in this world. It was also revealed to me that there were others which stood in a mixed state and divided between the two kingdoms of light and darkness but yet followed after the mark and crown. These would scarce believe that such a commission as this would ever be given to any appearing in a mortal form, to be crowned as co-heirs with the Lord in His personal glory. But the Just One hath showed that thus it shall be to convince and provoke to emulation these last spoken of, that they also may make haste to be made kings and priests to God.

    The grand query, after all that hath been revealed concerning the reign of Christ in His saints is this -- "Where this government shall be pitched?" It is an ancient scripture prophecy that Judah shall reign with God, for he is faithful with the saints. The scepter shall not depart till Shiloh come who is the king and law-giver that is, was, and is to come. And to whom will He come first of all but to those pure virgin spirits who travail to bring forth Christ spiritually as the product of an invisible Almightiness, which will appear to be that manchild which is to rule the nations with the rod of God's power in this world and do far greater wonders with it than Moses ever did with his. For the eternal Wisdom shall bring forth all her plants of renown. The highest wisdom shall be brought into manifestation and replenish the earth anew, that God may walk in the midst of it and no longer be unknown to its inhabitants who are refined from their dross and thereby got a free and open entrance into the Jerusalem from above. The partition wall must be broken down that Christ above and Christ beneath may join together for mutual joy and fruition.

    But here it may be objected, "How can this be as long as the body is yet terrestrial, for an earthly body cannot ascend to the Lord's glory?"

    I answer -- Therefore a new one is prepared, even a heavenly body(41) such a one as Christ had, who could change his form how and when he pleased. So he appeared to Moses and Elias in His transfigured bright body and then came down again a terrestrial body to the sight of mortals. Which power shall be renewed again in those who shall personate Christ upon the earth. They shall ascend and descend at pleasure and transmute themselves readily, which state will much excel all visions of the glorified person of Christ.

    For without this celestial body we cannot hold out in that sublime and seraphic communion hid with Christ which shall be in this kingdom of the saints. Wherefore, there is such a body prepared which shall be able to pass into the invisible orb where the king of glory dwells. It is given to me to see this approaching day in the spirit. If the representation thereof be so glorious, what will the thing itself be when actually accomplished? This report which the Holy Ghost doth give of it, doth powerfully constrain the soul to put in its whole stock of faith for it.

    The sum of all these discoveries concerning the reign of Christ must be terminated in the virgin seed. Eve's lost chastity will produce a new generation (Rev. 12 :1) to whom this kingdom shall be given in trust. This was revealed from that vision which holy John saw of a great wonder in heaven -- a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. Many interpretations have been of this vision which here I am neither to approve of nor condemn but to mind the opening of the living Word, Who is present to explain whatsoever is obscure to those who turn aside from the wisdom of the flesh and receive the distilled drops as they fall from the heavenly cloud. To which is required a well purified vessel in which no taint of putrefaction doth remain. This was a proviso given me to observe throughout all this ministration which made me set time apart to prepare the vessel before I could see the cloud break and send down its shower upon my ground. This I mention for their sakes who are in this ministration of Revelation.

    Now, to proceed to what the Lord hath opened to me from this figure of the woman who is represented here as travailing in birth. Intimating to us that as by a woman a sinful offspring was brought forth in which sorrow, sin and the curse had dominion, so from this eternal Virgin Wisdom, a birth is to be born in which nothing but joy, life, blessing and eternal power and dominion shall take place. This Virgin, Adam had in himself before ever Eve was taken out of him.(42) But she (Virgin Wisdom) withdrew as soon as Adam looked outward as if he were not sufficient of himself to increase and multiply for the replenishing of paradise, God having created him male and female in himself. But this design was overturned, and Eve's generation is now multiplied over the face of the whole earth, from whence paradise with the Virgin is fled.

    Yet a wonder is now again seen in the heavens which we are to declare to our own little flock, which brings such tidings of joy as doth far excel that of Gabriel to her who was the blessed amongst women, as being designed to be the mother of our Jesus in his fleshly appearance.(43) But now, by this Virgin, He is brought forth in another appearance as a mighty ruler and potentate over this earth, who is really and truly to fulfill whatsoever was typified in Solomon's reign. David's wars must cease, which cannot be till this everlasting Virgin hath brought forth her manchild who is to possess what Adam and Eve have lost of Paradise and Mount Zion kingdom. All which is to be restored by the Virgin who is not limited to male or female, for she may assume either according to her own good pleasure. For she is both male and female for angelical generation.(44)

    But here it may be asked -- "What is this Virgin? Whence is she? How can she introduce herself into that nature where her pure chastity hath been violated?"

    This last, indeed, may be accounted a wonder above our hope and expectation which yet she is in a readiness to do, as is well known to them who have understood her and preferred her above all things as being well assured that like as all bliss and peace fled away with her, so upon her return, all good will come back with her again. As to her nativity, it is from everlasting, before the creation of heaven or earth.(45) She was before all as being the co-essential creating power in the Deity which formed all things out of nothing and hath given a dignified existence to all those seraphic glories which move within her own sphere, who are the product of an unsearchable wisdom for the replenishing of those superior worlds which are little known in this where we are outcasts. Neither can we be acquainted with such glories till we are born again out of her virgin womb. For so it must be before ever we come to be Christ's, in conformity with Christ our head.

    A marvelous thing the Lord hath revealed to me concerning this woman which holy John saw. She represents God's spouse and mate from whom the highest birth, the eternal Word of Wisdom did go forth as the mighty Alpha and Omega in a distinct and glorious personality known to Himself in God and the everlasting Virgin before anything of the heavenly hosts were created. He stood equally in the council of the Father and Virgin for the bringing of the whole creation into a figurative manifestation.

    Now, for what is all this but to discover the mystery of this woman, that she is the Eternal Virgin who will essentially introduce herself into those who are prepared and appointed to enjoy her? She will confer her sun and crown of stars upon her representatives. Here will be brought down the one, elemental robe, and the quintessential root will again be found which will give a most glorious luster and renew all the gross, vile matter as being the acting wisdom to show forth God's wonders, all which are reserved until her day. She is looked for as God's fruitful Bride to bring forth Christ's person in plurality as so many immaculate princes ruling in God.  Just cause will be found if we consider this principle wherein the serpent with so much bitterness wars against the Virgin and her seed, why her offspring, as soon as born is caught up to heaven from whence the Dragon is cast out and where the iron rod will crush him and be too hard for him and his adherents.

    Her offspring will appear all virgins with her own illustrious Son who is the first born amongst the kings of the earth and heavens. Oh, the high and majestical glory which shall proceed from the Virgin's womb with whom is the blessing that will abound in fruitful gifts and high working powers from the supernatural ground. Eve's conception in sorrow shall not here be known, for this Virgin never was disobedient nor broke faith with God who is her Husband. The fruit of whose travail is blessing and joy through the whole generation that shall be born of her. She shall be the mother of the true virgin Church wherein no mixture of will-worship or false doctrine shall be found.

    But it may be queried,- "How can this heavenly Virgin endure to come down upon this defiled earth to multiply her offspring in it? For without doubt, the Serpent and Dragon will violently rage against her, which we have experienced in ourselves when he crowds into our very heavens with all evil beasts at his heels, waging war against us."

    Yet nothing of this shall be able to prevent God's purpose, who will appear with His Virgin in the divine body(46) and cover her with one element which will torment all evil spirits and wear them out. They will as little endure her virgin purity as the Virgin spirit can bear their poison. Therefore, a separation is made, as we read, that the woman had a place prepared for her in the wilderness which signifies the spirit of faith which carries it from off the sensual ground where the concourse of fluttering spirits of all kinds are. Wherefore, this is no place for God's Virgin to stay in. She may be in danger of having her chastity violated or of being drowned with the wrathful floods of the Dragon.

    The Serpent will not cease to make his attempts with more subtilty than ever, because by this introduced Virgin spirit his head power shall be crushed and his seed disinherited. But the Virgin spirit shall mount like an eagle and so escape the Dragon's deluge. A fountain is opened in the desert, of which the soul that is in union with the Virgin shall drink, instead of the muddy waters of the earth which she loathes. Pleasant food is provided in this wilderness by God Himself and His Christ. The Lord affords these dainties to the abstracted life, where the Virgin spirit is a stranger to sensitive self within, as well as to the enchanting world without.

    Here it wants no good company for it is never without heavenly visitants because it reserves itself chiefly for converse with the Deity from whom she expects all her blessing and increase. And thus the soul shall spring and multiply where the Virgin hath realized herself. Her wilderness shall become a rich Sharon pasture, a land of unknown plenty where gold, silver and precious stones shall be as the dust under the feet of these holy separated virgins. Also, within and without, their feeding shall be on power, joy and peace till the division of time(47) shall come to an end, in which a further mystery will be understood. But oh! Let all this be first fully witnessed.

    Here follows a further advertisement from Him who is come to fulfill old prophecies in the substance of His own Person that is born of the Virgin, from whom we may expect the perfection of that which all foregoing ministrations and manifestations have left short in regard to those wonders which shall be effected in this latter age. To which end Christ hath opened the center eye that can pierce as deep as the Deity where this Virgin lies hid with all her glory. Who, ever since Adam's day, hath been obscured because she would not trust herself with any mortal, only some of her shining rays have now and then been scattered into holy souls, a taste of which hath been given as the first fruits of what is reserved for Christ the Lord's second birthday where shall be provided a Pentecost feast according to the royal and heavenly state of Jehovah's bride and mate.

    Oh! How unable am I to bring forth in words what hath been shown me! Of the later fruits that Wisdom's children shall feed upon in that day, the discovery of which we shall pass by at present and first define what wonderful Virgin this is and of how noble an extract who is taken into God's bosom in a mutual love embracing and therefore may be termed the Eternal Goddess(48) in a high and sober sense. It is an evil and sinful thing to give this title to any other, as it is too frequently done. But to proceed to describe this Virgin according to the delineation which God hath given of her as first to its matter and substance, it is of that thin, pure, airy subtlety so as nothing of the gross and ponderous outward elements can mix with it, for they would but tarnish her clarity which is ever conversant with the Deity which is signified by the sun and stars which were seen about the head of the woman in the Revelations, signifying those superior planets which cannot be adulterated with the defilements of this inferior orb as possessing far higher and more exalted powers, carrying dominion over all that is beneath them.

    For as the lower planets hold down in subjection to the curse, so these deliver and set free from it. Wherefore, it is all worthy to be enquired in what planet(49) the nativity of the Virgin may be again renewed. Which must be by bright Venus which must bring forth the mighty birth under Sol in conjunction with the rest of the superior planets, which are all harmonized in one, for they agree to bring forth the mother and then the son in virgin humanity that bears from the heavenly matter both figure and form organically for operation in their various properties which are deciphered by the highest wisdom to illustrate the only true Virgin in her beautiful form. The divine mold for her shape is again found according to what was before either angels or man were formed, which is not to be portrayed till she come to be essentially manifested within. Only her organical faculties are unto us described thereby to know what makes out the Virgin's high descent in these several faculties as follow.

    The First Faculty set before me was that of Seeing, SEATED IN HER EYE, which appeared like a fiery ray and sparkled as a star, piercing all things in the heights and depths. An eye that slumbers not but watcheth at each center gate to spy what goeth in and out to prevent all violation of her virgin chastity that her vow may not be broken, by which she stands engaged to her Husband.

    The Second Faculty is that of Hearing, SEATED IN HER EAR, which must be so chaste as to turn away from all corrupt and unsavory language which speaks not God forth in His immense love and goodness or in His greatness and sovereignty. The true Virgin's ear is turned inward to listen to the sweet voice of her Bridegroom. She waits for the dropping of His lips whose words are the strength and marrow of her life. She is in such union with the Deity that she cannot hearken to any strange voice lest she should be defiled thereby. The greatest danger and hurt she feels is from the talking spirits from the dark center in the soul from which her virgin ear turns away and dare in no wise stay in their astral counsel. She therefore turns her ear to those echoes, voices and sounds which leave a sweetness which resists the taking of delight in corrupt and impertinent communications from without.(50) Thus reserving both Eye and Ear, she still moves forward in her heavenly sphere.

    The Third Organical Faculty is that of Smelling. This may be understood in a two-fold sense. The first is a drawing in of the paradisiacal perfumes and those sweet ravishing odors which are sufficient to renew languishing life and to make it strongly active and vigorous. Secondly, the Virgin is in herself a highly scented odor. Her garments send forth a fragrancy far surpassing all the spicy compositions of this earthly climate. How vile and despicable doth everything that hath lost its paradisiacal property appear to those who sometimes draw in these ravishing odors which, might they but continue, they would never desire any other food. Shall I declare what is made known to me of the virtue of these virgin perfumes? It is averred to me that they will recover a putrefied soul and eat out all the poison of original sin, recover dead flesh and keep it from putrefaction.

    It is a balsam endued with so penetrating a spirit that it can go through stone and iron, flesh and bones. None can know this till they have passed the Virgin's womb and then they will double this witness. Now it is to be considered how insupportable all rancid plants of the earth are to the Virgin who continually breathes this perfumed air. Whenever she makes a swift pass through this noisome Kedar, what a strong scented garland doth she need that nothing of infection may hurt her virgin purity. To which end, this provision is made to keep out the evil scents which everywhere meet us in the walks of this world.

    The Fourth Faculty is that of Tasting. Here we find what it is that nourisheth the Virgin. Her food is in herself, and it is no other than pure Deity which riseth as a flowing spring from her own deep. She lives upon spirit of air which maintains and blows up the quintessential fire as the first virgin matter out of which the soul was made, which in Adam became adulterated by eating of the forbidden fruit, who (Adam) might have lived upon the root of eternal life which he had in himself. He might have tasted the paradisiacal fruits at pleasure but what was palpable without, he had essentially in the Virgin within himself, so that he might choose whether he would eat of them or not, in a corporeal way. This hath been a secret hitherto little understood, but God in Christ, through His appearance, hath revealed it and for this end-- to let us know what we are to feed upon at the return of our virginity whose life's nourishment will be in itself without any dependence upon any thing from without.

    Oh! There will quite another thing be known in the virgin soul when she is espoused to her, though she hath liberty to eat as Adam had before the fall. So here the outward mouth may taste of these mortal fruits but not of necessity,(51) because the life is centered in and maintained from the heart of the Deity for the increase and growth of pure, virgin nature. And truly nothing but God can be the Virgin's food. Nothing is so well digested by her, for it is a flowing source of almighty strengthening and pleasant tasting according to an infinite variety. This being once found, the soul can no more eat down the fruits of the mixed tree(52) in whose root the curse is, whereby Death comes in, which hides the Virgin from the soul's essence.

    The Fifth Faculty is, the supersensitive Feeling. What sense is more excellent than this? Can there be a greater confirmation than a feeling life out of which joy, peace, and assurance doth spring? The Virgin feels herself in the center of the Deity. She handles what doth not appear to be tangible -- namely, Breath, Spirit, Fire and Air. In all these her feeling motion is in great serenity. A center life that burneth from the mirror of the Deity boils love up to that height, as nothing is felt but pleasure and ravishing delight. It is the heat and blood that runs through every vein of the Virgin body and is an antidote against all fear and pain which is felt in the mortal sense.

    Oh! What deaths, achings and griefs have we felt in our souls as well as in our bodies! Our minds being in continual anxiety and trouble to see what we are fallen into. I speak of such who have been touched with the firestone(53) of the Virgin which must go before her healing medicine. And blessed are they who have first known the painful feeling under her severe discipline. For such shall be her polished pillars on which she will engrave her virgin name, as He saith, who is the True and Faithful Witness, who is come to take off the Virgin's veil that we may see her in the glass of perfection and come to know and feel her, not as distinct and apart from us but all virginized in her essential Deity, that the joyful feeling inbreath of fire and air may be witnessed. Then we shall see what shall follow the harmony of these senses which is the character of the virgin nature-- the pattern we are to try ourselves by. For which end we are also called to look into her mirror that so it may stir up all savor of desire in us to have those senses in their excellency awakened in us.

    Oh! Great goddess and queen of all worlds! Wilt thou, after so long a time of desertion, once again appear! Who is it that hath entreated thy favor and gained a promise from thee of a visit, though this be too short because nothing now will satisfy unless thou bestow thyself with all thy divine senses, as a co-deified life, to shew that thou art now prevailed upon to join with the redeeming blood to restore thy own virginity where thou findest humility and importunity in that personality which is all beloved of the highest wisdom and only spouse of God. Know and remember us who are brought to thy feet and have been under thy severe discipline. Therefore allot thyself to be our garland and crown!

    Now we are advanced one step higher towards Wisdom's heavenly throne from whence her golden scepter is stretched forth to lay hold on which passeth through and beyond every elementary cloud which the sensitive life hath raised so as we could not see our way to that sparkling rock of the Deity, for which cause the bright sun now shines from her eternal orb through the dark clouds that we might see every ascending degree, twisting and winding so intricately that, without a guide expressly sent down from that sphere, there is no possibility ever to come to any one of her gates which lead to the New Jerusalem. These are set before me to be in number twelve. Five of which were spoken of in the foregoing chapter and now we repair to her oracle as our guide for the revealing of the other Seven Gates, together with the way which leads from one to the other where the hidden path of the Virgin's way may be found treading upon that unknown ground under which is found a rich and previous stone from which the highest blessing will abound.

    The way to the First of these Seven Gates is very solitary and lonely. It is very rare to meet with two agreed to hold out in it to the end -- it is so full of rending thorns and affrighting wild beasts. For herein lies the design of the horned beast to scatter and divide such who are agreed to travel in wisdom's path. Also, the Nimrod hunters(54) of this world send out after them either to divide or bring them back again. These are the oppositions we may expect in this way against which we must be provided and forearmed that our entrance by this gate may not be prevented. The inscription of this gate is Abnegation or Renunciation of this outward principle. The first question which is asked by the angel who keeps this gate is, "Are you come away as strangers and pilgrims? Will you no more return to the traffic of Babylon?"(55) For the Prince of this city will only admit of such as shall abjure and renounce all commerce with the merchants of Tarshish.(56)

    Though by this means all earthly riches are gained to keep up a worldly reputation and fame, but the angel of this gate will have good assurance that whoever comes up hither be quite broken off from and have no further dealing with the harlot daughter of Sidon, who hath deceived the kingdoms of this world with her sorceries. Whoever they be that get through this strait gate, for them a sure and good foundation is laid to walk forward towards the Second Gate.

    But here (at the First Gate) another thing is to be considered before entrance can be given. For this angel is charged not to take any one's single security but inquires whether Christ's spirit in them and His person for them will stand engaged to perform all this agreement? For she dares not trust the soul upon a single promise. Though fervent and unfeigned and full of good will, yet it is not sufficient if He be not able to maintain the Gate-ground against His enemies that will attempt to circumvent Him. Therefore, we that are come hereunto are to give the name of our security and so pass on freely to the Second Gate.

    The Second Gate is called the Wrestling or Struggling Gate. It is the Gate of Probation (Testing). Before it stands a center gulf. Here will rise what will countermand the pilgrim back again into the worldly principle which he had abjured and left behind. Wisdom stands by her angel to call and invite to come through, but the gulf swells so very high that it appears impossible to get over. Legions of spirits here do follow, crying out-- "What mean you to run so great a hazard as to leave a place where is store of all good things for supply and maintenance." Thus temptations and assaults will beset the pilgrim, threatening hard and bitter things to him who is seeking his own native country and original virginity and endeavors with great wrestling to get rid of all these gnawing vipers. "What!" say they, "Will you turn quite away from those pleasant joys in which others live, spending their days in God's love and peace and therein rest contented, not attempting the passing of this gulf till the limit of your life requires it?"(57)

    All this and much more will press in to turn away the soul from pursuing after its virgin crown, and therefore, this gate is called the Probation (testing) Gate. Now if the spirit of Christ be so powerful in the soul as not to regard these temptations, being resolved to venture through these temptations, being resolved to venture through the fiery gulf, that soul will win the Virgin's heart. For here indeed is manifested a full proof of love's affiance, by coming out from and renouncing all the charms of the daughter of Babylon who hath used all her art to frighten her (the soul) from attempting ever to enter this gate. She hath through all ages rescued from the serpent's twisting coil and brought many back to enter into her gates again.

    Wonderful it will be to see any one come off a conqueror here, for this is the most perilous gate because of the gulf which stands before it. The mortal spirit whose affections are joined to the gross elementary things, cannot pass this gulf without suffering loss. It is a life that cannot be saved,(58) but must be swallowed up. But Christ our life will swiftly pass through as a fiery chariot and the naked soul with Him who hath resisted all those temptations which would have hindered his entrance into this Gate which is the very winning of that field where Wisdom's gold of Ophir and unknown rich substance doth lie. Oh! Who is it that will hold out the encounter at this gate? It may be truly said, -- That many have striven to enter but because they would not or could not leave behind all mortal burdens and come quite naked out of Babylon, they were not able to enter. This is that which hath hindered many to enter and will continue to do so except the Christ of the mighty God enable us to pass, and then we shall with freedom and ease come up to the third gate.

    THE THIRD GATE IS TRANSLATION by fixation in Wisdom's land or principle. The center of the Virgin Wisdom may often open and take up the soul and spirit into it and then be shut again and the soul let down into Babylon's principle. This I say, may happen often before the soul comes to be fixed in Wisdom's orb. But when the soul is fixed in the heavenly budding life of its Emmanuel and translated into a pure Nazarite virginity which knows nothing more of the fallen Birth, here the soul stands in another principle, having gotten firm footing in Wisdom's land. Here a goodly lot is cast for the conquering soul, who will find all riches stand before her in Wisdom's treasury without either bounds or limits. Whatsoever is of use for service is there laid down at the feet of a translated spirit as the return (pay) of her adventure and trust in that day, whilst she was under the temptation of the glittering stars of this elementary region, all whose promises were but as a snare and bar to keep her from knowing this high translation.

    Oh! What a welcome feast do I see already prepared within this gate to satiate both the eye and taste! The Virgin comes and salutes the soul with a love intercourse saying,--

    "Come now, and inherit substance with me, ye who have been in weary travail to attain this Fixation Gate. I behold you in the face of the Bridegroom by whose means you are arrived here. Now in His name ask and have. See now what honor and preferment you shall have in my kingdom which will recompense a thousandfold for the loss you have sustained in the world from whence you are come out.(59) As you did give credit to me upon the word of my testimony and the fame which was brought to your ear, though as yet you possessed nothing of what is intended for you. But here is now what will weigh down and recompense all your sufferings when you resisted manfully those busy spirits that would have blocked up your way, but in strong faith you have broken through all. Let your victory be assigned to Him who hath the opening key to let in from gate to gate."

    All this is from the dropping lips of Sophia (a Greek word meaning wisdom) and her Bridegroom, who now stand ready to open the Fourth Gate.

    The Fourth Gate is called the BOUNTIFUL GATE. From hence the richest gift is brought forth that ever hath been received since Adam lost his Virgin, who now here gives herself again to the soul. Oh, great is this benignity! Who could ever have hoped for such degrees of advancement after so long a day of desertion and night of apostasy? An echo sound we now do hear, that she will appear in her bounty. But to whom shall this gate stand open to receive this liberality from her hand? Is it not for Ruth, who hath forsaken the Moabitish land and come to be fixed there whence her eternal nativity is derived? She is no sooner arrived here but she is decked with all the Virgin's ornaments. These ornaments are the various accomplishments in all supernal powers and high abilities to act in a divine omnipotent manner.(60)

    It matters not whether in a corporeal form or out of it as shall be judged meet with reference to place, time or persons and according to the region where the Bridegroom with his Bride shall be, whether in the heights above or depth beneath. There His or her rejoicing shall be in each other through the breaking open of the center from whence the Virgin-tincture, as a warm fire-blood, doth flow in every vein and a nourishing life is felt passing through every sense. This is that gift which the Virgin will bestow upon the fixed soul for a greater manifestation of God's manifold wonders throughout the habitable part of this earth where the whole Trinity, in wisdom, will assume a virgin humanity, to bring all that hitherto hath been confused, into order again.(61)

    The government of the brutish spirit must give way to her day who comes to overturn all merchants with their merchandise. No wares of the Assyrian shall be brought through her gates, neither shall any sale of the Harlot's goods be mingled with her treasures, but a vast separation there shall be as between Paradise and this world, where all things stand in an anxious birth. But that other sphere is blessed with a perpetual spring of all pleasant things which we shall know and understand in their variety in the next gate, which now we are by the steady hand of Christ, led up to, that we may see the utmost latitude of Wisdom's Inward City and come to know all goings in and comings out at these mystical gates.

    The Fifth Gate bears the title of WISDOM'S FACTORY of all that is managed by her supernaturally from her own stock and principle, being very different from all merchandise which is used in this visible world, which is wholly shut out of these gates, for none can drive an earthly trade but such as bear the mark and number of the Beast here in this outward principle. Wherefore, Wisdom will take none to be her workers but those who have renounced all Babylonish trade which is maintained by bearing the mark of the Beast from the introduced subtilty of Reason.

    A new and wonderful way is prescribed to them who shall have the mark and name of the Virgin's white stone by which they shall be empowered to drive a free and mighty trade within this heavenly city which shall make all Babylon's wares grow out of request(62) both as to spiritual wares or bodily sustenance, as soon as some virgin passengers have entered this gate, who shall be so highly favored for having here broke through that they shall have liberty to open this high factory to the rest of their fellow members that yet are captives in the Assyrian land and were there brought up according to the laws and customs of the Babylonians, which could not be avoided during their time of captivity.

    But now Babylon's sun is going down, and the night of death and darkness is spreading itself over all the pompous state of the merchants of the earth. All this will be seen upon the breaking in of the Bridegroom's spirit and His Virgin, who will deliver the exile captives and clasp them close within themselves and exercise the soul in another science. Its skill and wisdom in the divine supernatural power will actually go forth from this co-essential participation of the virgin nature to renew all good and pleasant things according to the first paradisiacal property as in the following gate will be made out where the Virgin will particularly exercise her supernatural power for redemption out of the present captivity under which the Israelites as well as Ethiopians(63) do groan, being beset with the effects of sin and mortality, which this sixth gate doth deliver us from.

    The Sixth Gate is called the TRANSFERRING GATE, where the most choice and noble gifts are transferred from the palace of the glorious majesty, as the foundation of Wisdom's factory,(64) managed by Wisdom's correspondents who are skillful in the working wheel of the divine power. Oh! What transferring powers will pass from one to the other! To bring forth the flourishing Eden that it may again appear in this habitable world! Wisdom's lovers now must dig deep to find this kernel which hath lain hid in the ground of Virgin Wisdom, from whom it must be transmitted to them who shall plant Paradise in a greater latitude in this world.

    For which a sure and unalterable decree is gone forth -- for it is affirmed by the Living Word who declares beforehand the truth of these things which are already begun and shall be finished as soon as all the Virgin's gates are passed and entered. And this is more considerable when such a mutual, constant correspondence is between the two kingdoms, Paradise and Mount Zion. All rich things will be transferred from one to the other, yea, an immortal factory is here to be maintained between the inhabitants of these two heavenly countries and so transferred still into this lower orb as occasion shall be.

    For though some part of this earth, by virtue of the Virgin's Stone, may be tinged into a paradisiacal property and thereby made capable of commerce with the superior worlds, yet there will be a race of vagabond Cains that will abide still under the curse.(65) Though Paradise be made visible in this world, yet all will not suddenly thereby be brought to leave Babylon's merchandise. Neither will the divine arts and mysteries be transferred commonly but upon such who have sought them diligently and have let all other arts and callings go in return for them, being resolved to know no other but the heavenly power. This is the invisible stock with which the Virgin doth traffic to gain honor, wealth, renown and a crown of glory to her God and Bridegroom.

    Now it may be asked, "What matter is here to work upon for such abundant increase? Where lies the mystery of this art that must be transferred by her as a gift?"

    I answer -- This is a great secret which cannot be revealed all at once. So deeply mystical is it that none but Wisdom's exercised correspondents have ever sounded it and found the matter hereof. Yet we must not deny the great favor which the Most High hath afforded for the opening of these secret things through the very person of Christ's glorified humanity so that we might know what will make mortal dross become like the fine gold of Ophir. But to give an answer to that question-- What that matter is which in Wisdom's principle we are to work upon? I say, first negatively, that it is no gross tangible matter that we shall traffic with. We shall need no barns nor store houses to lay it up in. To describe it according to what is revealed, we say it is a rushing breath, a tincturing blood, a running flash of light and fire coagulating together. In a word, it is the power of the Deity transferred to a virgin spirit on God's behalf, as in the person of Christ and his Virgin, transmitting themselves as a spiritual root from whence all fruitful powers of the Holy Ghost may be received, for otherwise all fore-passed things will bring little glory to our mighty King and Saviour.

    The Seventh Gate is the Gate of Projection which shall take off all veils that have been upon the Most Holy Place where we may enter as into all knowledge of Wisdom's mysteries and wonders. But here lies a difficulty -- how to attain the skill to stir up the glorious gift that, according to what was before despised from the tincturing blood of the divine Virgin, we may be able to bring forth matter, form and substance according to the quintessential spirit, transformed from the highest Being.(66)

    But it may be asked here, "How, or in what manner doth this projection operate?" I answer-- Several ways, all which may be referred to these two heads, that is, transformation and transfiguration. In which two great effects, projection will then spawn in its essential virtue, flowing out and engulfing in where the venom of the serpent is, which venomous matter is transferred in the soul by means of this projection, from the tincture of Wisdom's Stone which causes an unalterable transmutation of all gross matter and the vile body's shape into a bright heavenly consistency. Such a celestial body Wisdom's child shall have power to put on(67) when called up to the seraphic thrones, and to appear before the Highest Majesty to receive new commissions for further acts according to the counsel and will of the Holy Trinity who will greatly delight to put them to working upon what is noble, great and wonderful which none can equal except they have passed all the fore-mentioned gates.

    If it be asked, "What works and signs shall follow Wisdom's projections?" I answer-- They are such as Jews will not believe before they see them. Nay, even Wisdom's disciples who have been gathered under her wing and drunk of her tincturing blood will be sometimes in doubt of these things whilst they are yet but passengers from gate to gate. Wherefore, we must not expect to be believed by those who are yet without the gates. However, we will, according to what hath been revealed by the Supreme Power, declare and set forth what God can do by His instruments who are thus highly and divinely qualified.

    In the first place, they will be able to act from a creating power. The Virgin's omnipotence will enable them to give a new form, virtue and purity to all things now existing in gross corruptibility. For as transformation first passeth upon all the fallen properties of the soul's essences, so it will go out and renew whatsoever doth stick in the curse, even all vegetables, animals and minerals, together with the body of fallen man. All these, I say, shall be sublimed and transmuted into a simple, pure and paradisiacal figure, color and taste, quite of another nature than what they now have. Thus, the disciples of Wisdom, by means of this tincturing(68) spirit, shall bring in a new creation by way of transformation-- the mystery of which none can ever find out but Wisdom's power, who are under her discipline and do lie in her Bridegroom's bosom.

    In the second place, they who are transformed into the Virgin's nature will not only be able to separate the curse from the outward creation so as death and corruption shall be tasted no more, because healing waters will flow from the glassy sea and encompass every place where Wisdom's offspring shall pitch their habitation-- but they shall also be able to transmute all gross metals into transparent gold so as it shall be far more plentiful than in Solomon's time. This very gross earth on which we now tread shall be made crystalline. The river that was divided into four heads, which have been cut off ever since Adam was turned out of Paradise, shall now be made to return again with a full stream to bring forth seed of gold, bdellium and the onyx stone in a sparkling glory.

    Mansion houses here shall be built, and goodly tents pitched, which shall excel all the structures which ever yet have been-- for these dwelling places shall be according to the divine power-- sometimes visible and at other times invisible, according to the pleasure of the blessed inhabitants who dwell therein in everlasting security. These shall live alone and shall not be numbered amongst the nations who live without Wisdom's gates. If any of the land of Sodom shall attempt to break in upon them, devouring coals shall be scattered to terrify and consume them.

    Though destroying be of a strange work for them and also disagreeable to the nature of love and the peaceable region where they live, yet upon just occasion, power will go forth in this way for their defense. Moses was a meek and peaceable man and yet he was made a terror to Egypt. He had no way to subdue Pharaoh but by shaking his rod of power, which alone could do more than whole hosts of armed men. This will be the way of God's appearance to keep under the wild and brutish sort of men who are as ravenous beasts, greedy of prey. Wherefore, the paradisiacal planters will know how to deal with such whilst they are commissioned to go in and out amongst them, and it will be their daily business to deliver the Israelites from bondage and thralldom, and that by displaying Jehovah's wonders in such a manner as that age shall require which shall be in a higher degree than ever hath been done here before.

    For though the miracles of former days were great and excellent, as those which were wrought by our Lord and by the prophets before him, as well as apostles after him, such as were the healing of the sick, the raising of the dead, the restoring of the lame, the making of the dumb to speak, the deaf to hear, and blind to see-- all which were both inwardly and outwardly performed by our Lord upon the soul as well as the body-- yet the Lord hath given full assurance that not only all these shall be revived but that the power center shall open in a greater degree of variety than heretofore. So that the greatest wonders are yet to be manifested, which we are appointed to wait for till this projecting gate shall open upon us, where all miracles will be brought forth afresh for the crown and glory of the Virgin-bride and her followers. Which gate, Lord Jesus, hasten to open for such who are under thy strong and powerful drivings!

    In thy light, sweet Sophia, we are come to a discovery,
    Where long have lain our lost forgotten dowry.
    Those celestial gates, which now open stand
    Hath given us a view into the wealthy land,
    Where all things in the divine power stand;
    In that place there is no working with tool or hand,
    For all in spirit there do act from that power,
    Which nought of the earthly craft can sever.

    Joy we then now, in sight of this blessed day,
    Wherein Wisdom's wonders so richly display.
    But it may be asked, -- When shall this be?
    And who amongst the now living shall see?
    I tell thee for surety, some there are in corporiety,
    To whom She will with her golden key in sovereignty,
    Thus shall unlock the precious stony rock full,
    Where the ocean treasury of her deity lies hiddenly.

    Oh! Hear Virgin Wisdom's call and cry,
    Who skilled would be in her mystery:
    A new way of manufactury stands open, I see
    Such treasures as the world's wonder be;
    A ship laden within, that God Himself again
    Will enter in to seize upon those heavenly gems;
    Ah, blessed sale for such rich good embarked here,
    For what less than the acting stone will appear?

    Be there merchants as are not transitory,
    That understand Wisdom's manufactory?
    Who hiddenly have increased their store,
    And do study these sciences yet more and more,
    That so they might to these eternal gems reach,
    Or else redemption will not be complete,
    For putting an end to the toil, care and sweat,
    By passing through all of Wisdom's twelve gates.

    Come then away, holy souls, and separate
    From all drossy things that do captivate;
    And you will find such a pearly price,
    That will make you flourish as in paradise;
    The golden river therefrom will flow,
    That all the essential goodness ye will know:
    For in Wisdom's principle there doth lie
    That which will make the worldly craft to fly.

    Upon the close of this subject, I had renewed again from the person of my Lord, a fiery shower that did fall as the dropping rain from the Holy Ghost to refresh and bring up what hath been sown by the former revelations which is to be looked for as the effect of every true discovery. And I desire the same plentiful shower may come down upon them who shall receive and read the words of this prophecy. For a most wonderful and strange time is at hand and doth call upon us to leave the Moabitish land and to engrave our names on every one of Wisdom's gates so that we may claim a right to enter and not be only spectators and admirers without the great riches and glory to which powerful spirits are advanced, but we are yet to open a more inward ear to hear the message which the Lord hath expressly left for his elect who are watching at Wisdom's gates, from thence to ascend one step higher, that they may be enclosed in the powerful eye of the Holy Ghost where the highest wisdom is to be learned and understood and actually practiced for the planting of a new Paradisiacal nursery and its never fading beauty and glory.

    By which means the Deity may be invited to renew His walks with men as at the beginning, Who will take great delight to see the children of paradise acting powerfully under the conduct and government of the eye of the Holy Ghost. For no work or action is so agreeable to the Trinity as that which is wrought from the powerful seeing eye where God beholds and views Himself in His manifold wonders of Wisdom in nature's virginity.

    But now the great question of those who are willing to be Wisdom's disciples is, which way they may ascend up to this globe eye to become co-workers in the Holy Ghost's property?

    This question is deep and weighty, and shall be answered according to the gift of revelation received. Know then, that the way to ascend to the globe-eye is through its descending down into the root-essence of the soul and contracting with it philosophically, turning it into a powerful eye, where then it may most easily ascend and fly to be an eye in the globe-eye, before which, all stand naked and open, whatsoever hath proceeded from the center ground of God's globe of eternity. Therefore they who shall find such favor as to be introverted and environed with this eye may well come to understand the grounds of the divine power and be able to exert it from the co-essential power of the Holy Ghost, without which all attempts for it will lie in scorn and derision.

    Hence we may understand where the ground work for divine philosophy doth lie-- whereby great overturns and mighty changes may be effected in this world's region, where God will have great occasion for divine power to act in His behalf. And truly somewhat begins to work in order hereunto, for the power-eye hath cast forth an enticing glance to draw up to it and there to stand awhile as locked up in it as a close-working philosopher that carefully attends his furnace where the celestial fire burns softly to bring forth a transparent stone in which the first born power of the Holy Ghost doth consist. But here we may be said to launch so deep into the abyssal eye as to lose ourselves whilst we are seeking this one precious thing that can make this old, wrinkled face of the creation to become as young and fresh as Paradise in its first springing. But who will grieve at the loss of this gross matter?

    The true Philosopher well knows that this is the gross body which the fire is to kindle upon, being of that penetrating nature as to dissolve the whole bulk of sensuality with the strong twisted band of rationality. For when the great Artificer, the Holy Ghost, comes to set His furnace at work in very deed in the soul, all gross thick matter does by degrees transpire. For what is so great an enemy to the divine power as the rational wisdom, which is in strong combination with the human sense? It is an inundation of waters which hath prevailed like Noah's flood to drown the fire-spark of faith so that it is scarce to be found alive in anyone's earth.

    All furnaces have hitherto been too weak. The strong tide of the rational mind hath broke in like a sea to chill and damp what the spirit of God would have still blown up unto victory. For whoever shall attain to be an adeptist in the powerful eye of Sophia must watch the mouth of the furnace continually that the spirit of faith may work high through the gentle heat and constant supply of that matter which maintains the heavenly fire, which only can master and get dominion over all the thick, dark body of mortal sense which long hath been the grand adversary of Virgin-Wisdom's co-workers and hath kept them from attaining the Gate of Projection.

    Now, what is there to be considered further to help us forward in this high post of divine philosophy, seeing the benefits are of so great import and serve for the repairing of a ruinous state of things within ourselves and everywhere round about us. We are to observe these orders and rules which go along with faith's divine power.


29. This reference to the time of Elijah brings to mind the fact that those moving into the full redemption of Christ shall know ascension as did Elijah, though spiritually. Those who have been as the slain witnesses shall arise and be caught up, glorified and then minister from that realm. To them the ascension gate is open. Nor shall we miss seeing the conflict between the Elijah company and that which comes as if in the name of Christ with all power and signs and lying wonders. (See footnote #33)

30. This word, magical, as used in Jane Leade's day did not have the same connotation it has today. It meant something supernatural. This has reference again to the putting on of the new spiritual body upon which the fullness of God may rest without limitation. This is the portion and clothing of the Melchizedek Priesthood in which they come nigh unto the Lord.

31. This may shed some light upon why many of God's choicest saints who have the closest and most intimate walk with Him are so often sorely tried in their bodies. This is the last area of redemption, but as the soul is brought into conformity to Christ, which makes way for great enlargement in the inner man, this attests to the time when the outward shall surely be overcome of the inner as corruption is swallowed up of incorruption.

32. This is that tabernacle not made with hands! The spiritual body is God's body, the body of the Holy Ghost.

33. In case you have trouble believing that such a body might last a thousand years, let me assure you that I have in my possession a video tape on which there is documented proof that Satan is attempting to bring forth such a body along alchemistic lines. A white powder substance called by them "White Gold" is taken orally and immediately cures every disease known to man, enables one to communicate telepathically and inject thoughts into another's mind, to bio-transport (move from one location to another faster than the speed of light), and, as they unabashedly describe it, become light beings. None of this, I hasten to add, has anything whatever to do with Christ or His atoning work. It is the counterfeit of God's finished work in the firstfruits company. The one possible drawback, they say, is that it is irreversible.

34. This can be nothing other than entrance into the "glorious liberty of the sons of God" spoken of in Romans 8. It is the true jubilee from the tyranny of the carnal mind to do and speak only that which we see and hear our Father do and speak. If, "to be carnally minded is death," then this is the putting of death under foot. In this state the sun of reason ceases to shine, the moon of the senses becomes as sack-cloth, every starry imagination is cast to the ground as untimely fruit and every island of human self-strength is fled away and God alone has become the light and resource. Only then is the Son of man seen coming in the new heavens with glory and great power!

35. She is only using the term planets is the sense of symbolism. The things which are not seen are understood by those things which are seen, thus she is referring to the true by way of the type.

36. A further portion of that same jubilee release spoken of in an earlier footnote.

37. Is this not the reason that as soon as the manchild of Revelation 12:5 is caught up to God and to His throne, the dragon begins to persecute and harass the woman? Nothing can reach the manchild company. There is nothing of the old creation left in them so that the prince of this world cometh and findeth nothing in them.

38. In other words, this has nothing to do with gifts which from leaky vessels do ebb and wane. This operation comes directly from God Himself and represents and signifies what may be referred to as CO-DEIFICATION. All is performed from a renewed creation that is completely and eternally under the dominion and control of God alone.

39. Does this not bring to mind Noah's dove which flew forth from the window of the ark to be the first to gaze upon a new world and a new order of things? So shall those firstfruits be attracted to the coming order of things as they are in Christ, the New Creation.

40. This is reference to the new spiritual body by which one is enabled to ascend.

41. Even though I commented on this earlier, it bears repeating here that the law of circularity is here seen coming into play. The law of circularity simply means that all things tend back to their origin. According to Ecclesiastes 12:7, when a man dies his body returns to the earth from whence it came, and his spirit returns to God who gave it. This is the law of circularity at work. The natural, outward body, having originated from the earth, has always tended back to the earth and, being the only vehicle available to the soul, has held it earthbound. We have perhaps ascended behind the veil so to speak on occasion, but only in spirit. Our spirit came from God, who is spirit, and therefore tends to ascend back to Him. Once the new spiritual body is gained, the soul will then have another vehicle, or tabernacle, by which it may then ascend to God for glorification. Because the new body is a spiritual body, its substance is spirit and can therefore ascend.

42. Remember here that Adam was created in God's image.

43. I think it so very comely the simple honor here bestowed upon Mary, the mother of Jesus. Surely she has borne more than her share of shame, reproach and misunderstanding as the mother of Jesus.She should be simply and modestly honored by all who love Christ.

44. Angelical generation is here to be understood as referring to the fully redeemed man (spirit, soul and body), which, according to Jane Leade (and I fully believe it), has reference to the ascension angel. You may wish to refer to Revelation 22:8 &9. You may also be surprised to find that this same angel (one of the seven angels) continues speaking and finishes out the last chapter of the book and closes with a statement that is peculiarly the apostle Paul's closing statements in so many of his epistles.

45. To this agree the words of Scripture -- "The Lord possessed me in the beginning of His way, before His works of old. I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning or ever the earth was . . ." -- Prov. 8:22,23. This is she that causes those who love her to inherit substance.

46. I believe this has reference to that corporate body made up of those individuals who have received their new spiritual bodies.

47. This refers to that section of scripture of which a time, times and a division of times is spoken, or 3½ years.

48. A correct and spiritual understanding is here needed in order to keep any from stumbling. She does not use the connotation, Goddess, in the pagan sense (indeed, that would be blasphemous) but as it applies to the female side of God. If God created man in His own image and created him male and female -- all contained within Adam originally, it can only follow that God Himself has such a makeup also. It is not hard to see why traditional religion finds it so difficult to come this way. There are simply too many idols of theological thought which must be given up.

49. This refers not to astrology as we know its adulterated version today, but that ancient knowledge displayed in the stars and said to have been handed down first by Adam and then from generation to generation of the righteous seed. J. Preston Eby has an excellent series on this subject called, "The Heavens Declare." I encourage anyone interested in this subject to send for this series and read it carefully. I'm sure you will find it very enlightening. His address is: Preston Eby, P O Box 371240, El Paso, TX 79937-1240.

50. This description of Wisdom and her tendencies should give new meaning to that word -- "Wisdom is justified of her children." Those who are hers (begotten of her) shall be guided by her in all things.

51. This is evidenced by that Scripture, Luke 24:30, in which Jesus, after His resurrection and in His resurrected body, sat at meat with His disciples. He did not need to eat, but had that capacity to do so if He so desired.

52. This refers to the tree of good and evil -- the mixture.

53. A firestone is something of the nature of flint or pyrite and can withstand the action of fire. Those stones which shall come to make up this New Jerusalem temple shall have known the fiery trial and having been tried and tested can no more be altered by fire. This all speaks of Wisdom's severe but thorough disciplines in order to bring forth the New and everlasting Creation.

54. This has reference to that spirit of Nimrod that is found in this word -- "Nimrod, the mighty hunter before (or, ahead of) the Lord." (Gen 10:9,8). That is, in competition with the Lord. "Nimrod exalts himself to lord it over brethren; for of those over whom he ruled, all (concerning an alternate lifestyle) had sprung, and this within a few generations, from one common father. Little is told us of this second form of apostasy; but that little is enough. And indeed the steps by which lordship over brethren is reached are not many. The author of it is Nimrod, the son of Cush. Sprung from that seed, who, having been scorched by the truth, have "seared consciences," his very name, Nimrod or rebel, points out the character of those actings by which the family and patriarchal government instituted by God was changed into a kingdom ruled by violence." - "Types In Genesis", pg. 147, by Andrew Jukes

55. One of the principal reasons why so many, especially ministers, find this way so difficult to truly enter into is that there must be a very real abnegation and self-denial where any hope or aspiration of ever becoming something is concerned. We don't mind so much leaving Babylon so long as we are allowed to take Babylon's ways and methods along with us, but when it becomes clear that we must conduct ourselves as if we really are not our own, but Another's, that is often a hard pill to swallow -- especially when we can look around us and see others doing what we're not allowed to do. But the day will declare every man's work of what sort it is.

56. There is to be no buying and selling in this realm. None shall make their way through the sale of books, tapes or ministry here. To attempt to continue in these things only tends to keep one blind as to the way into this realm.

57. It is quite obvious to most that she is not here speaking of that wrestling which takes place with the pilgrim at the outset of his journey but that which happens to him after having already completed a considerable part of it. This has to do with crowns and rewards and of entrance into union with God and of leaving not just the world in a general way. That was to have been accomplished long ago. This leaving has to do with those legitimate things which by their very nature act as a twisting briar about the Lily-life of Christ in us. It is a leaving of the multiplicity of a life of care for that Lily-life that is without toil or care, being taken care of by Him who feeds the sparrow and clothes the lily. This, as Jane Leade says, is a considerable mountain to move but Faith will move even it.

58. Hear this and ponder it well in your heart, dear saint of God. Here is a life that cannot be saved but must be swallowed up. Entrance at this gate entails loss, but as Paul said, "To die is gain." Because this is so true, only those whose eyes have truly been opened to the glorious aspect of this realm can enter here.

59. The previous footnote emphasizes the loss involved in coming out of the world and its affairs -- and this is a very real loss. Here is emphasized what is to be gained through such loss. There is no comparison whatever. It is my opinion that God reveals the glory of such things to us so that for the glory which is set before us, we may endure the cross, (the loss) despising the shame and the loss.

60. As I was editing this, the Lord brought to my mind a dream I had back in 1983 or '84 (very close to the time when He sent me forth in ministry). "I, with a very small number of others, was searching for something, we didn't know exactly what. It was a very dark time. We were searching in a field when suddenly, I found a patch of ground that seemed to have been freshly dug. As I raked back the dirt from this area, I found a large cache of Indian corn which I noticed was old corn. I excitedly called to the others, who came running. As they were coming, I noticed strewn among the corn, the most exquisitely delicate and elegantly beautiful ornaments of crystal. These I began handing to the various ones present."

I interpret this dream in this manner -- The small group of people with whom I was searching the field is God's present remnant who are not satisfied with staying anywhere along the way to His fullness and union with Him. That the day was very dark, speaks of the hour in which we now live. Of course, the old corn is that word of the kingdom representing that food upon which the Israelites fed when they entered into their inheritance (Joshua 5:11). The crystalline ornaments, I recognized even at the time, to be, not gifts, but graces of His character and nature, which is quite far removed from simple giftings. I found out some weeks later that, of all things, the Indians actually buried their corn in just this manner. I believe that the Word being revealed in the works of Jane Leade, which have lain buried for so many years, even centuries, will, if taken to heart and walked out, bring one into these very graces (ornaments) of His altogether lovely nature and character. I have no doubt whatever that this is the time for it.

61. In other words, God in His great wisdom has purposed in His heart to have a people so prepared in Christ as to be able to renew the whole face of a fallen creation through them, even though it will be after a gradual manner and not all at once.

62. This is an instance when the language of her day is found too cumbersome. "Grow out of request," means there is no longer a demand for it.

63. This allusion to Israelites and Ethiopians is metaphorical for those who know God in some degree and those who do not as yet know Him at all.

64. We are not to view this word, factory, in the usual, modern sense but as that reservoir of creative powers to which Wisdom's representatives shall have free access. Things shall surely be made as if manufactured, but by the creative word and power; not by carnal methods originating in Babylon.

65. I believe this has reference to Isaiah 65:20 -- "There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed." This portion of scripture, unless I err, pertains to that time called the millenium, when very much of what Jane Leade here speaks of shall be brought to visibility in and through a people. There shall be longevity restored to man, but apparently there will still be those hard cases where individuals will still hold out against God as sinners and rebels. For such the lake of fire is reserved.

66. I think it well to here recall to mind that Jane Leade is not an educated woman of letters. She speaks merely as one instructed of Wisdom in these matters.

67. Such a thing well becomes that priesthood which is after Melchizedek's unchangeable order, to put on another, more beautiful raiment in order to approach near unto the Lord God for service and ministry to Him. Ezekiel 44 speaks of such a thing concerning the Zadok priesthood, which is another reference to the Melchi-zedek priesthood.

68. She seems to use this word, tincture and tincturing, in the sense of that which permeates and infiltrates. She seems to indicate that whatever is permeated or tinctured is thereby changed into the nature of the tincturing element. It is as if a vile smell is overcome and swallowed up by another, more excellent, pleasant aroma.