1. On the first day of May, in the morning, Anno 1700, I was casting up in my mind the many circuits of years that had passed over me and considering within myself the way that God had taken in bringing forth those manifestations with which I have been visited. They have been much after the manner of metaphors and similtudes, to unfold and shadow the heavenly things themselves. I was contemplating what this present season might further bring forth. Many years now I have been great with expectation of some great and important new scene of the glory of Christ's Kingdom.

    Being desirous to put off this body because of great age and because of the long delay hereof, that I might enter into that which is indissoluble in the faith of assurance, of a triumphant reign with Christ among the just and perfect Spirits with whom such present communion my spirit is influenced withal, as hath taken such hold, as hath drawn me in desire to be both with their and my Prince and Saviour.

    But while I was debating this matter in my mind, the Eternal Word met me, saying, "Think not much, neither grudge at the passing away of so many rounds of time, because thou hast not yet arrived to that flowering age, where no blemish or defect may be found. For another time is yet to pass over thee, in which, as a translated plant, thou must be in the Paradisiacal property, with such others as are singled out with thee in the same unity of faith, for the making up of a glorious Sharon-State, that shall come as a Morning-Break upon the benighted earth, terrible as an army with banners, streaming forth in their impregnable defensive powers."

    2. After this inbreathed speech from my Lord, there was presented to the in-seeing eye of my mind, the similitude of a rose upon golden stalks. The ground from whence it sprung, was pure, refined, and clarified mould. The leaves of this flower was to the number twelve. Each leaf was distinguished by a different color, according to the oriental colors of the rainbow seen about the throne of the Lamb, and in the middle of this rose grew a golden colored seed, which sent forth so strong a perfume and odor, that it attracted down the virtues and powers from that heavenly world, appearing as so many flaming eyes, darting their beams upon it to cherish it.

    3. This withdrawing from my sight left me to ponder on the meaning of it. But I was bid to be still and not further inquire till it should be given me. Thus my mind, being still in a posture of waiting for what might further be made known, the next morning, after some mental exclamations, it appeared again as having multiplied itself into a threefold figure, upon the same root, according to the first similitude.

    Then was it said to me, "Take good observation of this unfadeable triune flower that shall cast forth its seed to multiply such plants as will replenish that which was in the first Paradise was put by and pre-empted by the transgression. Now it is restored again by Him that can never change, because there is no possibility that He should disobey the everlasting Father's command."

    Then came there forth a soft, sweet, warm gale that made the spicy seed to fly and scatter itself abroad upon this enclosed garden, from whence did suddenly spring numerous single flowers of the same variety of colors and number of leaves, appearing some in the bud, and others more or less blown.

    4. Then was it imparted to me that there was a counsel taken and care for the fencing in of this young sprouting plantation, or else the ravenous beasts would break in to devour, and the wild plants that grew everywhere about would cast in their evil savors to hurt and annoy. Whereupon from the upper court and council did come forth a decree that it should be enclosed round with a threefold circle. The first appeared as a circle of golden light, the second was a circle of golden light, the third a mild gentle fire, yet of invincible strength for defense. From this foundation, metaphorically represented, God will further open His own meaning herein of what may relate to the approaching time.

    5. Hence follows the opening of this presentation. This signifies the near approaching of a Paradisiacal state. Some plants whereof are now beginning to put forth, though in a kind of chaos, or wilderness state as yet. Such are still suffering very much from the wild and ruinous principle round about them. For they are those in whom this seed from the Sharon-rose has been inwardly sown but are yet weak inwardly and find the outward degenerated birth full-grown and strong so that it would bear the dominion.

    For while still in this phase, the outward principle has an advantage of the starry constellations, and this tempting principle seeks mightily to beat and keep down this holy and perfect thing from springing.(8) The sense of this does enter so deeply into the central part of the soul, that it provokes it to search and inquire whether or no this Divine seed and birth has not right to recover what was lost. This was put forth as a query for myself, as to my own particular, and in behalf of such others as in love's band of faith do with me stand. And that I might be assured hereof, the records which were in the Heavens were made obvious to my eye.

    Nothing less was designed by the irreversible council of the Trinity, but that the first-springing flower of Paradise, which was Man made after God's own image, should obtain a new-springing life in those that make up the glory of the new Sharon. Man, being deflowered, and losing its virgin rose, became weak and impotent and introduced the same effects throughout the whole creation. He has involved His whole offspring in curse, death and sorrow, of which we are all witnesses. This decayed plant, shall be fully restored by a strong and most fragrant breath from the Triune Deity.

    And as the first formed one lost the honor of bringing forth his virgin offspring for the replenishing of that blessed region in which he was placed, so now the never dying or decaying flower of life does here come to fill up the vacancy with a more noble generation by their passing through the womb of eternal wisdom. All which spiritual births lie hidden in the visible corporeal figure. The corporeal sight cannot as yet bear the visible glory of a celestial body until transplanted into such an Eden-garden together, where we may all wear one clothing as our immortal robes as may agree with our glorified head.

   6 . Had not the Lord Himself so condescended as to clothe Himself with the selfsame dishonorable image that we, through the apostasy of sin do bear, we might have disdained ourselves in such an appearance. And truly I myself have often reflected hereupon, (as well I might) finding such nakedness and impotence with maladies and infirmities. But as I have been sometimes complaining to my Lord concerning this vile body, He has answered me in the most kind and friendly manner saying,

     "Think not much, nor be dismayed, seeing it is but for a limited time that thou bearest this badge(9) that is so contemptible, seeing that I Myself did not despise it for your sakes, nor suffered it to be any impediment to the springing and growing body that moved within it invisibly for the fulfilling of all righteousness. So in like manner you are not to think it an impossibility, but that you may to the same perfection arrive gradually, as the Deified seed which, cast into a new created heart, shall come up a spiritual body answering to my own. When made complete and as occasion may require, this inward body by the rosy tincture, may give a radiancy and shining glory upon the visible gross part. However, all the defects and impotencies are not to be charged upon the outward form so much as upon the inward root and body of sin, the destruction of which is to be principally aimed at.

   "For while that life is strong, the spiritual remains weak. But as this Rose of Sharon shall come from its budding to a blossoming (its root is from the Deity), so it will show itself as a complete body according to eternal nature, replanted in the Paradisiacal land by which the outward birth of depraved nature shall sink down into its own root again and be bound as with a band of iron to prevent its dominion through the sinful properties that otherwise would mingle and interrupt the peaceable and serene reign of the spirit. This is the true essential ground by which the lapsed creation will be set free."

   7. But note further that it is testified by the Spirit that this is very rare,(10) and peculiar only to some few at first in the beginning of this Sharon-plantation. They shall be as mighty worthies in the faith who, as Lilies, shall appear to be the espoused Bride of the Lamb and who shall answer to the Jerusalem above, co-joined as Residents of that city to make up such a temple body. GOD, with His bright star of Wisdom and with the Lamb, shall be the glory of it.

   8. This is represented by the twelve leaves of the rose made mention of earlier, which signifies the twelve foundations with their twelve sparkling colors, which also signify the twelve gates. This renews the calling of the twelve tribes, not only of the Jews but out of all nations. This refers also to the apostolic number that are all to be sealed with the tri-unity of the rose springing from the golden stalk. It will be a great and marvelous wonder when this Jerusalem shall appear, consisting of such pure and bright clarified spirits, compacted together to dwell on such a vile, gross, material principle as this world does appear at present to be.

   9. This shall be the beloved city which, though the vile and perverse generation may make their attempts against it, they can find no way to come through the threefold circle which has such a defensive glory about it as will devour and consume all that makes enterprise against it. This may well strike a terror to the unbelieving and opposing.

   10. And I was commanded to declare that this glorious Sharon plantation is now at this time budding forth. I am therefore to blow the horn to awaken and raise up the seed that has lain buried for some time in Paradisiacal ground, and also among the wild plants in the desolate wilderness that lies without. For this is the set time wherein the seventh angel does utter his mighty voice.(11) Therefore, the dead in Christ (understood spiritually) shall hear, and so as lilies, put forth and spring in that faith that shall multiply the blessings of unknown treasures, which shall outrun and excel all of the outward typical treasures and glory of Solomon's grandeur.(12)

   11. Now what does this predict or speak forth but the mighty reign and kingdom that is coming upon the earth? It is that in which the Sharon plants shall be so renowned as to carry the scepter rule and government over all that is mortal and temporary. For Christ, who is their Prince of Life, will take that Alpha and Omega name that shall make the inhabitants of the earth to know that His Jerusalem-bride shall sit with Him upon His throne and reign till all those who have refused obedience to this name shall be constrained to come and worship before His and her feet.

   He also has verified by a new express of His mind that He will give into the hands of such as He shall approve, a rod of strength dipped in that golden circle, by which they shall sprinkle and baptize many that shall receive of the same spiritual power. These are for a witness from, and in whom, the Spirit of God and glory does go forth to touch and inflame with that love which answers to the Deified name.

   12. By way of preparation and order for this to be accomplished in this very season of time, a royal command from the King of the superior Jerusalem is gone forth(13) to stir up some heroical spirits to lay the foundations for the building up this mystical and spiritual defensive wall, which bears an analogy to the building of the Jewish temple.

        As the ancient temple was laid waste, so likewise the spiritual gospel structure, of which the twelve apostles were laid as the foundations with their Head Corner-stone, has been much demolished and decayed so that its first pure and primitive model has been, as it were, obliterated for many generations past.

   In the sense of which, I was came before the Lord and was in mourning for so great a lapse of this ministration for some number of weeks, as Daniel had done. After this I found a strengthening power girding me up and several bright clouds encompassing me, out of which I saw several persons which I counted as twelve (representing twelve apostles). Each one had a golden reed in his hand to measure out the lengths and breadths upon which this edifice was to stand. They did deputize and empower some persons now living in this age of time for the building and raising up what the Babylonish spirit has been pulling down.

   13. And as I was inquiring whether or not these opposing powers would not still hinder as they did in Christ and the apostle's time, it was answered me; "It is not always to be so. For this mystery of iniquity, after it has had its full unmasking, must have its downfall just as this holy apostolic fabric shall have its rise."

   It was further noted to me that I was not to fear for the renewing of this great work by persons so ordained, as to represent the apostolical order, (which may in process of time exceed that number) that these should be prevented by persecutions and from the flood-gates of the dark kingdom(14) letting out upon them to take them off from the full accomplishment of their work.

   For though it was permitted that both the Head-stone and His followers were to be cut off by suffering and death, yet a new progeny from, and in their spirits shall rise up who shall not only be endowed with the Holy Ghost for gifts and acts of power going forth transiently, but they shall possess the Holy Ghost as resting upon them for duration.

   For to this end it was necessary that those should suffer and enter into their kingly power and glory, and in that spirit descend,(15) (to co-operate and enlarge that kingdom which they possess in the heavenly world) in such as are herefor fitly qualified that they may receive not only of their gifts and powers, but also fortitude and strength to uphold them against all violators so that they shall have no power to hurt or impede them in this great enterprise that they are engaged in. This will be made manifest by the several foundation-stones, as mentioned in Rev. 21:19, that were named to me in their peculiar signatures and properties.

   The First is the Jasper, which denotes the creating word of light, multiplying itself to a sevenfold degree of light that swallows up the seven darknesses or nights which were divided from the light.

   Secondly, out of the womb of everlasting light is brought forth the love, or the Jacinth stone, multiplying and manifesting itself as burning gold, sending forth a ruby luster which vanquishes and by its tincture expels the venom of the anger and wrath.

   The third foundation stone is the princely wisdom, and may be represented by the Chrysolite-diamond, sparkling forth in all variety of powers and operations. It puts to the blush and shame whatever is of folly and lightness, thereby extinguishing and getting the victory over it.

   The fourth is the Sapphire, which signifies truth springing from its native originality, which never could be tainted or adulterated. This will dispel all misunderstanding and uncertainty of things.

   The fifth stone is the Emerald, or the flowering spring of an everlasting righteousness eating out the curse of the unrighteous properties in degenerated nature and opening the fountain of all endless treasures.

   The sixth is the Topaz, which bears the motto of peace, all mild and kind. It will admit of no jars or rendings or whatever shall make disquietings or warrings. This is that virtual stone that makes up all breaches and heals all wounds.

   The seventh is the Amethyst which represents impartiality of justice and judgment that cannot be biased or corrupted, judging all causes and weighing all matters in the balance of equity. It stands against all oppression, fraud and cruelty.

   The eighth is the meek and even temperament of a spirit, all mild and kind, whereby the harshness, fierceness and frowardness is overcome. This is signified by the Beryl.

   The ninth is the high, magnetic faith that attracts the virtue and essence from the first author and original of it, by which incredulity, fears and doubtings are expelled. Applied to the Sardius stone.

   The tenth is invincible fortitude and strength, which so over-rules all contradicting and opposing powers that nothing remains to hinder or prevent what Almightiness intends. This is referred to the Chrysoprasus.

   The eleventh is triumph, joy and delight, flowing from that fountain that is pleasure forevermore. This swallows up all sighings and sorrows. Such belongs to the Sardonyx.

   The twelfth bears the crown of victory, dominion and glory, as the top stone, or greatest of wonders, returning all in praise to the Founder of all this glory. Assigned to the Chalcedony.

   14. Thus has been described the high composition of the wall, being all of fire-stones, tempered and compacted together wherein is couched and hidden the deepest secrets of wisdom that shall be brought forth into manifestation as builders upon these foundations shall be raised. For which a cry is heard from the all-piercing eye of love's eternity. "Who among mortals shall be found fitly qualified to obtain this honor?" The answer is, it is assigned for such as do spring as lilies from this new-planted earth(16) that lies all level and low. It is for them who shall be renewed from pure nature to put forth and grow as the rosy tincture shall flow through them.

   This shall express no less than the Christ as the Spreading Flower of glory in the midst of these plants who are yet but in their budding infancy. Yet their over-seeing charge will be until each one may reach unto a mature spiritual body according to the similitude of Christ their Lord, whereby (reaching maturity) they shall be restored and healed to erect their own wall of defense.

   The policies whereof are given by the supreme Governess of this principle (the Eternal and Divine Wisdom) to such angelical persons as shall measure out the dimensions hereof foursquare, lying open to the four quarters of the earth, on each side of which are three gates, all oriental and transparent.(17) This signifies an opening of that ministry which hath been for some ages shut up but which shall rise again out of the Sharon-root in greater magnificence and glory.

   As the Lord in His humiliation-state ordained and called twelve disciples, that they might be witnesses of His mighty works and deeds as He was the Son of God and Savior of Mankind, so herefrom is understood that He will now also elect and assign twelve principal persons as the foundation-builders, who shall stand each one at his respective gate, entrusted with the key thereof to lock out and to open as they please and as directed from their principal Head.

   These shall thus go on to multiply the number of disciples till they be innumerable, for the publishing and reviving of that more than glorious ministration that consisteth purely of the fiery baptism of the Holy Ghost. All who shall find admittance through these gates must be made partakers of this baptism, as they shall pass through the three circles before-mentioned and so hereby they shall be made natives to dwell in and inhabit this new-planted Paradise.

   For here it is to be understood that these who are born natives in this Holy Land have government and laws quite different from what is after the manner of the worldly principle. They all move according to the compass of the Supreme mystical working wheel that draws them up to mighty, high, and wonderful acts of faith, which inspires one with wisdom and knowledge to find out those secret means and spiritual crafts that have been lost and could never be found until re-implanted again in Paradisiacal ground.(18) Until these Divine Magi(19) come to be brought forth, there can be but little expectation for an establishment of that kingdom in which the reign and dominion of Christ in His shall appear.

   15. Therefore this new model of the court and palace within and the wall without, was described to me with a word of counsel and information, with assurance that such an orb or principle should open and take place for joy and praise to the inhabitants of this new earth. The old earth, however, with all the crafts and merchandising, all the pomp and riches and glory that have been gotten thereby, shall all be out of date and esteemed as drossy metal compared to fine gold, or true jewels with counterfeit.

   And as none can traffic in the Babylonish wares without having the mark of the beast and his name, so none can exchange in this Holy Land except they must first obtain their freedom from the Supreme Judge and Law-giver and receive the Seal of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost upon their forehead. This signifies that they are ordained free citizens here, to work and act, not by the outward bodily strength but by the motion, operation and activity of the Spirit.(20)

   16. Now it may be asked whether this is to be understood to be a gathering together of persons to one place? This is not required, because the Divine principle opens itself individually so that each one may have a Paradise opened within him and become, himself, a plantation watered from the golden river. But he must first become a builder and layer of the foundations of his own wall(21) by Him who is the springing flower of that seed of the Eternal God-head that does here sow itself, giving forth its increase and multiplication as matter and ground shall be prepared here. Neither can the absence of local presence hinder the interaction that may be maintained between those that are of the same sanctuary-function and order.

   For it is the property of the spiritual part, to dart into another as swift as a thought, and for one soul to be essentially present and united to another.(22) This is a great mystery; the near affinity and conjunction that one spirit may have with another, even though in different spiritual realms, has been little understood. But it may be asked, what is the benefit and use of this passing of one spirit to another, and into another; and what ground is there for it?

   It is answered, the great Apostle speaks of being absent in body, but present in spirit, and of his spirit being gathered together, and meeting with them to determine matters and things, as one having obtained more eminently the spirit of discerning and judgment, 1 Cor.5:3-5. So also the spirit of Elisha went along with his servant and actually saw what he had done. This is experienced more or less, according to the degree of the spirit poured forth. Much help and strengthening mutually of each other may be maintained by way of this intercourse of the Spirit.

   Hereby, in a true sympathy, they have a real feeling of each other's sorrows and temptations, and also of their freedom and joy, and particularly of the powers of the Holy Ghost, moving and acting through one unto another. It is the high and singular benefit through this union, that none can understand or perceive but those that are in it.

   17. And thus the temple body of Christ will be built,(23) and the spiritual stones will be joined together, and as convenience shall be found, there may be a joining of family to family for the holding of a holy solemnity and assembling together in one accord.(24) This shall be helpful in worshiping God in Spirit and waiting together for a more full inundation of the Spiritual Powers. All this while they are sequestering and giving up themselves unanimously for this great and worthy end, so that the dove-spirits that may yet lie scattered in several nations and kingdoms, may have a call to the temple-body rising visibly wherever it may be pitched.(25)

   18. For this end it is required that there be an abandoning and coming out of all preoccupations in the common spirit and principle of this world. Here must be a ceasing to intermeddle with the earthly crafts and sciences and an entering into a new way, to be brought up as the children and disciples of the Heavenly Wisdom. She will assuredly make all-sufficient provision, for the outward bodily part.(26) The seeking after these things is not for the Heaven-born Soul that is redeemed out of the world. For these are the things, that , as our Lord tells us, the Gentiles seek after.(27)

   But the Father stands more peculiarly charged for his own family, knowing what things are needful for them. He shall confer that princely gift, which is faith in Him, as the key that opens that unknown storehouse where all treasures shall stand open to the hand of Faith's command. This faith must be steady and never wavering, looking upward with a fixed eye and not divided between two principles. Then will it be experienced as it was by the great patriarchs and prophets of old who were encompassed with blessings on the right hand and on the left, not knowing which way they would be brought in; confiding in that everlasting fountain that was unsealed unto them in all its fruitful springs.

   19. This is such a dispensation as cannot gain credit with any but such as are of the high faith of Abraham. They, as did Abraham, shall go out naked and obedient to the call of God who, as a Father, did much exceed in giving him a lot and portion which nothing from this outward world could share in. Therefore, he said in confidence of his God, that he would not be beholding even for a shoe-latchet to the Sodomitish Spirit.(28)

   20. It is little known or considered what Faith may extend to in relation to the increase of all temporal blessings. Such a generation shall surely rise up as are born into the more refined and spiritual part of Divine outlook.(29) They shall grow up and be taught in the School of Pentecost, in the spirit of Faith.(30) This is the kernel and seed from whence may produce that Spiritual Body that answers to the express similitude of Christ who ascended into Paradise after His resurrection appearance as He was parted from the visible world. This was in preparation of mansions (dwellings) for all such as should be quickened into the same Resurrection-life with Him.

   So mystically and spiritually will He gather His own up into Himself that they may live after the Paradisiacal manner and way. This is as the first Adam lived before his lapse.(31) Now Christ, the second Adam, being made manifest in our human form and paying the full price of our redemption, has opened that gate whereby we may return to our native country from whence man has been excommunicated.

   For all such as have put Him on as their Essential Paradisiacal Body, even though still in this world in their outward figure, may maintain their intercourse and conversation with the spiritual realm, in the true liberty of the Spirit.(32) Christ, in the Divine Mystery opens and dilates Himself in the soul, in all its virtual powers and properties, in such a Divine sensation and enjoyment so that the blessed principle is recovered and possessed again.

   The evidences are by the immunities and privileges that belong to the Paradisiacal life, which is such a pure climate and heavenly air which the soul maintains its breath of life from, that nothing of death is to be tasted there, because here the Tree of Life stands open to them without any guard upon it. None are incapable of feeding on this tree but such as are distrustful and faithless. To every believing plant here, it offers itself freely.

   21. Thus, as princely spirits, they shall have their tents pitched near unto their Kingly Shepherd as encompassing His throne-glory. Here there shall needs be no enquiring after. Here they are no longer turning aside from the flocks of His companions, neither need they say, Tell us, O our Beloved, where thou feedest, and where thou makest thy flocks to rest at noonday? Because thou hast sent thy dove messengers, not only to give us intelligence, but to lead and bring us up to our ancient primary rest IN THEE, making us partakers of the same glory which thou hadst prepared for us in thyself before the foundation of the world.

   22. Now it may be queried further. "Upon whom this Paradisiacal principle may be made manifest?"

   In answer hereunto, they are such as have a peculiar and high degree of FAITH to set themselves apart for it, keeping steady in a watchful posture. It has been known already by some, both in ages past and also in present, that such a watchfulness has not been without effect.

   For they have witnessed the opening of this spiritual temperature and climate, where all peaceable fruitfulness, and pleasurable conversation with their Princely Lord and King is enjoyed, who is returned in Spirit to keep His walks in the inward new-planted earth. As the visible Paradise was separated from the grosser part of the world, so it is to be understood in the Garden of God Enclosed. And as Adam went out of Paradise into this world, so now in the restoration or returning back again, through union with the Spirit of Christ, there is an abiding in this place in a most free and glorious liberty.

   23. But caution is given, that after once being situated here, there be no turning the eye out of or off from this Tree of Life. For we are not relieved of all danger of being tempted or gotten beyond all probation and trials till we come to be established, rooted and grounded so firmly into the Tree of Life where nothing may shake or unsettle these living plants.

   Thus when we have passed our probation state in both these principles, in the outward and in the inward, then will be the season, to any that are thus far advanced, to expect the mighty spiritual powers to be poured down as a rushing wind and warm penetrating showers.(33) This will bring up the fruitful pledges of Christ's presence, returning and resting for the distinguishing marks of another resurrection of those various powers and gifts with which the apostles were endued and replenished.

    The spirit of prophecy will show things both present and things to come. Also there shall be a renewing of the healing medicine (gifts of healing) or balsam that shall be sent forth from the internal word, incorporating itself into nature's property and form.(34) But it cannot be commanded at the will of the creature, but only when the oily pool is moving by the angel of the covenant.

   Then virtue may be sent forth for the cure of mortal infirmities, as long as the faith of the sufferer concurs and agrees herewith. So the corruptible is healed by the incorruptible tincture penetrating through, which is attributed to the Deified blood of Christ the Lord's humanity. As also may be mentioned, other gifts were exhibited in the apostolic day, such as the word of wisdom, and fresh centers and springs of revelation. These shall open what has been shut up and sealed from the knowledge of any, except such as are set apart to wait upon the ministration of the Spirit. To them it shall be given especially to know the deep mysteries that are needful in this latter age for help and direction.

   For the builders of this foundation that have a call at this time do need such help and direction to more immediately set upon this work from the flaming ardency of love. For they must carry on and not stop until the top stone is laid as a covering that shall appear in the Triune GOD, in all splendor of majesty and glory.

   24. Who then would not now think it worth their time to come out from the Babylonish land and cease to be traffickers in that which is only vulgar, gross and carnal, to enter as divine wisemen into that inward and holy court where only the anointed priests are to exercise their function and calling. These shall differ from others who yet remain only in the first rudiments of a Christ-like profession in the outward and exterior part of knowledge, they having not yet pressed forward into the internal and essential formation of a Christ in them.

    He shall prepare His own Paradise for habitation, as the land of all spiritual fruitfulness and blessed stores, which gives ease and rest from the burdens, cares and cumberings of the outward, worldly principle. This is the peculiar privilege appropriated to the inhabitants who are the traffickers here and do exercise themselves quite in another way; that is, from a stock of an all-springing powerful faith which is that golden coin that bears the inscription,

   "The Lord God omnipotent here does reign over all worlds, centers and principles, the blessings from the heights above and the depths beneath to command."

   And as Joshua had the commission and power given him to divide to each their lot of inheritance after he had brought the tribes of Israel over Jordan, so the great Joshua-Jesus, by conquest, has brought a selected and chosen number into this love-paved land. Here each one has his portion divided to him after a spiritual manner, according to the free donation decreed from the council of the Trinity. As persons are found higher or lower in growth and capacities, they are to possess their portions, others shall possess a twofold or threefold portion.

   Others proceeding until they arrive to a sevenfold portion which belongs principally to the holy anointed priesthood as their celestial reward. From the power of such a reward, the terrestrial and earthy may yet be had for the outward physical form (which they will yet bear), to which they must be in subjection until mortality shall put on its immortal robe.(35) This may happen to such as come to the highest pitch of faith and arrive at such a posture as to transmute, according to the divine chemistry, coarse and gross matter into refined and pure gold.(36)

8. At the outset of our inward walk we are faced with the somewhat daunting prospect of a yet underdeveloped inward life while at the same time must confront a very well-developed outward life in all its various capacities. Referring to "starry constellations," she is speaking metaphorically of what she elsewhere calls "the astral realm." That is, the thought life, the imaginations, the reasoning mind. But soon the Lord begins to deal with us about this also, supplying the grace to cast down imaginations and to bring every thought into the captivity of Christ, and we find new heavens to walk in and upon this, a new earth must follow.

9. The "badge" here spoken of is, of course, the vile body in which we now find ourselves and in which He is even now bringing forth the new, spiritual body.

10. What is referred to as being "very rare and seen in only a few at first" is the attainment to what she, in other places (1619/79 Prophecy), refers to as "a fixed body." This is held out to the overcomer as being like a pillar in the temple of God and no more going out. It is the putting on of incorruption by the corruptible, or the act of that Life within swallowing up that death which is without. This is the goal and ultimate outcome of those who are being made into His likeness and image. It is the putting on of immortality. The Lord here, in speaking to her, says very clearly that this new Sharon state shall be seen only in a few at first, but that it shall quickly go on to multiply itself in others of like mind and heart, eventually reaching past the outer court to the nations of the world, turning this outward fading rose into the Lily-life of Christ. Therefore, as we await "the breakthrough, it is not to be thought that a grand entrance shall be gained by all who understand these things and embrace them. The "breakthrough" for which we expectantly look, is the beginning of that which will gradually build and multiply in and through those who are earnestly pursuing after God.

11. There is no doubt in my mind that we now live in the days when the seventh angel has begun to sound. His message concerns God's purposes as to the fullness of Christ that shall come forth in His people. Therefore, in this day is the "mystery of God" finished. That is, God's ultimate purposes which have been hid in Christ, are now not only being made known to worthy inquirers, but they are now actually being entered into. If we are hearing the sound of that seventh trump, then we ought also to be rousing from the dead to walk in the life of that resurrection so often spoken of here in these pages.

12. What a glorious statement this is! It would do the reader good to turn again to that section of Scripture dealing with the kingdom and glory which was Solomon's, and just reflect for a moment on the fact that all there spoken of after an outward, material fashion is but a dim and partial figure of the true treasures and glories that await those who have fought David's wars and have come to the peaceable reign of Solomon. It shall be glorious indeed and beyond the power of words to describe what shall be theirs who persevere until the complete rearing of the true inward Temple of the Lord.

13. This passage seems allegorical to the time when Nehemiah returned to build again the walls of Jerusalem. At that time there was much decay and rubbish to be gotten rid of and the inhabitants of the country, who had no rights in Jerusalem, went in and out of the city through the broken down walls of the city with as much ease as its rightful citizens. But now comes a decree from the King supreme to stir up among some a building spirit in order to restore what has so long laid waste that hardly anyone remembers the true original as it stood at the first. So is God stirring the hearts of some in this hour to arise in the spirit of Cyrus to rebuild, even against the threats and slander of all on-lookers and gainsayers to the contrary. We do well remember that during the rebuilding of Jerusalem there was no class distinction or party-mongering. The goldsmith labored next to the druggist (apothecary) and store merchant (Nehemiah 3:8, 31 & 32).

14. This has verily been the primary tactic of the enemy in this day and not an outward persecution. But He giveth more grace!

15. It is to just this that Jane Leade refers in her 1619 (1679) Prophecy when she makes this statement -- "Only those who have so ascended and received of that glory can then condescend (come back down) and minister from that glory." This is the liberty and license given to those who may now be termed, Ascended Angels! This has nothing whatever to do with re-incarnation, but is illustrated to us by the ministry of John the Baptist who was enabled to perform that ministry as being imbued with Elijah's spirit and power. It was said by the Lord that this same spirit was to come on some in this latter day also. So shall the spirit of Moses, and so shall the spirit of other notables, if we can believe in our hearts what our minds cannot. As the Lord suffered, died and ascended for glorification that His most excellent Spirit could be poured forth to endow His followers with strength and power, so also did the apostles suffer and die (though not efficaciously as to sin) in order to ascend to share in the Lamb's glory. They, in turn, having arrived at that state of "no more I but Christ," may then condescend, or come back down in spirit, to succor those who should be ordained to do some particular work which called for such a spiritual endowment. But whether it is the spirit of Moses, the spirit of Elijah, or the spirit of another ascended angel, it is the one only Spirit of Christ as manifested in and through a particular personality.

16. The earth here referred to is our bodies into which has been sown the incorruptible seed of Christ, which is yet, as she states, but budding. When she uses the term "lily," she is referring to that life so characteristic of Christ that is without toil or care. It is that life which has left, or is leaving, the multiplicities of this present outer world.

17. This is Jane Leade's way of saying that those who are ordained to build on this wall shall receive from Divine Wisdom the policies by which they operate. They will not function according to the rational mind of spirit. These will be found in a condition of such evenness, having been ground very fine by the Master Grinder, that they are not over developed in one area of Christ but lacking in another. They are four-square, they are the same regardless of which direction you may view them from. Such are the dimensions and nature of the Most Holy Place--four-square; such is Christ. They are as gates through whom others may find entrance into the City, and though they face the four quarters of the earth, they are each one oriental, or eastward-looking. They are ever looking toward the risen sun/Son.

18. Only in and through Christ, the New Creation, shall those powers which were lost in the fall of Adam be restored and every man be returned to his possessions at the great Jubilee in which each shall, in his own order, participate.

19. Again, this word, Magi, is the plural form of the word, Magus, which means, "wise men" or having to do primarily with wisdom. These here spoken of shall be moved only by the original Divine Wisdom rather than from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. She speaks freely in the sense of metaphor and then, also, these very words did not in her day carry their present negative meanings. Another example of words and their meanings being changed, "When I was young and gay. . .", meant one thing in her day and quite another today.

20. Jane Leade here, as she so often does, again alludes to that Lily-life of Christ that has taken its leave of the ways and means of this present world system which lies under the dominion and sway of the beast. It is very clear from what she says that just as it is only those having the mark of the beast who are allowed to buy or sell in this present system, so also shall it be only those who have received the Father's mark (the mind of Christ) in their foreheads who are enabled to conduct business in the Kingdom of God. But those who come to such a degree shall find that the coin of the kingdom is not what it was in that order of things. There it was the perishing mammon, the deceitful riches; here it is faith, a divine faith which can extend itself as high as God can reach! It has access to the inexhaustible store of God's creative power that is able to make a something out of nothing.

21. What is here revealed is the necessity of two things: One, that all must proceed from and be built upon Christ Jesus, the only foundation upon which the heavenly habitation can be laid, and two, there seems to be some time required for what is known as the processing of the Lord. For it is certain that so long as David's warring spirit is yet operative within, the time has not arrived for Solomon's typical temple of Wisdom to be raised within. There must be more than merely entering the land of the inheritance. There must also be a possessing the land and a taking of it from the former inhabitants. This implies a necessity of the passage of time in one's life in order for it to be worked out. The parable of the 11th hour laborer does not seem to apply here.

22. One thing seems obvious, that is, if we are to have an understanding of such things, we must cease to measure such things by what we perceive to be the norm of our present physical realm. The realms of spirit do not function under or accommodate such laws. An example might be found in the case of II Kings 5:26, when Gehazi had greedily sought to profit from Naaman's healing of leprosy. ". . .Went not mine heart with thee, when the man turned again from his chariot to meet thee?"

23. There has been a certain misunderstanding concerning the building of the Lord's temple. There has been much presented which indicated that it would be built through the ministration of Pentecost, but that is assuredly the realm of the wilderness and no temple may be constructed there. There must first be an entrance made into the land of the inheritance (behind the veil), a new circumcision experienced and upon the basis of that circumcision, a very deliberate and definite possession of the land take place. All hindering impediments to a peaceable reign must first be removed by David's warring spirit. Then, upon a full possession of the inheritance and the passing away of David, the son of peace begins the true kingdom reign. It does not occur during the Pentecostal experience but during the Tabernacles experience.

24. There has already been a very definite cloistering of many whose hearts have been set aflame with the vision of these things. Now, it seems that, as God has drawn these apart from all else and unto Himself, there shall be a drawing of these peculiar ones together for the culmination and receipt of that for which we have been made to hope. It shall be as much an operation and outworking of the Spirit in this bringing together as the former separation unto Himself has been.

25. This visible rising of the temple is not a reference to one of Babylon's buildings, but of the visible and physical gathering together. It is to be believed that this group and gathering will meet in such Holy and pure spirit and circumstance that none shall seek to join themselves to them except those who have a like mind and heart.

26. As was previously said in the last footnote, this shall drastically reduce the number of qualified applicants to this group. We are here dealing with truly keeping the Feast of Tabernacles which requires an utterness that was never known in the Feast of Pentecost.

27. Here we are to take notice that a brand new order has commenced. No longer may the new inhabitants of the land (inheritance) serve God and . . . No longer may they follow God while halting between two opinions. Even for the bodily needs must they look to their Father. Heretofore when sickness or disease has struck, there has been sought an immediate remedy for it. We have sought alternatives to suffering, discomfort and pain as a matter of course. Now, we are no longer permitted to fend off death, ease pain and suffering by any means other than Christ, who is our life here. In this place the attitude of faith is, "If I perish, I perish." In order for death to be overcome, it must be confronted. In order for the redemption of the body to become a reality, all needs and requirements of the body must remain solely in the hand of Him who shall redeem it. Those involved in such a walk shall have two things: first, no fear of death and second, the faith of the Son of God.

28. The Sodomite spirit is a type of "man working with man that which is unseemly." For us who have been called to such a high and dignified walk with God and then to look to man in the extremities of our bodily needs, is quite unseemly. As some trust in chariots and some in horses, we will remember the name of the Lord our God.

29. What Jane refers to as "the Divine outlook" is but that mind which views all from the position of faith. It does not look upon outward things and take guidance or counsel from that. Abraham considered not his own body. This people whom God shall raise up in the earth shall have the same liberty to provide all necessities, even for the bodily part, as Jesus had when He fed the 5,000 and 7,000.

30. They shall indeed "grow up" in Pentecost, but they shall not manifest that maturity in Pentecost, but only in that land which is their inheritance.

31. Here in this place we shall find the cessation of the reasoning mind entirely. For, contradictory to what most believe, the reasoning mind was not given to man by God. It came as a result of the fall of Adam and is therefore an endowment from him rather than from our heavenly Father. Before the fall, Adam knew only what the Father knew in him; saw only what the Father saw in him (remember, until his eyes were opened at the tree of knowledge, he had been blind to outward things); heard only what the Father heard in him. He had been as Jesus, who could do only what He saw the Father do and speak only what He heard the Father speaking. He was in the Father and the Father in Him. This is as it was at the first with Adam and as it is promised to be to a restored creation.

32. This is an area which is as yet shrouded in mystery for many of God's children. Jesus, Himself, maintained this communication upon the Mount of Transfiguration as He spoke with Moses and Elijah. I reject entirely the notion that He went through a charade of speaking only to a vision, as some hold. He spoke with them. This is not necromancy, the communing with the dead, for those in Christ are not dead; they sleep. God is not the God of the dead but of the living, therefore they are not dead. The Scriptures themselves declare that we are "come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,. . ." --Hebrews 12:22,23. We are brought unto an innumerable company of angels? That's another realm entirely. All the members of the general assembly and church of the firstborn are not still in their mortal bodies. Some have passed on to the other side but this passage states very clearly that we are come to them! We are come to the spirits of just men made perfect! While we wholly acknowledge and agree with the Lord's injunction against necromancy, we must resign ourselves to the fact that if we are going to enjoy fellowship with the whole body of Christ, we shall have to do it without the approval and under the stern glare of those who do not as yet understand all their privileges in Christ. Even Charles Finney, the great revivalist and one of the most uncompromising of men, says concerning his departed wife, "It seemed that I could enter into the very state of mind in which she was in heaven, and if there is any such thing as communing with an absent spirit or with one who is in heaven, I seemed to commune with her." End Quote.

33. This is but another confirmation that we are not to look back at other eras of a lesser message but greater power and demonstration than we have yet attained as thinking that we are somehow deficient in some way. What God does here must come forth upon the ground of man's utter lack and barrenness. Then, shall the barren bring forth seven.

34. While it is to be freely admitted that much of this nature has been evident in the Pentecostal experience, she here speaks of a much greater abundance of power than Pentecost ever knew.

35. Until this mortal shall put on immortality, the needs and requirements of that which is mortal, that is, the body, must still be furnished. But those requirements are not furnished after the manner in which the Gentiles seek to furnish them. These feed at the hand of the Sparrow Feeder, just as did Jesus. Their coin and currency is faith and of it they know no lack.

36. Along these lines is a quote from Andrew Jukes--"And as by the hidden fire of this present life, shut up in these bodies of corruption, we are able by the wondrous chemistry of nature through corruption to change the fruits and flesh of the earth into our blood, and from blood again into our flesh and bone and sinew; so by the fire of God can we be changed, and made partakers of Christ's flesh and blood (The blood of the kingdom is Spirit. Ed.). In and through Christ we have received this transmutation; and through His Spirit which is fire, is this same change accomplished in us." A. Jukes, "The Restitution of All Things," pg. 82.