PART I - Section 5



    Having passed through and gotten over the resurrection step and held out the probation hour, the heavens do open and the bright cloud breaks as the open Gate of Ascension, to receive the spirit and soul that has put on its risen body.(59) It is now to be parted from the earth and carried up to have conversation with the Holy Trinity and all those princely dignities in heavenly places.

    Oh, what angelical sounds and consummating powers that make a soul all restless until it comes to its own prepared mansion! With what love-zeal is it now fired throughout? Every motion is all ascending towards its own center, for now it is very painful to live any space of time out of its heavenly Element, and it is judged as expedient for a risen soul to depart mystically and spiritually, as the Lord did personally. Nothing must or can long detain it.

    All dues, debts and demands have been cleared(60) in Christ, the Life and Resurrection, Who also has ransomed the soul from death so that the evil accuser can bring no charge against a risen spirit who has died to that kingdom.

    Nor can any of his worldly agents succeed who would readily lay weight of earthly cares to keep from mounting up to the Lamb's Throne.

    They have nothing to do with that in the realm into which the ascending angels are entered, moving straight forward, not looking back or down any more to what they are now redeemed from. They keep pace, maintaining their walk with the Holy Trinity, being so refreshed and satisfied, both as to place and company, that they mind and study no other thing but to become as fixed pillars to go no more out. Here is fullness of all joy.

    But here it may be asked, "With what body do you ascend? If your mortal form continues in this visible world, how shall it be discerned when you do ascend?" In answer to this, no gross, earthy eye which looks at things according to outward appearances can indeed discern the Lord's Mystical Body(61) which is put on for ascension. No one can be in the true perception but such as are in the same free light realm.

    Others are not to see it or know it until these have come to descend in the Tabernacle-Body of the Holy Ghost. Then they shall be confessed and accepted by them who are now doubtful and unbelieving as questioning all of this internal ascension, because it is not known experimentally. But, blessed are they who know themselves in it and are received out of sight to be very much with Jesus their Lord.

    You may say, "How is one out of sight and yet in sight amongst mortals?" You are to understand it thus -- the soul and spirit, in the secret, divine body, which it puts on in the resurrection is so highly soaring and moving, as the Cherubim-Wheels mentioned by Ezekiel, that they are lifted up by the Spirit and ascend from the earth as neither caring nor minding worldly matters anymore. It (spirit, soul and body angel) has no patience to delay its stay in earthly realms. Beholding such worthy and glorious objects by the Spirit's Eye, it is so enkindled in flames of Love-desire that it can not check or retard from ascending.

    Oh! What is given us to observe as relating to ascension, at the entrance of which Gate do stand numerous angels and Seraphim with flags of victory to give each ascended spirit, shouting with joy of salvation that is now worked out! Then does this holy and heavenly train usher in the ascended and bring them up to the Throne of the Lamb who, all in Jasper Light and Glory, doth appear rising up from His Throne-Seat to meet them and shows each one their reserved crowns and thrones given them for their installment.

    Oh, we must be silent, for we can find no words to set forth what love, joys and embraces do so mutually pass between the Lord Christ and the ascended ones. There is no measuring out of any heights and lengths and breadths of love which is here enjoyed in the highest consolations. It may be well and truly said, it passeth all understanding.

    But this is not all. There is yet much to be done and conferred by the Father of ascending spirits, whom the Lord Christ presents unto Him and saith, "Behold and see, them whom Thou gavest Me are come up after Me, being no more of the world than I am. Therefore, O Father, confer upon them what thou hast done upon Me." At which sight and request, the Supreme Presence of Glory seems all well-pleased to behold the effect of Christ's travail through death and sorrow, thus to have and redeem.

    Upon this, there is a Council held jointly by the Holy Trinity, all agreeing in One as to what immunities and gifts are to be conferred, along with all those promised rewards which belong to the Overcomers, for the encouragement of the rest of the elect flock to pursue after ascension also.

    But here the Lord and Great High Priest, as more closely entrusted, acts the part of an Advocate and makes demands from God the Father for all those eternal Land-Revenues settled by foreordination upon these whom He has recovered and raised from the death of sin. Whereupon a cry goes forth from an ascended soul, as the cry which came from the widow woman whose son Elijah had raised to life.

    She had sojourned in a strange land during a time of dearth and famine, which, when again returned, cried to the King to have her possessions restored to her, showing her son and heir, whom the prophet had brought from death to life. Thus it is when any soul has been banished from its Ancient heavenly Inheritance, Christ, the now Glorified Mediator, petitions that there may be a return of all spiritual revenues and good things.

    Upon which, the Mighty God and King appoints His Angelical Officers to search the everlasting Records and to bring forth the Ancient Deeds to which the resurrection and ascension state belong. Every name is found therein which is predestined unto glorification.

    For Christ the Lord hath a most lawful plea and now makes claim for the Tree of Life also to stand completely free to be fed upon without any prohibition. For as Adam sucked in death by that other tree, so here is a confirmation and establishing in eternal Life.

    As Adam's angelical and paradisiacal body was changed into that which was mortal and vile, so by the virtue of feeding upon this Tree of Life we shall again reassume a pure and enduring Body far more transparent than he had in that first creation state. This may be clearly seen in the various properties of this Tree of Life, of which number we shall now list:

    First property: gives a single, clear and crystalline sight to behold celestial glories without any medium.

    Second property: gives a supernatural hearing and understanding of the heavenly language as spoken from Eternal Nature. This language is through corruption now quite lost and can only be restored in the ascension.

    Third property: is the most profound and deep Wisdom which most highly excels and surpasses all the craft and subtlety sucked in from the breast of fallen Eve, whose children have herein been nourished up in the shifty way of worldly wisdom. This wisdom showed itself in Adam and Eve when the Lord called them to an account for their disobedience to His command. All this subtlety must die and fall away when God's Wisdom is to be restored again.

    Fourth property: gives an everlasting and unchangeable righteousness as a white robe that covers from head to foot, which suffers no more spot of the earthly life to fall upon it.

    Fifth property: gives an unutterable, ravishing pleasure and joy drawn in as the sweetness of the Dew which lies always upon the Branches of this Tree. The precious savor hereof never departs from the soul. It is all paradisiacal power.

    Sixth property: a flowing torrent of Love which knows no bounds. It dilates and enlarges itself from lengths to breadths and from heights to depths. It runs through all degrees first and foremost. It runs itself into its own Original Being of Love where it comes out covered all over with Love, Sweetness and Amity towards all, to scatter among all Fellowships and Brotherhoods these pure, sparkling powers of Love received from the Deity.

    Seventh property: produces an absolute free and eternal liberty of will which stands fixed in God, knowing no restraint or bondage. For whatever it wills or decrees is made from good because it moves in the will of the Holy Ghost.

    Eighth property: the serene meekness and tender mercifulness as from God's own nature of Goodness. This is let forth to objects that may require succor and help, whether upon an interior or exterior. If they are in spiritual desertion and temptation, how readily is the Balsam Tincture of this Tree given forth to heal and cure the wounded in spirit.

    Ninth property: the donation of durable Riches and Honor, which is so infinitely great and glorious that it draws a black cloud of contempt upon all the Babylonish Treasures that have been gotten and raised by earthly science and craft.

    Tenth property: Know in truth and verity that here is a springing Bank that will never be spent out. It is the generating revenue which the Holy Trinity spends upon and freely receives the Ascended into community to share this springing Gold Mine where there will be no need of digging, nor labor, either of the body or mind. There will be no occasion to say, "What shall we eat or drink, or wherewithal shall we be clothed?" The Lily time has now arrived here, and all of this kind will be supplied from God's flowing Fountain of all precious Store which will confer such a plentiful dowry of Riches and Honors that cannot be degraded or plucked away from the Ascended. As a ship, they will sail with outspread Banners of Conquest and Victory, floating upon the Throne-River of Life, thus, daring all sea and land enemies who are of this present worldly realm, whose strength is rottenness and who cannot stand before the Ark of God's Moving Power in which His Kingdom shall be established.

    Eleventh property: is known by sending forth sweet scented odors and perfumes -- a compounded Spikenard which is so strong and powerful that it is all-penetrating and so deep that it touches and influences as an antidote for sin and its evil consequences. The very outbreathing Words are all perfumed with the Oil of the Holy Ghost, which sends forth a virtual healing Life among those with whom they converse in a Spiritual Sense.

   Twelfth property: this last property, which is the consummating Glory of all, is an incessant flow of Immortal Life which is fed from the Crystalline River proceeding from the Throne of God. This River encompasses this Tree for its establishment, so that no more death nor curse may be known but all swallowed up in Victory, according to the vision which the beloved John saw -- a Tree growing in the midst and on either side of this River. This signifies it to be the Holy Trinity in their distinct variety, springing up for a feeding Life to the Spirit, Soul, and Body which has reached to Ascension.

    Now then, by all that has been opened and revealed of the wonderful properties of this Tree of Life, can it do less than enforce most ardent longings and aspirations to go onward and upward to all of these degrees? Oh, let not this low elementary kingdom with all its subtle enchantments and binding weights keep down any who are of the Resurrection. Our Emmanuel has passed through The Ascension Gate and causes it to stand open for all that have good will and fervent love to come up after Him.(62)

    Even though as yet there may be but few leading Head Powers who have reached this ascension mark (the Serpent, with twisting tail, having drawn down many ascending stars) let that not discourage but rather fire our zeal the more. Let us be watchful to avoid his subtlety who is now wanting to lay numerous stumbling blocks in our way. Still, through the Spirit of Faith, there may be a striding over all, taking up courage and holy resolution in this ascending way.

    For I do see something breaking forth as the Light of a New Day, and, by the Alpha and Omega, it is testified that what has been revealed by His Spirit shall not pass off as a dead scene shown only in literal description and so folded up again. No, a more lively design shall the Holy Ghost draw upon the hearts and spirits of those who are born again.

    This is now the very time when our expectation is greatly enlarged for bringing forth the Heir to all these heavenly exemptions which have been mentioned. Listen to the tenor of the New and Everlasting Covenant as it promises a New Heart and another Spirit in which God's own eternal and pure nature will be restored.

    This will abolish the very Root-Essence of Sin which no verbal ministration, or doctrinal precept, or intellectual knowledge, or vision that gives divine seeing, or speculation of heavenly things could ever effect.

    All of these measures have a cessation and end, but that which is the better groundwork, far excelling all, is to find ourselves rooted and essenced in the birth of the Holy Spirit. This work is firm, stable and unchangeable, wherein the issues of a new springing Life will go forth in every motion, putting an end to all profuse and impertinent imaginations that have been put forth from nature's root (reason).

    Such a signal change shall we find in ourselves when the Lord from heaven shall descend to bring us up to ascension. He will forever maintain His superiority and Kingly power over all principalities in this worldly region, putting all things under which have exalted themselves above Him.

    This is the irreversible Decree of our Great Zion-King, wherein the ransomed shall stand passively for the ruling Scepter of the Holy Lamb of God to take all Kingly Power into His own hand, to manage a pure, righteous and peaceable Kingdom, of which there shall be no end. This is the great and mighty overturn for which we are looking and hastening.

59. This, dear saint, is what is needed upon the resurrection! We must have a clear understanding that there is more needed by us than simply resurrection. We need that union with the Father which is had only through ascension for union and glorification. Give no ear to those who claim to already be living in all that God now holds out to us. Jane here makes very clear the marks of the risen and ascended soul.

60. Those entering into such an exalted realm owe no allegiance to anything of a lesser realm. So it was that Jesus, when in the garden with Mary, who was all overcome with emotions of her soul, told her not to touch him (such a moment must have been quite touching, indeed), for He had not yet ascended to the Father. Later, when speaking to the disciples, He told Thomas to reach his hand into His side and to touch Him and see that a spirit hath not flesh and bone as He had. It is not the physical touch which, here, defiles; it is the soulish touch.

61. We are told that there is a natural body (physical) and there is a spiritual (invisible) body. The body alluded to here is the spiritual body. Martha Wing Robinson, of Zion, IL, and a couple of her close friends experienced the receipt of the new spiritual body and commented that they received it. . . by faith! All we have ever received from the Lord has been through faith and so will, I believe, we receive the new spiritual body.

62. This answers the objection which many raise when first they see the standard by which all is judged in these matters. Even though these things are too high for us, even though it is over our heads, as it were, even though, ". . .with man it is impossible," with God all things are possible. God has not made this available only to the giraffes but to the lambs. These things are readily accessible to the lowly, to those who lack and are needy, to those who must depend upon God for each step of progress. None will miss their portion in these things because it was put beyond their reach but only because they failed to reach for it.