Blow the Trumpet in Zion World Outreach is a prophetic traveling ministry given to the Body of Christ for the perfecting of the saints until we all grow up into the head of the body which is Jesus Christ.

Our compassion for the lost, suffering humanity, and decaying creation compels us to be used of God for His Purpose to deliver His Creation and fallen man by the Glory that will be revealed through The body of Christ, that will come to full age at maturity. As a trumpet voice in the church we declare The Kingdom of God now, expose the lies of Satan and reveal the eternal purposes of God with the Power of God’s miraculous spirit unveiling the deep hidden spiritual truths that changes lives into the Image of God’s dear son. Though this message of the Kingdom The spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God enlightens the eyes of our understanding and the entrance of this word brings light.

So that our vision becomes single, causing the whole body to be filled with his Glory.  So that all of Creation will be delivered. Once a person hears this trumpet in his spirit, he then enters into another dimension of revelation in God.

Although gross darkness is covering the earth and darkness over the face of the people, the voice of the

Lord declares where sin abounds grace does abound much more and the gates of hell shall not prevail.


So arise and shine for the glory shall be revealed!