Tabernacle Meditation



               This is a guided meditation which uses the pattern of the Tabernacle in the wilderness given to Moses by the Father to guide His Children from Egypt to the Mountain of His presence.  Symbolically this pattern pictures us in that it is written, we are the temple of God.  Each of the seven pieces of furniture in the pattern become a level of consciousness and opening the meditator to His/Her true identity as son of God.  Please keep this meditation simple and let its power penetrate your being as it opens you to the God which is within you.  Christ Consciousness comes alive as each of the seven levels is gone through in a state of deep mediation and concentration.  The power of the pattern and the mystical power of the blood causes the meditator to enter and keep concentration without effort, thus entering the final place of heaven on earth, the Heavenly Places.  Use deep breathing and uninterrupted time to fully experience all  that this pattern has to offer.  The end result of one who chooses to use this pattern on a daily basis will cause you to go further and further into Spirit.  Once the pattern becomes a part of you, no need to use the audio guide will be necessary and you will be able to use the pattern within yourself and within Spirit.


                This guided meditation includes two drawings depicting the pattern and the corresponding pattern of the seven endocrine gland energy centers which line up with the seven pieces of furniture in the tabernacle.  Study the patterns, read the enclosed written mediation and  experience the presence of Spirit as you follow the audio mediation.   When finished with the audio, remain in a state of mediation and allow Spirit to take you to his dwelling place within you.



























The question arose in my mind regarding how did Jesus awaken to his spiritual identity as he grew from an infant into manhood. It is written that Jesus was on all points tempted as we are and that He learned obedience by what He suffered. Jesus was called “Son of Man” and his boyhood took him to the temple to study as He, step by step, grew into the knowledge that he was “Son of God”. I wondered what it must have been like for him to look at the patterns in the Torah and understand that they revealed Him, His spiritual identity.


As Jesus realized He was the “Lamb of God” and the High Priest as well, it must have been a powerful drawing for him to study the tabernacle pattern in which the Lamb was slain daily by the Priesthood. I began to understand the importance of what Jesus meditated on to have His identity revealed to Him. As I studied the Tabernacle Pattern given to Moses for many years, I began to be taken deeper and deeper into the power of this pattern revealing to me my own spiritual identity as a Son of God. Jesus had no man to teach Him but the spirit within him taught him and awakened him to his call.


It is written that we need no man to teach us and that the spirit itself within us will lead us into all truth. Our body is a temple/tabernacle of God, the Pattern shows us our body as we look at it and let its mystical spiritual power teach us, just as Jesus did. I have been taken into the tabernacle made without hands, the true tabernacle in the heavenly places to learn and experience first hand what Jesus learned in His Spirit. The process of being awakened by the pattern involves a deep meditation on the entire tabernacle pattern. Daily, as I have stopped all outward activity, found silence, focused on the pattern and had faith it would come alive and awaken me, I have found a wonderfully deep and rewarding experience of entering into the Heavenly Places on earth.


This writing is intended to be nothing but a simple guide to help all men everywhere find their true identity which has been lost in a false identity. Even as a young Jesus battled a false self, a fallen man and found his true identity in the tabernacle, so we as his brothers follow in His footsteps to the door of the tabernacle to enter the eternal dwelling place here on earth thus having our true identity opened to and awakened in us.



So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. …. The LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living soul.


In the beginning man was created a spirit in the image of God. God is a spirit and we who worship/meditate on him must do it in Sprit and in Truth. The breath of the nostrils of God breathed life into man. Man’s identity was spirit and He was given a heaven on earth. Every man born is created in this reality. Because Spirit is without beginning or end, we were all in Adam and our spirit knew this paradise and our identity as Sons of God. We were “in Adam” as he and his wife were thrown out of this paradise/Eden. We lost the knowledge of our identity along with them. When we were born physically on this earth we were born into this very same curse not knowing or being aware of whom we truly were as a spirit. We had to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Adamic curse. Under this curse we try to find God using all the religions of the world and this becomes a hopeless existence, as in this curse, we understand ourselves to be humans first looking for the Spirit. We are asleep, unable to know who we truly are.


This meditation will open the mystery of the tabernacle, which has been sealed by God. The Tabernacle pattern given to Moses by God will reveal to you, A Priest in the order of Melchizdek, your true identity and open you to reenter the Garden of Eden here on earth.



I often use this meditation early in the morning lying still and on my back with my hands at my side and eyes closed. Sitting erect in a chair or any comfortable position will work. This meditation has no rituals or rules and it is not necessary to try to empty your mind. The progression of the pattern will bring your mind into a spiritual place without your effort.


When Moses first received this pattern on the Mountain, The Israelites were a group of nomads wandering in the wilderness. While Moses was alone in this same meditation you are about to enter, the people had created a false image of God by erecting a Golden Calf. The Golden Calf is where we have tried to find God in our own human minds void of the tabernacle pattern, the “Good” things of God given to them, made into a false image. This Golden Calf has its roots in the tree of knowledge of good and evil and its curse on our reasoning. We must accept that everything, all we are, our identity as humans, all is in this curse and false image. We need an awakening, and an opening of the seal that has been placed on us in Adam. They were told in the Garden that if they ate of the tree they would die. We were in Adam and died in him and at the moment of our birth here on earth, this death began to operate in us. Our best attempts at knowing God are in this death and sadly this is where all religions begin and end, including much of the “Christianity” we observe today.


In looking at illustration #1, we see the pattern given to Moses in the Mountain. We note that it has three distinct areas of worship/meditation; First the Outer Court that corresponds to our physical body, which touches the earth and the natural. Second, the Inner Court that corresponds to our soul, (mind, will and emotions) and third the Holy of Holies that corresponds to our Spirit and the Divine. It is written that our bodies are a temple/tabernacle of the Holy Spirit. In this mystery revealed, WE are the dwelling place of God, in His image. This pattern can now be used to enter from a state of not knowing who we are, worshiping a false image, into the very presence of God on earth. As we use the tabernacle as a meditation pattern and place ourselves into our High Priest, Jesus in Spirit, we can know and experience exactly what Jesus did while here on earth. When Jesus would disappear and be alone, this pattern and this mediation was his pattern, made without hands in the heavenly places.


Hebrews 9 reads…


1 Now the first covenant had regulations for worship and also an earthly sanctuary. 2 A tabernacle was set up. In its first room were the lampstand, the table and the consecrated bread; this was called the Holy Place. 3 Behind the second curtain was a room called the Most Holy Place, 4 which had the golden altar of incense and the gold-covered Ark of the Covenant. This ark contained the gold jar of manna, Aaron's staff that had budded, and the stone tablets of the covenant. 5 Above the ark were the cherubim of the Glory, overshadowing the atonement cover. But we cannot discuss these things in detail now. 6 When everything had been arranged like this, the priests entered regularly into the outer room to carry on their ministry. 7 But only the high priest entered the inner room, and that only once a year, and never without blood, which he offered for himself and for the sins the people had committed in ignorance. 8 The Holy Spirit was showing by this that the way into the Most Holy Place had not yet been disclosed as long as the first tabernacle was still standing. 9 This is an illustration for the present time, indicating that the gifts and sacrifices being offered were not able to clear the conscience of the worshiper. 10 They are only a matter of food and drink and various ceremonial washings—external  regulations applying until the time of the new order. 11 When Christ came as high priest of the good things that are already here he went through the greater and more perfect tabernacle that is not man-made, that is to say, not a part of this creation. 12 He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but he entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood, having obtained eternal redemption. 13 The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean sanctify them so that they are outwardly clean. 14 How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God! 15 For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance—now that he has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant. 16 In the case of a will, it is necessary to prove the death of the one who made it, 17 because a will is in force only when somebody has died; it never takes effect while the one who made it is living. 18 This is why even the first covenant was not put into effect without blood. 19 When Moses had proclaimed every commandment of the law to all the people, he took the blood of calves, together with water, scarlet wool and branches of hyssop, and sprinkled the scroll and all the people.  He said, "This is the blood of the covenant, which God has commanded you to keep." 21 In the same way, he sprinkled with the blood both the tabernacle and everything used in its ceremonies. 22 In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. 23 It was necessary, then, for the copies of the heavenly things to be purified with these sacrifices, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these. 24 For Christ did not enter a man-made sanctuary that was only a copy of the true one; he entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God's presence.


This appearing the second time to open the sealed mystery is revealed in following this meditation.


It is not my intention to get wordy and use bible scriptures to prove what I am saying on every point. I know this mediation, once learned, will itself become the spirit that guides you and all men into truth. We don’t need another religion, what we do need is to become awakened to our true identity now here on earth. Along with this short written introduction to the meditation I will include an audio CD which is a guided meditation using this Tabernacle Pattern. I find that the truths and revelations become new each day while using the meditation with no two days being the same. I will begin the written instructions now with a typical daily mediation and may it take you, along with me, into the Garden of Eden, the heavenly places here on earth.



I have found that using an affirmation throughout the meditation creates continuity and keeps my mind focused on the spirit and goal of entering the most Holy Place. I was given the words “I AM” when I first was shown this pattern as a meditation. The name of God “I am that, I am” appears in the beginning. As I have used the “I Am” affirmation it has grown and become a very powerful mystical source of energy in going through the pattern. When my mind strays from the moment I am in during the mediation, I repeat “I Am” along with a deep breath. This will bring you back to the place you are in the pattern and quicken your spirit to the eternal moment you are in. Our spirits are eternal and not in time and space. As we enter the “spirit” we come out of the “mind dialogue” of the curse and into the Now and eternal. Melchizdek was a priest forever and had no beginning or end. He appeared throughout history and today appears in us as we recognize our Priesthood on earth. Jesus is said to be a Priest in this same Melchizdek order. “I Am” brings us into this eternal moment in the tabernacle made without hands.



I am finding that when done alone or with others, it is helpful and meaningful to use several symbols of truth in corresponding to the tabernacle pattern. It is not necessary, but can be helpful. In going through the pattern you may have bread and wine available to you as you meditate on the Brazen Altar. Jesus used this symbol to point out his death and suffering and the mystery of his blood to his followers. I also have used water to physically sprinkle on my forehead while mediating on the Bronze Laver. Olive Oil may be used to reveal the Priestly anointing during the priestly garment meditation. Two onyx crystals may be used during meditation on the Priestly Ephod just before entering the Inner Court. I often burn incense when entering the inner court mediation and coming before the Altar of Incense. The use of a small bell as you move from meditations on the furniture in the Tent of Meeting will be beneficial. A small candle burning during the meditation reminds me of the lamp stands.


Once again there need be no hard rules or physical requirements to this meditation. I have used this meditation while driving my car or walking as well. The main concern is quiet, uninterrupted time and a spirit open to instruction.


The following will be the dialogue I use in my mind as I open to my spirit. As you read feel free to put yourself into the word “I” and allow the power in the Tabernacle guide you along with me. In the initial stages it may be helpful to use soft meditation or nature music to keep your soul focused. Silence is also very acceptable.



I begin breathing deeply and slowly, holding my breath for several seconds as I inhale. I am feeling comfortable and relaxed with my eyes closed. I continue to breathe deeply. My mind may be racing, the thoughts of the day, each day is so different. I only know that I cannot trust where I find myself outside this tabernacle in the wilderness. I continue to breathe and think of the breath of God…. I hold that precious breath in and wait for the next breath. I sense the moment, the timeless place that I am about to enter…


I affirm “I Am” as I breathe… (Inhale “I”)… (Exhale “AM”)…

I repeat this seven times… I sense His presence and a peace rises first in my toes, then moves up my legs and into the rest of my body. I sense time/space and my outer mind dialogue weakening. I continue to concentrate on my breath…using the “I Am” affirmation from time to time.


I will use visualization and imagination to enter the Tabernacle Pattern. I see myself as a High Priest about to enter the Tabernacle in the morning. This tabernacle is my inheritance, my place of rest, my reality and I have no other land or dwelling place. I consider the golden calf for a moment. I am come to this tabernacle entrance from worshiping the false image. I am now called away from that and to this life of entering daily into the tabernacle. I admit and know that everything I was in Adam, and while worshiping my own reasoning was a lie. I turn from the good and bad of the golden calf.


I look further back, to the Garden of Eden… I was in Adam and Eve as they ate of the false tree… I have eaten of that tree unknowingly for so long… Now I sense the call, the Priestly call to come out of the wilderness and into my true identity as a Spirit.


I come to the gate of the outer court. I enter the gate with my dusty clothing. I see the symbolism of being clothed with garments dirty from the wilderness. It is where I have lived and these clothes are the ones that I have had to wear to cover my guilt and my hopeless attempts to please a god outside the tabernacle.


I enter the gate and see before me a Bronze Brazen Altar. Made of bronze because it touches the earth in the outer court. Gold is the color of the Divine - this Altar will deal with what is on earth and what is not of the heavenly and divine. I am told to present my body a living sacrifice. I look at the Brazen Altar and see it having hot coals of fire burning on top of it. A pure white lamb is there and I am told to cut its throat and drain all its blood into a basin. Selah.


I am to take the blood and sprinkle it on the four horns/corners of the Bronze Altar and on the ground all around the altar. I am told to take some of the blood and sprinkle it on my right ear, my right thumb and my right toe. I sense a power as I sprinkle the blood… I look at the lamb, now lying on the hot coals a burning, being destroyed. As I look I remember the words “behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” Selah.


I see Jesus for a moment as I visualize him in his very last breaths hanging on the cross with his blood dripping down his body. I look at his face, and I see my face in him… I am in him…in his death. I have been in him since the beginning in spirit. Now I place myself in this moment…this NOW... in his dying. I sense OUR final breath…and he speaks loudly, “It is finished”! Selah.


The curse is finished… I am in Him and what is known as the second death occurs. Because I am Spirit as Jesus is, I can go into this death and here on earth know its mystery. I sense that everything I had tried to do to be free from my self was useless before… I take all of me… both good and bad… my identity as a human… and put it in Jesus at this moment of dying. I have His blood on my ear, my thumb and my toe… I take on His identity as Spirit. I saw myself hang with him as a Son of Man… I will stay in him through this meditation and find my new identity as Son of God


I take the bread, even as the priest was allowed to eat the flesh of the burning lamb, I eat as I remember Jesus’ words... “Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you do not have life... I take the cup of wine and remember this moment… New life springing from death… I die daily… I die to myself, to my false identity as a human being trying to find God by knowing good and evil… I let go and enter into a place of spirit… I sense a peace coming upon me and I sense a release from time and space. I am still… I affirm, “I AM.” I am dead in Christ, I am a Priest forever in the order of Melchizdek, I am in Christ, As I drink of the cup I am Him, in Him and eat the bread as Him, his body. Its no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me. I am ready to go into the next state of Christ Consciousness as Him and in Him…


I take with me a basin of the shed blood of the lamb, a container of oil and a bucket of live coals from the Brazen Altar. As I walk past the Brazen Altar I have taken off my wilderness clothing. I see them folded as Jesus’ garments were folded in the tomb after His resurrection. I walk towards the laver to experience the power of His resurrection life.



I stand before the Laver. The Laver is a bronze basin filled with still water. It is for washing and cleansing. I take the blood from the slain lamb and sprinkle it on the laver, I take the oil and sprinkle it on the laver. I am still. I meditate on the laver... I see the oil and blood on the laver and me. I am still… I allow the mystery of the laver to penetrate my being and feel the oneness with it as I sense the blood and oil. Selah.


The blood becomes a symbol of the freedom I have gained at the Brazen Altar…a “passport” to enter or a reminder to me and to the Father that I am worthy and welcome in this tabernacle. It is a reminder of my new identity, a Spirit in a human body. The oil is always a constant reminder that I am Spirit… my true identity is divine. I affirm “I Am” seven times, “I Am”…


I take the water and wash my hands and my feet. It is written, “you are my hands and my feet.” I accept my call to be Jesus’ hands and feet on this earth. I look at Jesus at this laver when his cousin John took him into the laver water of the river. The spirit in John spoke “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” I behold… I identify with the Lamb, the blood on my ear, thumb and toe tell me that I am in Jesus in this cleansing. I wash (you may sprinkle water on your forehead at this time). As Jesus came out of the water a voice came, accompanied by a dove, “This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.” I hear the voice as I wash in the laver. My new name, my true identity revealed to me… “You are my beloved Son”. He is well pleased with me. Selah.


The dove represents a part of Earth’s creation… I accept that this voice is towards me as I stand at this laver. I remember the scripture… “Dear friends now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure.” 1 John 3:1-3


Thus Jesus is proclaimed “Son of God” and I receive this same call “Son of God” at this laver. And as we appear in a mirror we are changed from glory to glory into His likeness… We look into the laver and see the reflection of Jesus in us as in the temple, the laver had mirrors on the bottom of the basin. And just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven. 1 Corinthians 14:49


I affirm, “I AM.” I AM pure and clean, I AM like Christ; I AM His hands and His feet on this earth. I AM raised in Christ and as Christ. Affirm, “I AM,”I breathe deeply as I affirm seven times “I AM”


Note: In your daily meditations and further study you will receive very personal and beautiful confirmations and words regarding these things. As your new name is revealed, accept who you are… Spirit THE NEW NAME.


As I move now to face the Tent of Meeting, I am still naked and not clothed. I am clean and as Adam and Eve before the fall I don’t notice my nakedness. I am told to look and I see the Priestly garments prepared for me to put on. Before I begin to put on the Garments I remember it is written to “put on” Christ. Once again the deeper meaning surrounds me as I AM still. As the Priest stood still after the cleansing of the laver a voice that proclaims Father’s pleasure with us rises. Selah.


A new name is written on our foreheads. Hephzibah is one of our new names meaning “a delight to God.” Jesus is our name and for each one of us our true spiritual name will be given, known only to you. I received mine early in this meditation and it has been confirmed to me over and over. It may not come at first, but as you open to the Spirit at this point in the meditation, a new name will be written on your forehead, your true identity in the eternal realm from which you came.



I am told I am not to sweat as I wear this tunic in my meditation. I remember John in this very same tabernacle meditation seeing the 144,000 dressed in white linen with their Father’s name written on their foreheads coming down with Jesus. I understand that I AM in this same vision… I receive the beauty of the white tunic. I affirm, “I Am. I AM holy and I AM the righteousness of God in Jesus. I let these truths penetrate my mind. Selah.


I put on the Priest’s robe. It is said to be woven tightly and is dyed the color blue. Blue speaks of Spirit. I remember that I AM an eternal spirit and this is my home. I place the blue robe over the white tunic. I look at the robe… It has gold threads interwoven into it speaking of my divinity. Heaven is my source, my home and Eden is where I was before I was a human. Red threads are interwoven speaking of how I came to see and understand my true identity. The shed blood of the Lamb Jesus applied to my physical body and now seen in my robe. I am accepted and able to receive these divine truths because of this red blood. I see violet threads interwoven in the robe. Violet speaking of the Royal Priesthood, the dominion I once had in Eden over this earth, returned to me in this Priestly garment. I AM a Kingdom of Kings and Priests. I affirm… “I AM.” 


I see blue threads as well reminding me again that I am a spirit and that I am no longer bound in the human understandings that once held me imprisoned. As I look closer at the robe I see the hem that has golden bells and pomegranates at the bottom in equal numbers and sewn in order, a bell and a fruit. I see the symbolism of heaven on earth perfectly balanced as the golden bells represent the Divine and the pomegranates a part of earth and creation. The bells will ring and notify God and man that I AM moving closer to heaven on earth. Note: You may want to use an occasional bell ring in this meditation to remind you of where you are spiritually. The robe garment in its beauty is truly a picture of God. It is a beautiful mosaic of heaven and earth joined and tightly woven on man. All in all, it is the entire creation revealed as a part of God. Man being in His image, this gown revealing his image in man and on man. Affirm, “IAM.”


I look down and I see the golden breastplate with twelve crystal stones intricately placed within the gold. The gold is beat around each crystal stone with a hammer. This speaks of the Divine joined on earth with and in humans. I receive this revelation as I place this golden breastplate over my heart and chest. I receive the power of the reality of this breastplate deep within as I affirm “I AM” and let the twelve stones, one for each of the 12 tribes of Israel, penetrate my Spirit… I visualize taking each crystal stone into my hand as I remember the name of the tribe, the stone it represented and the meaning of the name. I receive the spiritual meanings deep within my soul/inner court.


TRIBE           STONE                      COLOR         MEANING


Reuben           Emerald                       Jade Green      “Behold a Son”

Simeon            Citrine Quartz                         Gold                “Hearing”

Levi                 Sard                             Red                 “Joined, attached”

Judah             Sardonyx                     Pink                 “God be praised”

Dan                 White Jade                  Misty white     “Judge”

Naphtali         Amethyst quartz         Purple violet    “My wrestling”

Gad                 Chrysoprase                Green              “Good fortune”

Asher              Lavender Jade             Lavender         “Joy, happy”

Issachar          Amazonite                   Sea green.        “Man for hire”

Zebulon          Olivine, Peridot           Olive green      “Dwelling”

Joseph                        Green                          Jade green       “Increaser”

Benjamin        Lapis                           Lazuli blue      “Son of the right hand”



I look further down and see an ephod that is two onyx stones with the same twelve names of the tribes of Israel written on them. This was used for the Priest to find the will of God. I take one each of the onyx stones in my hands as I am still and receive the Spirit that is within this symbol. I affirm, “I AM.” I open to His Spiritual Light and instruction.


The Urim and the Thummim are located in this ephod on the breastplate. These mean light and perfection. I will use these as I meditate and learn to know His voice and will. I look and see a bonnet with a golden MITRE located in the front. The golden MITRE drops down over my forehead as I put it on. I see written on the MITRE “Holiness to the Lord” between my two physical eyes in the middle of my forehead. I am told, “You have the mind of Christ. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who thought it not robbery to equal with God.” The mind of Christ in me… I meditate and receive with the affirmation… “I AM.”  It is no longer I that lives, but Christ that lives in me. My thoughts are now His thoughts and my ways, His ways in this tabernacle. The eye of the spirit is located here under this golden miter where your new name is written… I open my mind to the light. I AM are still and know He is God…. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God. Selah.


I look and see a rod of authority that I pick up in my right hand. It is made from an olive tree and was the rod of Aaron the High Priest. It represents spiritual authority on the Earth. I see it has been made from a tree. The same tree which was the Tree of Life in Eden. I am about to return to the paradise of God on Earth as I am prepared to enter the Inner Court. I AM still…. I affirm, “I AM that, I AM.” I take the anointing oil and pour it over my head. It runs down over my beard, over my garments and to my feet. The Holy Spirit flows over and through me. I am anointed… the word Christian takes on new meaning here… Christ means anointed one…. Christians are anointed ones… Sons of God... that truth grows in my being… I affirm… “I AM that, I AM.”  Selah.


Note: I go back to the earliest followers of Jesus, as they had no New Testament… They were all so familiar with this tabernacle and as you study after using this meditation you understand many things they said in a new way. You will also understand how the counterfeit has taken over and the need for this meditation is great in this moment.



I move towards the tent of meeting. I see it is a crimson red color and now realize that it represents the Blood of the Lamb that has released me to re-enter this holy place. I hear the bells as I move to remind me of the beauty which is upon me as I enter. I take with me the container of blood, of oil and the coals from the altar. I anticipate in my being what is to come. I feel like I have been here before. It is home. My true identity joins in this meditation and I pull back the red animal skins that make up the partition of the tent. It is called the tent of meeting. I will meet here with God for it is His home and mine as well. Joined together…the meaning of Levite (the priestly tribe joined man and God in this spiritual place. In the pattern placed over my physical body, this place represents my soul as a human, where God meets with me in my mind, will and emotions. I have been told in the golden calf that I must wait until after death to know this relationship. Here I experience it… in the NOW, in this moment. My feet are touching the earth as the priest went in bare footed. I recognize that I AM in a Holy Place. I affirm… “I AM” as I enter and stand still… the bells stop ringing and I look with my spirit at the interior of the tent. I see three pieces of furniture all made of gold this time. Outside this tent the only gold I see is my robe intertwined in the threads and in the bells and on the golden breastplate located over my heart. I begin to understand that I am taking another deeper step into Christ Consciousness.



I come alive as I look and see the candlestick to my left. It is now the only source of light. Here there is no natural thinking or reasoning, only the voice of God. I see the light from the candlestick reflecting on the beautiful red walls of the tent and off the gold on my garments and the crystals colors as they reflect around the tent. I affirm… “I AM”… I AM to come boldly to the throne, I AM a Priest forever in the order of Melchizdek, I AM holy…I AM at rest …I AM home…


I turn and move towards the golden candlesticks. There are seven branches coming out of one main branch. Craftsmen have made the gold to look like an olive tree with each branch having flower buds. I see once again the Garden of Eden being re-entered by men as I receive its light. I see the Tree of Life in this candlestick as I approach the golden piece of furniture. I put the oil and the blood on the base of the candlestick and see the same oil and blood on me. I look at its beautiful light penetrating the darkness and entering into me. It is written, “If your eye be single, your whole body will be full of light.” I AM still as I receive the light.


It is written, “Then I turned to see the voice that spoke with me, and having turned I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the seven lampstands one like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band. His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire; His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters; He had in His right hand seven stars, out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword, and His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength. And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me, “Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last. I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death. Write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after this. The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lampstands: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands which you saw are the seven churches.”


I receive the mystery of the number seven as it reveals heaven and earth joined, humans and God. The vision John receives of Jesus walking within the 7 lamp stands reveals his appearing the second time within us and as us. Each of the seven Churches has an angel who represent 7 stars. As I meditate on the number 7 I see the 7 lights and understand that in the glory cloud above the tent there is a rainbow. I know observing a rainbow that light has 7 colors, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet and Indigo - (all the other colors mixed). I further look at the 7 lampstands and see the 7 lights coming towards me and I open my single eye under the Gold Mitre which has “Holiness to the Lord” written upon it. I meditate on the light coming towards me…. I affirm, “I AM”, I AM still.


I understand that each of the 7 churches were given a promise, as they would overcome their self/ego Human identity. I will receive each colored light as I meditate and allow the power of the light to enter my mortal body with my bare feet on this earth. As I look at my physical body I see the pattern of the tabernacle placed over it. (Illustration #2)


I also understand that my physical body is created in the “image” of God. As God created us he used the number seven to give us 7 endocrine glands that secrete their life giving hormones directly into our blood stream. In this meditation I will receive the seven lights into my body and visualize each color of light from the lamp stand settling over each of the 7 endocrine glands. As the lights scan my body in this visualization they will also scan my entire body including all its health systems. I see the light of healing entering me in the depths of my physical body as the light joins with body, soul and spirit in the temple of God, which I AM. I affirm…. “I AM”, I AM Jesus spoke… “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.” Jesus is the light, we are the light and the New Jerusalem. It is written, “If your eye be single, your whole body will be full of light.” I accept this union, this oneness as I receive the light



I am still, I affirm, “I AM that, I AM”… I see the red light coming from the first branch of the lampstand. I receive it at is approaches me and enters my single eye. I see it glow brighter as it enters my body and moves from the tip of my head to the points of my toes then rises again through me passing all my organs and especially places which I have had health problems. I sense the red light circling me to the left and around my body three times to my toes, then up three times to my head and finally the seventh movement down and stops at the base of my spine and settles over the Gonad/Ovaries Gland. I allow the light to bring balance to my hormones and sense the warmth of God’s love deep within my body. As the red light enters I open the promise to the first lamp light in the Revelation, the church at Ephesus, “I will eat of the tree of life in the midst of the paradise of God”…. I receive this promise…I AM still, I affirm, “I AM.”



I AM still, I affirm, “I AM that, I AM.” I see the orange light coming from the second branch of the lampstand. I receive it at is approaches me and enters my single eye. I see it glow brighter as it enters my body and moves from the tip of my head to the points of my toes. Then rises again through me passing all my organs and especially places which I have had health problems. I sense the orange light circling me to the left and around my body three times to my toes, then up three times to my head and finally the seventh movement down and just above my belly button and settles over the Lyden or cells of the Leydig Gland. I allow the light to bring balance to my hormones and sense the warmth of God’s love deep within my body. As the orange light enters, I open the promise to the second lamp light in the Revelation, the church at Smyrna, “I will not be hurt of the 2nd Death.”



I AM still, I affirm, “I AM that, I AM.” I see the yellow light coming from the third branch of the lampstand. I receive it at is approaches me and enters my single eye. I see it glow brighter as it enters my body and moves from the tip of my head to the points of my toes. Then rises again through me passing all my organs and especially places which I have had health problems. I sense the yellow light circling me to the left and around my body three times to my toes, then up three times to my head and finally the seventh movement down and stops at the just under my rib cage on both sides and settles over the Adrenal Glands. I allow the light to bring balance to my hormones and sense the warmth of God’s love deep within my body. As the yellow light enters I open the promise to the third lamp light in the Revelation, the church at Pergamos, “I will eat the Hidden Manna and be given a white stone and in the stone will have my new name written and known only to me”…. I receive this promise…I AM still, I affirm, “I AM.”



I AM still, I affirm, “I AM that, I AM.” I see the green light coming from the first branch of the lampstand. I receive it at is approaches me and enters my single eye. I see it glow brighter as it enters my body and moves from the tip of my head to the points of my toes. Then rises again through me passing all my organs and especially places which I have had health problems. I sense the green light circling me to the left and around my body three times to my toes, then up three times to my head and finally the seventh movement down and stops over my heart and settles over the Thymus Gland. I allow the light to bring balance to my hormones and sense the warmth of God’s love deep within my body. As the green light enters I open the promise to the fourth lamp light in the Revelation, the church at Thyatira. “I am given power over nations to rule with a rod of iron and I am given the morning star.” I receive this promise… I  AM still, I Affirm, “I AM.”



I AM still, I affirm, “I AM that, I AM.” I see the blue light coming from the fifth branch of the lampstand. I receive it at is approaches me and enters my single eye. I see it glow brighter as it enters my body and moves from the tip of my head to the points of my toes. Then rises again through me passing all my organs and especially places which I have had health problems. I sense the blue light circling me to the left and around my body three times to my toes, then up three times to my head and finally the seventh movement down and stops at the base of my spine and settles over the Thyroid Gland. I allow the light to bring balance to my hormones and sense the warmth of God’s love deep within my body. As the blue light enters I open the promise to the fifth lamp light in the Revelation, the church at Sardis, “I will be clothed in white raiment and not have my name blotted from the Book of Life and my name will be confessed before the Father and the Angels.” I receive this promise…. I am still, I Affirm, “I AM.”



I AM still, I affirm, “I AM that, I AM.” I see the violet light coming from the sixth branch of the lampstand. I receive it at is approaches me and enters my single eye. I see it glow brighter as it enters my body and moves from the tip of my head to the points of my toes. Then rises again through me passing all my organs and especially places which I have had health problems. I sense the violet light circling me to the left and around my body three times to my toes, then up three times to my head and finally the seventh movement down and stops at the tip of my head and settles over the Pineal Gland. I allow the light to bring balance to my hormones and sense the warmth of God’s love deep within my body. As the violet light enters I open the promise to the sixth lamp light in the Revelation, the church at Philadelphia, “I will be a Pillar in the Temple of God and go no more out and will have written on me the name of God and the name of the City of God the “New Jerusalem” which comes to earth out of heaven and a new name given to me.” I AM still, I affirm, “I AM that, I AM.



I AM still, I affirm, “I AM that, I AM.” I see the Indigo light coming from the seventh branch of the lampstand. I receive it at is approaches me and enters my single eye. I see it glow brighter as it enters my body and moves from the tip of my head to the points of my toes. Then rises again through me passing all my organs and especially places which I have had health problems. I sense the indigo light circling me to the left and around my body three times to my toes, then up three times to my head and finally the seventh movement down and stops in the middle of my forehead just under the gold mitre with “Holiness to the Lord” written there and settles over the Pituitary Gland. I allow the light to bring balance to my hormones and sense the warmth of God’s love deep within my body. As the indigo light enters I open the promise to the seventh lamp light in the Revelation, the church at Laodiceans, “Behold, I stand at the  door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.” I AM still, I Affirm, “I AM that, I AM.


Each promise given is followed by “He that has an ear to hear let him hear.” I look at my ear dipped in the blood of the lamb. I listen this day… There are many mysteries revealed in each day’s meditation. The number seven is seen in us in the 7 pieces of furniture in the Tabernacle Pattern. Each endocrine gland is located in the same order as the 7 pieces of furniture. It is written, If that same spirit which raised Christ from the dead dwells in you, it will quicken your moral body by the spirit that dwells in you. I continue to be still and breathe the breath of God.



I understand that this is in me, seen in the pattern placed on my body. I receive and accept being a part of this order. I look outside the tent and see the 12 tribes gathered in order around the tent of meeting. I see men and women moving as the glory cloud over me moves. I see the Government of God returning to earth in men and women. he second coming of Jesus revealed in the mystery of the Holy Place. I move to the right towards the golden table with the 12 loaves of shewbread. I hear bells on my hem sound as I anticipate the next level of receiving the consciousness of the High Priest Jesus. I am awakening to a deeper and deeper level of understanding and now sense my human existence and whom I thought my identity was, fading and disappearing as I accept these revelations. I approach the golden table and reach to sprinkle the blood and oil on the table. As I do, I see the same blood and oil on me. I receive the power of this, as I understand I am a part of this table and its bread is for me.


As I look at the 12 loaves of bread I am told to eat and partake. The number 12 is revealing God in man once again. Men in the government and order given by God becomes the bread to the world. Jesus said He was the bread of life. God chose 12 tribes to represent Him in the pattern given Moses. Jesus chose 12 men to represent him after He left. They were called  “His Body” and took communion with Jesus to indicate and receive Jesus’ body. A deep joining occurs in the heavenly places, the appearing of Jesus the second time as we are awakened to this mystery. I see the twelve on my breastplate, over my heart. I see the 12 tribes written on the Ephod on my breastplate as I receive revelation from God. I see the number 12 in the 144,000 wearing white robes with new names written on their foreheads. I AM still…I Affirm, “I AM that, I AM.”





I move to the left and center where the golden table is located with the incense that burns and rises to God. I hear the bells ring. Just beyond and in front of me I see the veil that leads into the Holy of Holies. I notice that it is torn in two and an opening is available to me. I look to the incense table and sprinkle the Blood of the Lamb and the oil on the incense table. I see the same oil and blood on me and I AM still. I sense the oneness with God as I put the coals of fire from the Brazen Altar on the table and light the incense. It is written that this rising of the incense is the prayers of the saints. As I smell and receive the incense into my nostrils I remember what Jesus said about asking anything in His Name and it will be done for me. I AM still… I affirm, “I AM that, I AM.” I sense spirit worship rising within me. I mention things on this earth, which need to be heard by God. As the prayers ascend in the incense, I AM joined in  the prayers of the spirit. I AM still…. I spend time mentioning and speaking that which rises in my Spirit in prayer and meditation. I commune with my Father. I Affirm, “I AM.”



I look past the incense altar and I see the torn veil. I understand that the veil was torn open at the moment Jesus shed his blood and breathed his last breath as Son of Man. I am welcome and told to come boldly to enter within the veil because of this shed blood sprinkled on my right ear, right thumb and right toe. I move and hear the sound of the bells as I approach the torn and open veil. I affirm, “I AM that, I AM as I step inside and stop before two golden pieces of furniture.


The first thing I sense is the one bright light which now has replaced the soft lampstand lights. It engulfs me and my attentions are now to the bright light and the golden Ark of the Covenant that stands before me. I take the blood of the lamb and the oil I have bought with me and sprinkle it on the Ark of the Covenant. I AM still as I sense its power and majesty coming towards me. I see that this ark is made differently in that it is made of shittum wood and overlaid with gold. This speaks of my acceptance here as a mortal man on earth… Heaven and Earth joined together. I understand that in the false image it is taught that heaven is far above… Now I know what Jesus said in his prayer… “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”….


I look inside the Ark and in the middle I see the stones that Moses received on the mountain containing the Law. I remember what Jesus did as he destroyed the old and created a New Covenant. It is the law written on my mind and heart…. I AM still and receive its power and anointing… I Affirm… “I AM”…. This New Covenant law totally contained in “a new commandment I give to you that you love one another as I have loved you…” after all this meditation and now such a simple final awareness… “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your mind and love your neighbor as your self”…I receive this simple yet so deep reality in my mind and heart. I see here the lack of judgments, no coals have been taken here….only the oil and the blood…I open my heart to this perfect unconditional love for God and for all humans everywhere. Here there is no place for separations and religions…. just love……… It is God’s love in men. I Affirm… “I AM.” I let go of my own judgmental mind and receive His Love Mind.


I look to the left and see the fresh manna. Each day they were given new manna and were told not to store any for a second day. It speaks of the Now, this moment hearing God and eating as Jesus did… “I live by every word which proceeds from the Father.” Just as Jesus would disappear to be alone on Earth, so here this moment, I eat of this same manna.


I look to the right side of the arc and see the budding rod of Aaron the High Priest. It is the same rod I have been carrying and it is a picture of the tree of life being the source of authority on earth once again. In the meditation, this paradise of God is re- instituted on earth in us. The Kingdom of God is within us! I hold the rod as it buds with new life symbolic of life out of death, the rising of Jesus and me rising in Jesus into the heavenly places on earth. I AM still. I Affirm, “I AM that, I AM”…. I AM home.



I look up above the Arc of the Covenant and on top of it, as its lid, is a seat. The Solid gold seat has two Cherubim’s/angels made of gold, one on each side of the seat. I take the blood and the oil and sprinkle the seat. I see this same blood and oil on me and I am still to receive the mystery of the Mercy Seat. I Affirm, “I AM that I AM.”


I see the two Cherubim and remember the two Angels who stand guard at the Garden of Eden not allowing man to reenter. These are the same two angels… I remember that the Garden of Eden had its gate facing east…. this tabernacle pattern is a picture of Eden as well as its entry gates also face east. I see the two gold Cherubim’s come to life as they welcome me to be seated. I turn and sit on the Mercy seat in Jesus…it is written… I will be seated in the Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Heaven is your throne, the earth your footstool, sit with me until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.


Jesus final prayer is remembered In John 17... “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; 21 that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. 22 And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: 23 I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me. 24 Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world. 25 O righteous Father! The world has not known You, but I have known You; and these have known that You sent Me. 26 And I have declared to them Your name, and will declare it, that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them.”


As I AM still and seated I begin to sense this heavenly place come alive in me. These two cherubim represent my two personal guardian angels assigned to me on earth. I have seen and sensed them, as they are two who have known and loved me on earth and fell asleep to enter this heavenly realm. You will see the faces of your assigned guardian angels as you daily meditate here. The two angels assist me as I meditate in the heavenly realm. I sense the worship, the music, the perfect harmony of the voices, I see new aspects of this realm as each meditation is experienced. I worship the Father as I sit in Jesus on this mercy seat. I begin to understand His mercy here… His heart to all Men… there is no reasoning here about who will make it to heaven… Jesus died for All men and this pattern is written on every man everywhere. Jesus paid the final price and his blood is our passport…. our right of passage… and it is finished…! We are home…


I can continue here in meditation and affirmations as each one of us experience the very personalized wonderful relationship that is unique to each spirit. During the day and when we can’t be meditating, we can remain in the Rest… this dwelling place by using our breath and affirmations to bring us into this spiritual heaven on Earth.





This meditation has taken me to the very same realm I was taken to in 2004 during bypass surgery when I had the gift of an out of body near death experience. When I entered through the veil the first time in this meditation, I recognized it and I know that we all will live here and learn about our dwelling place in the heaven on earth.


I believe every man regardless of religion, race or creed can experience this meditation. It is the pattern given on the mountain by God to lead every man and women out of the wilderness and into the promise to restore Eden on earth. This is not a religion and the meditation is not a doctrine, a set of rules or rigid. One may use it as ones spirit gives freedom to do so. Enjoy.


It is written: “One thing have I desired of the Lord and that will I seek after, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. To behold the beauty of the Lord and to meditate in His Temple.”