Call Forth That Which is Not...
                                                      part 4
We've been looking at "THINKING AS FATHER THINKS". This will probably be the last part, on this "thinking" and we will move on to "SEEING AS FATHER SEES"; if this is how Father leads. So, I want us to look at the thoughts of Father. As I said before, we cannot think as Him, if we don't know that we are ONE with Him.
Genesis tells us that "we are created in His Image", which tells me that it was Father's intent for us to SHOW FORTH, HIM. He is to function out of the flesh that the world has come to believe is "us". But, as WE KNOW, we are not these bodies, we are what dwells in these bodies. We are Spirit Beings living in a flesh body. This is how Father is seen; this life that we've called "OURS" is actually HIS LIFE. We are expressions of Him and each of us are a different expression, but, we and He are ONE.
As we read in Genesis how Father created all things, with spoken words, that began as thoughts in Him. First, the thoughts, then the speaking of those thoughts, calling forth that which was not, into being. Since we are His Image, we are to do the same thing. Now, this calling forth that I am speaking of, is the changing or renewing of our minds. NO WHWERE, in the bible are we told that we are going to be given, by Father, a new mind. It tells US to renew the one we have. I want us to look at a few things that we are told:
1) Renew your mind........Eph. 4:22-24, Roman 12:1-2, Col 3:10-12
Does this read, "I will renew your mind"? or Does it say "I will give you a new mind"? No it doesn't. It says, "renew your mind" or in other words, "YOU renew YOUR mind". Also, does it read, "I, God will put off of you concerning the old man"? Or does it read, "I, God, will renew your mind"? And does it read, "I, God, will put on the new man for you"? Actuallly, the answer to all three questions is, NO!! In fact, we are told for US to do all these things.
2) Purify yourself..........James 4:8, 1Peter 1:22, 1John 3:3
Does this read, "I, God, will cleanse your hands"? And does ti read, "I, God will purify your heart"? And does it read, "Seeing I have and will prify you souls..."? And does it read, " I will purify you"? The answer to all three questions, is NO! In each of these verses, WE are told to do these things.
3) Work out your own salvation..... Phil 2:12
Does this read, "I, God, will work out your own salvation"? No, this isn't how it reads. It tells US to work out our won salvation.
4) Call forth that which is not....Rom 4:17
God called forth all which was not. Are WE ONE WITH HIM? Yes, we are. I want to tell you, something. When you pass these words on to people, and they say, "WHO do you think you are, that makes you think you call do all of the above things?" Just tell them what Father says. "As He is, in this world, so am I". Also, explain to them that The VERY SPIRIT of God told you AND THEM, that WE HAVE ALL THAT HEIS. Not that we will get all that He has, but we RECEIVED HIS FULLNESS. (John 1:16) "Of his fullness, have we ALL receivED"
So, ask yourself one question: Do I believe what God says, or do I listen to these RELIGOUS people, who are STILL WAITING for God to do these things. Folks, people, religous people do not want to believe that we can do these things. They feel that we are believing things and taking glory away from Father, but, how can you take something away from YOURSELF? We aren't taking any glory from Father. We ARE His glory. We are Who and What He is. HE SAID THIS, I didn't. He said we are in His Image. The reason we haven't been manifesting Him, is because of one thing, UNBELIEF!!! We have been making a liar out of Him.
"He is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world." (1 John 2:2).
There are those who tell us that we sin daily. And yet what does HE SAY? Who are we going to believe? Him or these oh so all knowing men/women?
Honestly, do you care what others think of you? Is giving up all that He has placed in us, by living in us, worth what people think? Is working our your salvation, worth what People think WE can do? The ONLY THING that we should be concerned with, is having Him manifested FULLY through us. Caring not one ioda, what folks think of us.
Father is showing us all that is not of His character. It hits us right in the face, and then we are to take dominion of that thing. How? With our thoughts, that are actually HIS THOUGHTS. We will never SEE as He sees, until we think HIS THOUGHTS. And if we WAIT for Him to do the changing, we will not be changed in this lifetime. Because He brought us forth as He is.
It is up to thinking HIS THOUGHTS, that simplly removes the illusional thinking that we have been doing and produces those thoughts. Thinking those thoughts of His, and calling into being what we have THOUGHT was not. Folks, we have not changed from what He brought us forth as, it is the THINKING that changed. But, that thinking doesn't change Who and What we really are. ONE WITH HIM!
How did God create the heavens and the earth? He simply spoke it into existence. Not just the heaven and the earth that we see with our eyes, but OUR HEAVEN and OUR EARTH. When he saw, what we call DARKNESS or evil, He didn't fool with it; He didn't resist it, He simplly said, "Let there be light". And light shown out of the "darkness". You see, to Him, "Light and darkness are the same". We see Him in the light, but who do we see in the darkness? Oh, the devil of course. But do you know who the devil was? THOUGHTS, "fowls that fly through the heavens".OUR HEAVENS.
When we read all that He did, this is what WE are to do. It's HIS WILL for Himself to be seen through us, and to live His life, through us. We are not separated Beings. We are Who and What He is, and we are OF HIS VERY BEING. We are that same Holy Spirit that He is. His Substance is what we were forth as, and we can't be something different, because HE CAN NEVER CHANGE.
We must recognize that everything we can see today came out of the invisible world of spirit, and it is the same as it was, it's just that the illusional thinking has caused us to see it differently than that it is. And everything that we need is already there and available in the spirit world. Where does He say we are seated? In the Spirit realm. This Spirit realm is THOUGHTS. HIS THOUGHTS. Because where He is, so are we. We live, move and have our being IN HIM. People get really upset when I say, we are not human beings, even though we know that IN GOD we live and move and have our being. Can flesh and blood enter Father? No, it can't. It is our Spirit Being that enters Him. Do I care what others think? Absolutely NOT!! The only thing that is on my mind is being transformed BACK into the REALITY of my Father, not the reality that men claim or illusional thinking would have me to believe.
We ARE the Lamb's Book of Life and we are read daily. And within us, what do they read? Either belief in what Father says, or what we've been taught all of our lives, by religion. You see, religion thinks that we are robbing Father, by telling EXACTLY what and Who we are. But, what Father tells us is that we are RESTORING the SEEING OF HIM HERE ON EARTH, as it was intened.
What I am saying is that every one of us has the ability to do everything that Jesus did. But, UNTIL we belive it, it won't work. Belief is everything. I don't mean just SAYING "I BELIEVE". Because we are, and do, and manifest what we reallly believe. It's like when I was talking before, about being in school. WE must practice, believing. It may sound crazy, but, remember we DO HAVE HIS FULLNESS. The reason we haven't been manifesting our true Self, is because we haven't believed it. But, the time will come and HAS come for some of us, that we practiced believing and now it is manifesting. You may say, are you talking about mind over matter? YES I AM! The Mind of Christ that we HAVE over the matter of stuff we have been taught.
Do you know that there is no carnal mind? It's illusional thinking that makes us believe that there is. Are we not told, "YOU HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST"? And are we not told, "As a man THINKETH (believes) so is he"" Aren't we told, "Life and death is in the power of our tongue"? Well, do you believe it? You cannot look at who you have thought you are, a mere mortal, and be HIM. Because you are what you believe you are. IF you believe that you are just a human, that's what you will be. What is associated with humans? DEATH. What is associated with Spirit Beings? LIFE ETERNALLY.
Foks, this is easy to understand; we have made it hard, because we have believed what the illusional thinking. And the sooner we get it through us, that we are not going to receive a new mind, the sooner we will get busy CHANGING our thinking, to His truths.
We are even told HOW to renew our minds. THAT THOUGHTS CAPTIVE.
Let me ask a couple of questions.
1) When you are out driving, and you see a prostitute walking on the street, what comes to your mind? "Oh she's needs Father". Or, "Oh how terrible". So what do we do? Take that thought captive and replace it with a THOUGHT OF FATHER. "She is as much Father as I am, she just doesn't know it yet".
2) What thought comes to mind when you think of men who rape; kill; mame; Hitler; Sadam Husane? How evil they are? Well, take that thought captive and replace it with Father's THOUGHT; They are as much Father as I am, they just don't know it yet, but the time will come when they will know it". Father sees these people as He brought them forth OUT OF HIM. Hard to believe, isn't it? But this how we must see them too. The earth's judicial system will make them pay their penalty, but, WE must see them as Father sees them. Because He has brought forth in us, the KNOWING of Who and What all are, places a very important responsibility ON US!!
You may say, "Linda, you're crazy". But, as you begin taking thoughts captive, and replacing those thoughts with Father's thoughts, you will see how OPPOSITE the thoughts of Father are, from what we've grown use to thinking. Do you see sickness in your body? It's because we believe what doctors tell us, INSTEAD of what Father tells us. Don't call me crazy on this, go talk to Father. He tells us, "You are healed, you WERE healed". These are HIS WORDS. I do know that REALLY believing His words, does produce a manifestation. I won't go into it, but I have and am experiencing it. And so are others. Belief, taking it, eating it, letting it digest in you, and the OUTCOME is what you are believing.
Every thought that we have, produces what that thought is. People are thinking AND SAYING "all these things are coming upon us". You know what, they will. Belief does not operate, in TIME. We have to hold the sight of our thoughts NOW. Spirit has no time. ONLY BELIEF.
I have been talking to several people that are experiencing some things that they can't believe are coming out of them. What it is, is that we are being shown what is not of Father's charactor, for US to take dominion of those things and replace them with what HIS THOUGHTS say. It must be practiced. It must be thinking as He THINKS.
Some time ago, I judged someone and actually condemned. I thought, "WOW, where did that come from"? I didn't think that I had condemnation working in me. It was a shock to say the least. But, I DID NOT allow guilt to enter this situation. I just went about changing my thinking. I had to praise Father for allowing it show itself, in order to change my mind. Guilt has no place in the character of Father, any more than condemnation. When these things happen, this is our opportunity to bring forth the Mind of Christ.
"For the God of TRUTH has not given us the spirit of F-E-A-R but of power and of Love that will restore our true spiritual senses, giving us a sound mind."
Only the Mind of Christ can be a SOUND MIND. So that tells us that the mind we have been thinking with, has to be changed. It takes, taking captive thoughts, changing them to Father's thoughts, and then the manifestation appears. It becomes a habit of thinking as He thinks. We become addicted, like the house of Stephanas, that it is the firstfruits of Achaia to minister TRUTH (1Cor. 16:15) Our thinking is up to us. Our reaction shows forth our thinking. We have received all that we are going to receive from Father. We are NOW as He is. If we go by what our eyes tell us; or what illusional thinking will tell us, we'll never believe all that we are. We need to call forth the thoughts of Father, the way His thinking is. Remember what I said about being in school and having to prepare for a test? As we studied, and told ourselves the answers to the question, the correct answers became a part of us. And guess what. It is still with us. It's the same with Father's thinking to become a part of us. It's the mind.
"Be transformed, by the renewing of your mind". He even has given us instruction as to change our mind. And it's for sure that He didn't say, "I will change your mind; or give you a new mind". He also told us that what we THINK, we create with the spoken thoughts that we speak. Life or death.
"Casting down imaginations and every high thought that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ."
This is what we must do, in order to think Father's thoughts. If His word tells us that something is green, and our eyes tell us it is red; what are we to believe? What He tells us or what our eyes tell us? Of course, we will be looked upon as a percular person, but this He also told us.
In the next part we will begin the thinking of "seeing as Father sees".
to be continued.

It is understandable for a child to be afraid of the dark; but, why would an adult be afraid of the LIGHT?